The New TDS Wack-O-Meter:
You may be a wacko, infected by the leftist virus, TDS, the full name of which is Trump Derangement Syndrome. This simple test will help you determine if your dislike of or distrust of President Donald J Trump is healthy and normal, or if you are a fully deranged left wing wacko, beyond help or reason.
Take the following true/false test. Give yourself the number of points in parenthesis for each question for which you answer: "true":
1. Donald Trump colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential race vs. Hillary Clinton, true or false? (2)
2. Donald Trump paid a Russian Hooker to pee on a bed that had been slept in by a former US President of a rival party, true or false? (3)
3. Donald Trump called a report about Russians paying bounties on US Soldiers to the Taliban fake news. Donald Trump was lying when he did so to protect his fragile ego, true or false? (2)
4. Donald Trump called Neo-Nazis "fine people", true or false? (2)
5. Donald Trump advised peopleat to drink bleach to fight Covid, true or false? (3)
6. Donald Trump cleared protesters with tear gas so he could stage a bible photo op, true or false? (2)
7. The Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation, true or false? (4)
8. The election in 2020 was fair and untainted, as no court found evidence of major fraud, true or false? (2)
9. January 6th was an insurrection to overthrow the government of the USA, true or false? (3)
10. Donald Trump was so angry on January 6th that he attempted to forcibly take the wheel of the Presidential limo known as "the beast" to take it to the Capitol, true or false? (2)
0... It's great you're a Trump supporter. He's not as perfect or infallible as you seem to think. I do commend you for not watching CNN or MSNBC, though.
2-5 points... You are a skeptic, but your skepticism is in a reasonably healthy range. We should all maintain a healthy skepticism of our leadership, regardless of personality or party.
6-10 points... You have mild TDS. You might consider doing some of your own fact checking rather than taking what you read from the NY Times, Washington Post, or hear on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, or ABC as factual and accurate. Ask yourself if your favorite sources of news information are impartial and just as critical of candidates and politicians from the left as they are of Trump and the right.
11-15 points... You are fully infected with TDS. You are closed minded and simple. If you discovered evidence that provided incontrovertible proof of corruption on the left or Trump innocence of any allegation, you would hide it for what you think are the country's best interests. You are beyond help.
16-25 points... You not only have severe TDS, you are a wack-a-doodle-doo fucking moron of epic proportions. You may not hear people talking about how stupid you are, but I promise you, they do. A lot! Ask your parents how much they had to donate to your high school to get them to issue you a diploma. There are reasons why you didn't get that job you wanted or the promotion that you sought. To save your dumb ass the trouble of trying to figure it out, let me tell you plainly: you're really, really stupid, and you're a gullible follower totally incapable of taking on more responsibility or of taking a leadership role in any organization except the Democratic Party. But don't get too excited about that. The Democratic Party doesn't really care for you either, they just like to amass large numbers of really dumb motherfuckers like you for their own power and gain. They know you're too lazy to think independently or critically, and that you're dumb enough to take one for the team while they laugh behind your back.