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Chief Justice Roberts tried to find reasonable, middle ground. But nobody is being reasonable,. |
Random thoughts on day to day life, mostly news and politics, but you name it.
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Chief Justice Roberts tried to find reasonable, middle ground. But nobody is being reasonable,. |
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What does Matty P think? |
I think Joe Biden is the worst President in US History. Had he governed to anywhere near his own positions that he held for most of his life, I likely wouldn't be of this opinion. But, no. Mr. Biden has allowed he's a terrible President, just terrible.
I saw a piece on Kamala Harris today that was recorded off the Tucker Carlson show last night. He had a Kamala Harris montage on there. I'm not sure she's a dunce, she made it through law school and stuff, but holy crap. She's like a space cowboy. And like Steve Miller said in the Space Cowboy, "Bet you weren't ready for that!" Nope. We are NOT ready for that.
January 6 hearings are a joke and a distraction. The Democrats are imploding in polls and at the polls across the country. November is looking worse for the Democrats than any election ever for a party in the majority in the House and the Senate. November will be brutal. But January 6th is all they've got. Why? Because if they give us more of the same incompetence that has them crashed in the polls it get worse for them, not better. So they're trying to 1) nullify Trump, and 2) change the subject from their own calamitous performance as the majority party.
Lefties: get lost on the woke bullshit. I'm sick and tired of the endless social justice stuff. I'm over it. That don't make me a bigot, a homophobe, or any phobe. It just means I really don't give a shit what color someone is or where they want to have sex and with who. Be a good person, that's all that matters to me. Stop forcing us to acknowledge shit that don't matter. Pride is fine. Now how about a little humility? Seeing a queer dude with boobs twerk in front of kids at a Pride Parade? Not just no. Fuck no. Assholes like that got plenty of pride. What they need is a little shame and humility. Show a little respect.
I don't watch network news. None: zero, zip, nada, not none, not any. I'll make an exception for a flood or a hurricane or an assassination or a war or something. But to hear a bunch of political hacks pretending to be journalists spin current events as per their silly echo chambers? Hell no.
$5.00 a gallon for gas, and pretending the choice in November 2020 had nothing to do with it? Stupidity.
I haven't seen 2000 Mules, but I know enough about it to say that the allegations fall into 3 categories: 1) stuff that has other, logical explanations than the ones D'Sousa brings forward. 2) Stuff that really happened but which the left thinks is perfectly ok but I don't. The ballot harvesting, collecting, etc. 3) Stuff that's dead wrong, mules going box to box to box stuffing them, which lefties know damned well was wrong and not only lie to say it's not wrong, but act like George Costanza on Seinfeld, feigning total perplexity and phony baffling. "Was that wrong? Really? I didn't think that was wrong? Did you? Wow. I can't believe you think someone did something wrong. It's not wrong to us, and it's been debunked, anyway."
I'm glad Roe V Wade is about to be overturned. Be reasonable in pushing for abortion rights, I might support you. Be unreasonable, which you absolutely have been, and fuggedaboutit. I'm out.
I'm glad to see RINOs and Trump impeachment "yes" voters thrown from office by an electorate that is fed up with Mitch and the rest of the establishment GOP scum.
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They decided to hold the hearings in prime time. |
Here are, in a few short sentences, the reasons I am NOT watching the Jan 6th hearings:
1. They're going to be absolutely biased and one sided. There will be no examination of the grievances of those involved in the riot. Were their concerns overblown? Perhaps. Were their concerns completely unfounded? Absolutely not. Will these hearings include a fair examination of those facts, to show that the election was NOT stolen? Hell no.
2. Adam Schiff is a part of it. Fuck him. Enough said.
3. I have already condemned the protests. January 6th was the wrong day for this. The preceding weekend would have been much better, but doing it when the Electoral College was set to meet was a mistake. It was obvious to me beforehand that nothing good would come from it. My criticism is on the record.
4. You know and I know it's purely a political stunt, intended to damage Trump. Period.
5. I knew there was widespread cheating in the 2020 election, but I haven't watched 2000 Mules, either.
6. I haven't forgotten the riots of the summer of 2020, where the White House and D.C. were threatened by riotous mobs, where police stations were occupied out west and a Federal Courthouse was put under siege by rioters. There are protesters interfering with the Supreme Court simultaneous to these hearings, showing up at their homes, doxxing them, and we just had a thwarted assassination attempt of a Justice of the US Supreme Court. Spare me the selective outrage and indignation.
7. I'm reading a biography of legendary Mets manager and recent Hall of Fame inductee the late, great Gil Hodges. It's time better spent. Much.