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Monday, January 22, 2024

Open Letter to Trump and Trump Supporters - 1/22/2024


A recipe for a 2024 loss is written by kooky kooks, I mean cooks like Laura Loomer.

This blog today is intended for the obnoxiously vocal Trump supporters on social media. Some not so random feedback you need to hear:

First of all, I didn't somehow become less patriotic, less of an American, less of a conservative because I preferred Governor DeSantis to Donald Trump in 2024. I've been called a RINO, a Democrat, ungrateful, and disloyal. Stop it. My votes don't belong to anyone but me. I happened to have thought, and still do think, that Ron DeSantis would have made a more effective President than Donald Trump was or will be, if elected. Read this carefully: I am entitled to my opinion, even if it's different from yours.

Moving on: would you stop attacking in celebratory victory dance, waving discarded DeSantis campaign signs and flipping the bird at all us "losers" who preferred DeSantis. What should you be doing instead? How about trying to get Trump elected? Because, you know, my biggest reason to support DeSantis was my fear of how the left will come together and unify to defeat him. Well, the shit you're doing, calling everyone that wasn't with you out as an enemy, it's not going to win in November.

He better fucking win, that's all I can say. I am not sure how we fare as a Republic after four more years of this leftist shit running the show. If Trump loses, AGAIN, it is on you. I don't see Trump doing anything different to win the swing voters who hate him. I don't see anything different to stop the election fraud and gamesmanship for last time.

I'm just saying, it's time for you folks to figure out who the enemy is and rally to fight them. Fighting me and everyone like me who dared to be disloyal isn't going to help Trump in November. It will do the exact opposite.

I should close by saying that I donated more to Trump in the last 8-1/2 years than the average five Trump supporters this combined. I rallied for him here in Florida. I voted for him in 2016 and in 2020. I have been a conservative since before many of the social media influences who are making these moronic pronouncements about DeSantis supporters were out of grade school. I have voted Republican since Reagan, even when my preferred candidate wasn't the nominee, many times to vote against the other side more so than for ours.

One last thing, and this is for Trump himself: Mr. President, you may think Laura Loomer is entertaining. Well, she's an asshole and she and "influencers" and "disrupters" like her will lose you the election with swing voters and undecideds. I realize she plays well to your core voters. Well, you already have their votes. Time to campaign for the one's you don't, and Laura and her kind will not get them for you. Nope. Not even a little. I know you won't listen, because you don't. I get that. I'm just tellin' ya.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Trump for President 2024 - 1/17/2024

The 2024 Republican Primary is over. It is at least over as a competitive, contested event.

My preferred candidate, Governor DeSantis, can't win. He won't win. The Trump base of support is large and it is NOT going to waver.

I support Trump for President. I would have preferred someone else, but it is not going to happen.

I oppose any Democrat, from Biden on down, who might oppose him. They're wrong on the border. They're wrong on energy. They're wrong on the economy. They're wrong on labor, falling straight in line with labor unions. They're wrong on Education. They're wrong on all the woke bullshit. They're wrong on race relations. They corrupted the 2020 election. They've corrupted the government agencies, using them as arms of the Democratic Party. They're wrong on judicial activism.

 I will donate to, support, and vote for Trump moving forward. He is highly imperfect. But I believe he loves this country and its people in ways that establishment elites and Democrats don't. I believe Democrats despise me and people like me. To hell with them. I support Trump.

To Trump's social media influencers and to all of you who parroted their contemptible bullshit at DeSantis and his supporters like me: f*** you f***ing f***ers.


Trump 2024


Thursday, January 4, 2024

Back to the Blog 1/4/2024

Hello friends. I've been away from here for a bit. The fall was a mixture of life's "stuff", not all of it good. But it's 2024. We're going to be electing a President at the end of this "2024 thing" that's just getting started. I decided to start the thing out with a few thoughts on a current topic or two. Maybe just some quick hitters will be a good start. You are more than welcome to comment. If there's something I touch on that you think is worth more in depth ranting, let me know. Maybe I'll rant about it.

On October 7th, Israel was viciously attacked by savage, inhuman and inhumane terrorists. The terrorists are pig scum evil vile savages who do not deserve to walk the earth alive. I fully support Israel pursuing Hamas (Hezbollah, etc.) and eliminating them totally from the face of the earth. All of them. Dead and gone. I support it. "Wah wah wah... but the Palestinians... wah wah wah." The fucking Palestinians elected these scumbags as their government. They fucked up. You don't want to get killed in the crossfire while the Israelis kill all of Hamas? Ask bordering Islamic countries why they won't take in the Palestinians.

The Biden Administration is suing the State of Texas for trying to close the border. The Adams Administration in New York, a goddamned sanctuary city, is suing bus companies that have the audacity to give illegal immigrants a ride to the sanctuary. The Mayor of Chicago says the immigration problem is being exacerbated by Texas Governor Abbott, who has the audacity to share Texas' pain and misfortune by shipping immigrants north to states who supported Biden, who is largely to blame for the magnitude of the problem we face today. Yes, yeah, yeah. We need immigrants. We don't need this bullshit. You think it's just dandy? Well, you sir, you're a fucking moron. You're an absolute un-American moron.

On DEI, DEI is one of, if not the most un-American, anti-excellence initiative ever. I will limit my objection here to the "E", which stands for equity. If the "E" stood for equality or equal opportunity, I would support it. Everyone deserves a fair shot. Some people (of multiple races) may be economically or socially disadvantaged, and society should absolutely and without a doubt give then a hand up. But the equity concept isn't about giving anyone a hand up to enable them to seize opportunity. It is about ensuring everyone achieves equal outcomes. It is fucking socialist, communist nonsense. It is anti-American... it eliminates what was once (and still ought to be looked on with reverence), Horatio Alger's American Dream. No. Now, if you dream. You sacrifice. You strive. You compromise. You labor. You strive. You achieve. You are the problem. Someone else who has but one lousy excuse who didn't do all those things you did, if they don't have the same outcome you do? It was unfair. Equity eliminates all the American Dreamer's reasons for success because it's not fair to people who don't believe in making their own success. Fuck that. Fuck equity. I will never support it. Fuck you Communist fucks.

The worst President in my lifetime, Joe Biden. Biden was elected NOT on merit, but simply for NOT being Donald Trump. Newsflash: he ain't Donald Trump, no worries. He is a sock puppet of the left who only stays in public till his cognitive impairment meds show signs of wearing off. Then they put him away until he can tolerate another dose. He is running on "not being Donald Trump" again in 2024, and it may work.


Joe Biden is the worst President of my lifetime. He is a puppet. You Democrats don't care because you know behind the curtain some near commie, racist, social justice warrior is pulling the strings and you're hoping America as we know it is destroyed so the socialist nirvana butterfly formerly called the USA can emerge from it's evil patriarchal, racist, cocoon and take flight so we can be more like Venezuela, Cuba, and China.

I'll now go back to my regular Italian language practice or reading a Joe Pickett book.