At Thorntons at Hurstbourne and I-64 in Louisville, yesterday. it was $4.29.9 for the cheap stuff.
A funny thing about gas prices and blaming or excusing President Biden's Administration's impact on gas prices. There is no doubt that geo-political events affect fuel prices. I never said they don't. And yes, supply and demand impacts prices. I never said either of those things didn't impact prices.
Joe Biden and his Administration came straight out of the gate shutting down pipelines, closing public lands to drilling, squeezing frackers, and in general putting a lid on US production. This didn't necessarily decrease supply, it simply shifted the same demand to places overseas, in particular to Russia. And now, whilst the left wants to blame Trump for our troubles with Russia and the problem in Ukraine, despite the fact that Russia annexed Crimea while Obama-Biden were in power, and waited until Biden-Harris were in power to invade Ukraine, somehow you contend that this geo-political mess is Trump's fault. Oh, brother!
Sorry, excuse makers. By letting Green Dealers drive his policies President Biden had a hand in U.S. production decreases AND his perceived weakness was surely a factor in the messy world situation at hand, either directly or indirectly. He owns a big chunk of this. He's your guy, you support his energy policies even as we're NOT ready for electric or super efficient gas vehicles on the grand scale that our transportation needs demand? Own it.