“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history,”- President Joe Biden.
Make America Great Again |
If what MAGA means to me makes me an extremist, for real, then I'm proud and guilty as charged. Before I get into what being MAGA means to me, a commentary on President Biden's remark, quoted above, and on the puppeteers who make the Biden puppet walk (barely) and talk (even less effectively).
When former Senator, Secretary of State, First Lady, two-time loser, and corrupt career criminal Hillary Rodham Clinton called us names in 2016, it was divisive. You knew it, I knew it, everyone knew it. Many felt President Trump, with his bombastic and totally unfiltered proclamations and his sometimes warranted other times unwarranted personal attacks was divisive. Candidate Joe Biden was purported to be a unifier, someone to help "heal the nation" in the wake of all the divisiveness. But owing to his extreme weakness, mental and political, he has allowed the radical left and it's vocal element to steer him into the same divisive pattern that he was supposedly going to heal us from. Instead of healing we are getting failed initiatives, bad policy, we sit at he precipice of a new world war, we have runaway illegal immigration, runaway inflation, investments crashing, and rhetoric that calls 75,000,000 people like myself the most extreme political organization (it's not an organization, President Dipshit, it's a movement) in recent American history. Unifier? My ass.
So, if not an extremist organization, what does MAGA mean to me?
It means first and foremost, putting America first. That means our best interests trump (no pun intended) foreign interests. America first. You can call the US President the leader of the free world, but that's only true if the USA is clearly the greatest Republic: ideally, economically, and militarily, in the free world.
It means a soaring economy, with GDP, trade, wages, jobs, and all other measures of economic success, including the stock market for us investors and retirees. A soaring economy helps women and minorities more than ANY social program the left could ever conjure. And I mean ANY. This is how you help women, Blacks, Hispanics, women, LGTBQs, and everyone else. With a robust economy, a roaring job market, rising investments, etc. The cliche that "a rising tide raises all boats in the harbor" is very apropos in this regard. This is the opposite of the left looking to punish successful business, punish individual success as somehow unfair (privilege), and stifle free markets with all kinds of gimmicks intended to make things more fair and equitable.
It means being proud and unashamed, unapologetic and unabashed about loving my country. I know our history is fraught with imperfections. Yeah, there were slaves, and yeah, women were second class citizens. Native Americans, the "Indians", were looked on as savages and little more than animals by some. But a war was fought, many thousands died, and slaves were liberated. Women were emancipated. Native Americans have equal standing as citizens. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 tried to address many inequalities that were common in our country. Barack Obama was elected and re-elected the 44th President of the United States. Opportunity is there for all who seize it. I love our country and I am proud of the things we have done to overcome our imperfect past, and although we still have imperfections, I trust we will also continue to evolve as a nation. Self-loathing and self-hate are not a path to anything productive, beneficial, or good. Pride and ambitiousness are the path to future greatness. I truly believe many on the left loathe our country for its history, and I was drawn to Trump more because of his obvious love for and pride in America than any other single characteristic. It was refreshing to hear someone who loves us and our country.
It means pride in our military, police, firemen, border agents, astronauts, our inventors, our entrepreneurs, our scientists, doctors, nurses, pilots, farmers, steel workers, restaurateurs with their cooks, waiters, and dishwashers, highway pavers, package handlers, warehouse workers, teachers, students, athletes, entertainers, and stars of stage and screen. It means pride in our diversity and pride especially in achievements that overcome presupposed limitations.
It is an understanding that the law abiding, hard working, seemingly nondescript Americans of every color, religion, occupation, and walk of life, the ones you don't know but who you are proud to be counted with, are who we are.
MAGA is nothing to me but pride and a desire for the United States to not only remain the greatest nation in the free world, but to soar to even more greatness. But, hey, if you think it's something else, that I'm someone else, enjoy yourself and hate me for working a lifetime, saving, serving in the Marines, raising my family, staying with the wife I love, and wanting even more of the life I am proud of for ALL Americans who come after me. You can follow your weak blundering, failing, weak, senile, weak, divisive, weak, puppet pit us against one another. I want more, I want something better. I want greatness, strength, and success. I want to see ALL the boats in our harbors rise. I want MAGA.
Parting note: I'd be very happy if someone other than President Trump was to take the helm of MAGA and lead us forward in 2024 and beyond, Florida's Governor DeSantis, for example, but I suspect Trump will be the nominee. If MAGA means Trump in 2024, so be it, because I'm not down for more if this Biden/Democrats self-loathing nonsense. No way, no how.