Let me start with this: I do not think Donald J. Trump is infallible, perfect, above the law, or incapable of wrongdoing, mistake, or misjudgement. He has a massive ego, he always has to get in the last word, he feels compelled to respond to insults and slights in kind, and far too often when he could make a point clearly and definitively, he instead takes a low road that undermines what might otherwise be an effective and relevant case or argument. Yeah, he's an asshole. But at least a part of his brusque and bellicose natural tendency is badly needed in our country right. It was in 2016, 2020, and still is headed into 2024.
See, Republicans and Democrats alike are mostly corrupt. I'm sure there are exceptions who are on the up and up from both parties, but both parties are owned and controlled by special interests, often foreign who do NOT have the United States' best interests, nor the American people's best interests at heart. In order to remain in control and in power, these politicians and special interests have discovered the best way to keep their stranglehold on Washington is to keep us divided and at each other's throats. Behind the curtain, though, away from our prying eyes, both left and right are getting rich at the hand of the same special interests.
Trump threatens all of that. He is no doubt a highly imperfect vessel, I conceded that here at the outset. You can't convince me he doesn't love our country and love our people. He was a billionaire before he was President, and as such was nearly impervious to the power and influence of the special interests who own enough of the other politicians in Washington to have a firm grasp on the throttles of power and control.
I have felt a simmering loathing deep in me for the left. Most of what they put forward seems to me to be either illogical, immoral, impractical, or a combination of two or all three of those. Granted, I can often see an underlying good intention, but the road to hell is so paved, as the cliche says. You can name any of the debated issues of our time, and if we disagree about it, chances are it is one of those three characteristics where our opinions will differ. A healthy dialogue about any one of these issues, under those three lenses, would help us to narrow our misunderstanding and maybe find small areas of agreement we could build on. I can't find much healthy dialogue, free from insult, innuendo, slander, or dishonesty. So lacking meaningful dialogue, and seething at those insults, innuendos, and slanders, I wind up deep in an echo chamber, where my own thoughts, even where moderate, aren't ingested for comprehension and mutual understanding, but rather become just a stepping stone to some further and further place. As positions migrate further and further, these here going this-away, those there going that-away, the divide gets continually wider and deeper. As I read and hear the stuff from the left as it migrates further and further, and as it is delivered in the form of insult, innuendo, and slander, I seethe. I loathe. I despise. It is hard not to respond in kind. Very.
We simply don't know how to talk to each other anymore. Trump's appeal? He calls the bullshit as he sees it. Does he go too far? Probably so. No, definitely so. But as I am bombarded with insult, innuendo, and slander, only Donald Trump steps up on my behalf. This is what I think my friends on the left don't understand. Look at the shit Hillary Clinton said about me/us in 2016. We were "deplorable". We were racist, homophobes, zenophobes, on and on and on. Not only did I not hear ANY, not one, not ANY of my friends on the left object to her doing so, instead you cheered her on. Yeah, you did. As outspoken and vocal as I am, only one person, my nephew, asked my to explain why I supported him. Everyone else assumed, presumed, and bought off on the inflammatory leftist stereotyping and insults. At the same time I saw many of my friends on the right do likewise to the left. So the divide deepens. It widens.
For the record, I have never stopped wanting to understand my friends on the left. That doesn't mean we, having mutual understanding, would agree. It'd be less divisive than buying off on political propaganda and assumptive stereotypes. Show me why you think my position is illogical, immoral, or impractical. Find a way to do that without calling me stupid, evil, brainwashed, or dishonest. If you can't, then scroll on. You're not worth talking to anyway.