Fuck the left. I mean, seriously. I never advocated violence or an insurgency, or any other violent or destructive act. In 2020 I watched Antifa and Black Lives Matter riot almost 300 different times in cities across the country. I not only never rioted, I never attended any rally or gathering that had any violence of any kind. But the Liberal leftist scumbags of Twitter purged me along with many, many other outspoken conservatives. See, being and outspoken conservative was deemed dangerous and harmful by a bunch of lunatic, leftist, scumbag, fascists in Silicone Valley.
Lemme tell you how I think they got me. There was a Mitt Romney parody account. And fake Mitt says (in a tweet), What would you like to say to me? Remember, it is NOT Mitt, it is a clearly labeled parody account. My reply was "Eat shit and die! LOL" The LOL was included. First I was suspended, I deleted the offending tweet, was reinstated, but in the purge I was subsequently permanently banned for it. Voices like mine, deemed dangerous by "who the fuck appointed you arbiters of speech" scumbags in California. The worst part is Twitter was the primary outlet for my blog posts. Secondary was Parler, but the lefties squashed Parler, too. But I digress. Maybe not, as Twitter is the left and that's what I'm ranting against.
I'm not just mad at Twitter and the left, though. I am truly struggling with my relationship with the GOP. The special election for two Senate seats in GA in January illustrates my difference with the GOP elite establishment perfectly. Their contention is that Trump caused those seats to be lost because he was contesting the results of the November election. Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP scumbag insiders would like you to believe that. Bullshit. Mitch threw the Senate majority to the Democrats by blocking Trump's $2000 stimulus in favor of $600. Even if I stipulate that the $2000 was a bad idea, and contrary to conservative principle, which I think it was, it was a loser politically. A total loser. And the funny thing is, by undermining Trump's desired $2000, he cost the seats, the Democrats won the majority and they're going to do $2000 anyway. Well, $1400, as we already got $600 of it. I blame Mitch for all that. Screw him.
Then, after the sham of a second impeachment, Mitch made comments which signaled to me he was trying to kill any future political aspirations Trump might have. I'm not completely sold on Trump 2024, but I am 100% sure I will NOT support GOP establishment 2024. Not a chance. I will no longer contribute to the RNC in any way. If I find a GOP candidate worthy of my financial support, I will either find a way to support him or her directly and cut the RNC out completely, or I won't contribute at all. If there's a chance one cent of my money will go to McConnell, Romney, etc., I'll keep it on my wallet. Fuck them.
One last thing in this first rant back from a short hiatus. President Joe Biden is a terrible president and was a really bad choice. He is a shell of his former self (whose policies I didn't like in his prime), controlled by special interests, foreign interests, and the power wielded by the leftist scum who control the Democratic Party in 2021.
OK. Got to go. I'm headed out to find a collection of Dr. Zeuss books for my granddaughter.