It looks like the Communist Chinese have given us a gift that will keep on giving. We are stuck with the CCP Virus and it's mutations, and not just for a little while, but forever. It's going to be here forever. This morning I'm going to talk about that, and I'm going to be very blunt. Tune out now if that's not your style, okay? F-bombs will be dropped.
First off, the virus isn't a hoax. It's real, way too real, really. So I'm not a denier. I'm not a zealot either way. I've taken precautions, like most people have. I haven't taken those precautions as far as I know some of you have. Neither have I been nearly as cavalier about it as some of you have been. I got the shots (Moderna) and I got the booster, too. I wore a mask every single time it was required and sometimes when it wasn't. Before I go on, let me say that I have NEVER had much confidence in the mask. And I was disappointed when I learned that the vaccines don't prevent you from catching or spreading CCP Virus. But I do believe that if I am infected, that I am better off having had the shots than not. My opinion. I'm not telling you you're wrong, even if you are. I'm not saying I'm right, because I know that maybe I'm not. My choice.
I take Zinc, extra Vitamin D and extra Vitamin C every morning. I check my temperature and my blood oxygen level every morning, too. Right now I'm at 98.7ยบ and my blood oxygen is 98%. Mostly due to my wife's urging, I sanitize my hands after I get in the car after eating or shopping, getting gas, etc.
I practiced plenty of social distancing and hand washing and for a time I cut back on eating out, shopping, etc., too. I didn't cut either of those things out completely, but for several months I did cut way back. I know people are still catching the virus, and that I might, too, but I am for the most part done with limiting my shopping or dining out because of a virus which is a) no longer a pandemic, b) for which I am vaccinated, and c) for which there are many treatments and many medical lessons learned as to how to treat it available now that weren't months or a year ago.
I have mild COPD. twice last week in a "walking through the airport" type situation, where masks are required 24/7, I had difficulty breathing through my mask, a real shortness of breath. Gasping. I remember exactly what I was thinking the second time: "Fuck this stupid fucking mask it ain't even a fucking pandemic anymore and this stupid useless fucking mask is strangling me!"
It was a one-two punch thing for me that precipitated writing this ranting piece. Walking through the airport gasping in my mask was part one, The second was finding out on Friday (I think it was Friday) that the CDC has finally admitted that it doesn't have any data to show even one single case of a person with naturally acquired immunity, i.e. a CCP Virus survivor, transmitting the virus to someone else. Not that it has never happened, but rather that they simply don't know because they haven't collected any data on it. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. No interest in it at all. These are the same motherfuckers who are pushing vaccine mandates. They can go fuck themselves.
These are the same motherfuckers who have consistently poo poo-ed any drug that might help fight the virus if that drug is out of patent. Why? Because their big pharma masters won't make any money on out of patent drug treatments that are available to us cheap and over the counter.
It's time, friends. It's probably way past time, but suffice it to say, it's time. What time is it? It's time for mandates and restrictions to move into the realm of personal choice. It is time for us all to take personal responsibility and for the government, total slaves to their big pharma PAC money handouts and the influence of corporate greed, to stop with the fucking mandates and restrictions and pull back to making recommendations. I may follow those recommendations, but I will rankle and speak up against mandates. The fucking scientists who you overstepping pricks want me to follow are in lock step with corporate big pharma, slaves to big pharma dollars, and aren't even looking at natural immunity. So I say fuck 'em.
We have gone from 15 days to flatten the curve all the way to now imposing restrictions and mandates in a very flawed effort to totally eliminate a virus they are simply NEVER going to eliminate. We are threatening companies and worker's jobs if they won't get a vaccine even if they have survived the virus and have natural immunity. And the pandemic meanwhile is over. It's over. What we're in now is the ebb and flow of living with this virus forever. That means an endless string of virus variants will come and go. There will be peaks, valleys, spikes, and periods of relative stability. But in the big scheme of things, it ain't going nowhere.
You think the vaccine, or one of the vaccines is right for you and your family? Get it. I did. I would again.
A booster is right for you? Me too. I got it. But when and where will boostering end? I'm not going to get a shot every 3, 4 or 6 month for the rest of my life. Big pharma would love that. $$$$$!!!! Fuck them.
You think cutting back on your shopping trips and visiting restaurants will reduce your chances of getting the virus? Cut back, by all means.
You believe wearing a mask will protect you? Wear it. I will decide if it's right for me. Or at least I should. Unfortunately, there are still many of you pushing your government to overstep and intrude into my life and my personal decisions. Fuck you for that. Hospitals, dentists, doctor's offices require a mask? I'm okay with it, I don't know that I am a threat to anyone's health, but I'm okay in that situation.
You own a restaurant or store and you want me to wear a mask to shop there? I'll respect that IF I decide that you're selling something I need or want badly enough to put the thing on. But know that there are times I simply won't frequent your business if the mask requirement was your idea. I'll give you a break if your state, local, or our federal government require you to do so. But if it's your idea, I think that's your prerogative. You will be less likely to see me if that's the case.
You have a compromised immune system or other health issues that put you at high risk and you have to tread very carefully as we move forward living with this virus among us in perpetuity? I respect that and if you want me to wear a mask when we visit, or to reduce our interactions, or to plan them in a way that is safe for you and works to ensure your safety? I absolutely will do that. Why? We're either friends, family, co-workers, or something. Even if you're a shopkeeper, if you have high risk factors, AND you make that known, I will wear a mask or whatever when I come in. But if you're just a fearful scared person with no health issues or other high risk situations and you want to tell me how I need to carry on with my life as we move forward? You can go fuck yourself.
You own a store and you want to see my vaccination card so I can shop there? You can go fuck yourself, twice.
Look. It's time. It's time we each own our own health and our family's health. This shit is no joke. It can make you really sick. It makes some people really, really sick. It has killed people who I know personally. But it's time to get the government out of my life. It's time to end the divide between maskers and anti-maskers, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers and to respect each other's choices. It's time for personal responsibility and for people to mind their fucking business otherwise.