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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Where We Go From Here - Republicans (fourth and last in a series) - 12/4/2024

Hey, you dysfunctional Republicans: get your shit together!

So you won. Now comes the hard part. What are you going to do to make even more Americans than the ones who voted for and supported Trump and the Republicans this past November think the election benefited them? Was better for our country? If they had it to do over, they'd have voted Trump/ Republican, too? Winning is hard, but it is a beginning. The really hard stuff comes after the winning.

1) I see lots of talk of jettisoning non-MAGA incumbent Republicans in Primaries. It seems like a great idea, right up until the person you replace them with has to win in that state or congressional district. If those incumbents are RINOs, is it because the state is purple and the only path to election there is a more moderate, Democrat-lite kind of Republican. If so, the outcome is liable to be a Democrat-heavy candidate winning against your chosen replacement. Maybe you were better off with the RINO? I think the GOP need to put more effort into expanding the reach of the Republican party, not to shrink it through purification.

2) Keep promises. This begins with deportation. Be methodical and systematic with our deportation strategy. Deportation of millions will take years, maybe a decade. And it will cost a lot of money. Put ALL the effort into deporting all illegal immigrants who already have been screened and for whom deportations orders are already in place. Add in those who commit violent, drug, and other serious crimes, gang members, or serial criminals since they got here. Lastly, all the known criminals for crimes in their country of origin. Put 100% of the effort into these groups for the foreseeable future before even considering deporting anyone else.

3) Give Scott Presler an important role in organizing the GOP ground game for 2026 and 2028 on a national scale. Many of the existing local GOP organizations are a bunch of old farts who want to win future elections with past strategies. Voter registration, voter turnout, and ballot harvesting better than the Democrats is what it will take to beat the Democrats. Scott Presler can train the GOP ground army. Let him. Find 49 or more additional Scott Preslers, so there's at least one in every state.

4) Find ways to make minorities know the GOP is THEIR PARTY and is there for them. This means engaging minorities. Listening to them. Working WITH them to address the issues that matter to them. Don't be like damned Democrats who presume to know better and to know what's best for minorities, then keep them on a treadmill that goes nowhere, election cycle, after election cycle, after election cycle. You may find some of the concerns and issues minorities have are different for yours or traditional GOP constituent issues. Those issues and concerns are as important, or perhaps even more so, than your own are. If the engagement is sincere and productive, some of the minorities may find they have more in common with us than they would otherwise have thought, but were told by Democrats and the Democrat propaganda media it wasn't so. Prove those Democrats and propagandists wrong by our deeds, not just by us using the kind of empty words Democrats have placated and pacified them with for decades. Actions speak louder.

5) Continue to use and expand on non-traditional media: podcasts, live streams, social media, X-spaces, etc. Legacy media is a dishonest, government and Democrat propaganda operation and will bring NO new voters to the GOP. Let the Democrats have it. They can circle-jerk on CNN and in the lying NY Times all day and all night, telling each other how fabulous they are and singing Kumbaya, each with their hands busy in their nearest neighbor's pants. We've already abandoned trust in legacy print, broadcast, and cable sources, why throw them a lifeline?

6) Focus on enabling business to create jobs and to create an environment where hard workers from all walks of life can amass substantial wealth. People with good jobs making good money will remember who enabled them.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Where Do We Go From Here - Democrats (third in a series) - 12/3/2024

Here's some unsolicited advice for the Democratic Party and Democrat leadership in the wake of Trump's stunning return to the White House:

1) Stop letting Trump and Trumpism define your party's identity. "Who are you?" "We're not Trump! We're not like Trump! We resist Trump!" What I hear is you're nobody. You're nothingness. You're emptiness. Resistance ain't existence. "Whatever he's for, we're against, and what he's against, we're for." That's meaningless, empty nonsense.

2) Intersectionality has driven you further and further left, so much so that you're calling what used to be the center "extreme" and "far right." Get a goddamned moral compass instead of throwing your compass away every time some small faction within your ranks shrieks that where your compass points makes them sad, or makes them feel or look bad. Move rightward toward the center or prepare for eternal obscurity.

3) Identity politics, DEI, and really stupid economic policies lost you the working class. You probably disagree because some douchebag propagandist on TV told you it ain't so, but it is.

Edison Police evicted this lawyer from an Edison City Council Meeting. He had the audacity to defy their new rule banning the display of the U.S. flag. Put another way: Tell me you're un-American pieces of shit without telling me you're un-American pieces of shit. Thank you. Yes, you are un-American pieces of shit.
4) I know "America First" belongs to that other guy who you hate, but the shit your leaders say and do says y'all hate America, hate what it was and hate what it is. Find a way to be sincere and love our country. You realize what an indictment it is of your party that when we see a flag flying proudly and instantly know it's one of us and not one of you. You disagree? The fucking city of Edison, NJ has banned display of the U.S. flag at city council meetings. Do you know how fucked up that is to have elected Democrats think that banning the American flag is the right thing to do.

5) Find leaders who want my vote and the votes of people like me. Quit with the vilification of all of us who disagree with you guys, and listen to us and our concerns. You need new leaders. Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jefferies, the squad, Pelosi, Swalwell, and Schiff from California will keep us divided and at each other's throats.

6) Quit with the un-American bullshit of stacking the Supreme Court, eliminating the Electoral College, and all the rest.

7) To the rank and file Democrats who may see this, the one thing I advise more than any other thing? Change the fucking channel. The lying propagandists you salivate over daily are in large measure what got us here. Change the fucking channel. Please. The shit you're watching and listening to is the problem.

I know you won't listen to any of this, but somebody had to say it.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Top Reasons Why Harris Lost (second in a series) - 11/29/2024

Of course, Trump doesn't win if Harris doesn't lose. Looking at the loss in isolation, as much as possible, why did she lose? Could she have won? I don't know. Why she lost though:

1) The Democratic Party's policies have gotten to be whack-job left over the last few years. The economy and immigration are the practical issues they needed to adjust course on, but on social issues, they've gone kucoo kucoo. Un-correctable. I won't recount them here, but they have gone too far left on every damned issue. They disconnected themselves from everyday, average American people (of every race and every ethnicity).

2) The Democratic Party's nominee was, is, and will always be a far left politician. She demonstrated an inability to articulate and sell a more moderate agenda. Why? Because it's not who she is. Kamala Harris is looney left.

3) The Democratic Party's nominee, Kamala Harris, is NOT intellectually up to the job of President. She hasn't got the work ethic required, either. She's not articulate enough. She can't think on her feet well enough. At no point in her lifetime was there, or will there ever be a time when she's got what it takes to be a President of the United States.

4) Joe Biden should have dropped out sooner, sometime in 2023, setting the stage for a genuine Democratic Party Primary. He didn't.

5) Kamala ran a horrifically bad campaign. What were they good at? Pissing away a billion plus in donor money. Pretty much nothing else. As a bit of an aside, it sounded to me like she was drunk... a lot. She was a historically bad candidate and she ran an equally bad campaign.

"Tee minny tee-queelas?"

6) Lawfare. Democrats bet the house on destroying Trump, running a bunch of absurdly convoluted scams to break him criminally, legally, financially, and politically. They failed. There was a backlash in the form of support for Trump.

7) The left's echo chamber lied to all Democrats: Democrats in office and Democrats watching at home on TV. They lie day after day, after day, ad nauseam. CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NY Times, Axios, Vox, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, and NPR. They lie. So much so that Democrats who live in their echo chamber of lies believed what they were told. Like all of it, even polls that intentionally misled them about the state of the race.

7a) The echo chamber that is legacy media is dying. Along with the government bureaucracy at the federal, state, and local level, and most of leftist infested academia at every level, but especially in our universities, there a a nearly complete disconnect with the rest of us (who are not on the left). Rather than engage us to understand why, we are dismissed as uninformed, misinformed, misguided, uneducated fools.

8) They played ONLY to their base. Picking up on the dismissal and disengagement in the preceding (7a), it is worth noting that it never dawned on me, not even once, that Biden or Harris wanted my vote or the votes of people like me. Instead, they tried to conjure opposition votes by vilifying us. What was our reaction? "Fuck me? NO. Fuck you!" I guarantee you, I am not the only one who was repulsed by the way we were carried on about, nor was I the only one who responded that way. Point me to even one appeal by either Biden or Harris in 2023 or 2024 to enlist my interest in their candidacy or agenda. Didn't happen. Instead, I was given fascist treatment. Yeah, I was. "Fuck me? NO. Fuck you!"

9) A bullet grazed Trump's ear, and Trump jumped up bleeding, pumped his fist and said, "Fight, fight, fight!" Democrats, Biden, Harris... they had NOTHING to answer that. Hoping we would forget it was never going to work.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Top Reasons Trump Won (first in a series) - 11/29/2024

The election is several weeks past now. Except in Commie-fornia, of course, where the counting of mail in ballots will continue until the maximum number of election results are overturned. But, Commie-fornia's cheating aside, it's time to look at the election and reflect on why Trump won and Harris lost.

In case you hadn't heard, Donald Trump won the 2024 Presidential Election.
Trump won because:

1) Despite every Democrat and press attempt at demonization, vilification, and demagoguery, people knew we were better off under Trump than under Biden, and a Harris presidency promised to be a continuation of the Biden presidency. Simply put: people were better off under Trump, knew it, and voted for a return to better times.

2) Backlash against the lawfare and dirty tricks of the establishment, the Deep State, the Biden Administration. Crossfire Hurricane, Mueller, two bogus and frivolous impeachments, and then the Jean Carroll, Leticia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith cases all pointed to one thing: political hit jobs. I realize New York Times readers, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN viewers, and NPR people think those things were all legit, but for many, many people like me, it was a weak hand that Democrats overplayed. They overplayed the hand by a mile. Let's not forget the scumbags, oops, I mean the "51 former intelligence officials" who said the Hunter Biden laptop had "all the earmarks of Russian disinformation."

3) Trump supporters have been unwavering in their loyalty. All the aforementioned in 1 and 2 did was galvanize support. I think what they didn't get is we did not and do not see the Deep State (I do not give a fuck that Democrats call this a conspiracy theory. Tell it to the 51 former intelligence officials and Peter Strzok) as honest, fair, or impartial. Trump support was strong. They can't understand it, because they live in an echo chamber that not only mischaracterizes Trump, but also Trump supporters.

4) Backlash against all the name calling and insults levied at Trump supporters. From Hillary's deplorables to Biden's garbage, and all the nasty points in between, people are smart enough (well some are, some of you really are stupid motherfuckers) to realize half of Americans aren't Nazi and fascist. I think the name calling didn't just turn some people off, it turned some people around.

5) Better policies. Period. I'm not even going to elaborate. His opponent in the end doesn't even seem to have had policies. That makes it pretty easy for Trump's policies to be better. And they are.

6) Two assassination attempts. "Fight, fight, fight!"

7) Trump work ethic. He outworked Biden, then Harris, and both by huge margins. He went anywhere and everywhere. He was on TV, podcasts, in barber shops, and he rallied his ass off. Even when Harris finally started to campaign, he was doing easily more than twice the work that she was.

8) McDaniel ousted. Republicans / Trump replaced worthless, establishment RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, and unlike 2020, were prepared and proactive against Democrat attempts at dishonesty in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, etc.

9) J.D. Vance. The U.S. Marine and U.S. Senator was a home run of a running mate choice.

Next up: Some reasons Kamala Harris lost.

Monday, November 25, 2024

It's Hard to Put Into Words - 11/25/2024

It's hard to put into words how angry I am at the left:

The politicians, from Biden and Harris on down to the activists in 'blue' city and state governments.

The un-elected bureaucrats - in D.C. and everywhere else. The establishment. The Deep State. "51 former intelligence officials." All manner and sort of (Lt Col to you) Alexander Vindhman, etc., etc., etc., types in every agency we have.

Weaponized government agencies, turned loose on Trump, his inner circle, and supporters. Four absolute BULLSHIT cases, not to mention a joke of a civil suit in New York. The Trump-deranged prosecutor Alvon Bragg in New York wants to hang his misdemeanors farcically conjured into felonies, bending the law like a pretzel to achieve a desired end, over Trump's head until he's an 82 year old ex-President.

The press: print, online, broadcast: the weaponized propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

Let's not forget the leftist, activist scumbags at big tech: Facebook, Google, what was formerly Twitter.

Last, but not least: rank and file Democrats, especially the brainwashed, Trump-deranged fools, and they are everywhere. Completely lacking in judgement, or any type of measure or balance, these idiots belive everything their propagandists tell them, and call everything that contradicts it 'misinformation.' When the misinformation turns out to have been accurate, they NEVER, NOT EVER, admit they were duped. Instead, they scream and yell and call us names. "BUUUUUUUT TRUUUUUUUMP!!!!!!!!"

I'm feeling no fondness, kindness, kinship, or desire for unity. These pieces of shit have since Hillary in 2016 called me deplorable and irredeemable. I've been called a racist, a homophobe, and every kind of bigot. I've been called a threat to democracy. A fascist. A Nazi. "Say no to hate." Hate who? I don't hate nobody. At least I didn't used to. After the last 9-10 years, I'm not so sure anymore.

Now Trump is re-elected, and guess what? If you're any one of the above, it's your fault he was. It's on you. Own it. And when Trump goes to war with all of the above, and I hope like hell he does, a whole bunch of you had it coming. YOU HAVE IT COMING.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Trump the Disrupter Picks Some Cabinet Doozies - 11/14/2024

Trump is a disrupter. Let's start with 2016/17. Trump was new and let establishment people recommend staff for him. It was a disaster to him and his movement. The whole D.C. establishment worked, sometimes in shadows, other times in broad daylight, to thwart his agenda and protect the gravy-train status quo. People he was told could be trusted proved to NOT be trustworthy, many times feeling more qualified due to their experience than Trump to make decisions, they went behind his back. They attacked him. They leaked. Sometimes they told truths they had no authority to tell, other times they lied.

As Trump's candidacy advanced this time, I have advocated repeatedly that he clean house. And I mean clean house. Dee Oh Jay, Eff Bee Eye, See Aye Eh, etc., etc., etc.

This time around Trump knows he can't trust the scum in D.C. None of them. All the shrieking and wailing about his picks is because they know they'll have a harder time throwing shade, roadblocks, and law-fare at him to undermine his Presidency. All the right people hate these new picks. The more they hate them, the better I feel about them. My support of Trump was specifically a repudiation of the D.C. establishment and the status quo. My happiness is inversely proportional to their unhappiness. I'm pretty happy.

Matt Gaetz seems to be the highest lightning rod of the bunch. I'm not a huge fan, OK? But I like the pick, if for no other reason than it's Trump's big middle finger being pointed at the Dee Oh Jay and Eff Bee Eye.

I like Tulsi Gabbard at Dee En Eye. I hope the first thing she does is find out who put her on a terror watch list and outs them. The Gee Oh Pee traded warhawk Liz Cheney for Tulsi. Well played. Well played indeed.

I like the Pete Hegseth pick at Dee Oh Dee. A SecDef who isn't a slave to the Military-Industrial complex is a breath of fresh air. I suspect he will yank out the woke by the roots and get our military back to focused on it's core business, warmaking and war deterrence based on strength.

I love Tom Homan as border czar. Love him.

I love the Zeldin, Wiles, Noem, Radcliff, and Stefanik picks.

It's D.O.G.E. time!
For me the most interesting, in addition to Gaetz, are Elon and Vivek and their new Department of Government Efficiency. Clean the house, fellas. Some departments need a trimming badly. Others need to be eliminated, totally. And please, while you're at it, find out where all the "lost and missing" money goes. It ain't lost, it's stolen or hidden. I know you know that.

People who ignore history are damned to repeat it. With these picks, Trump is doing his best to ensure his first term was a learning experience that allows for MAXIMUM DISRUPTION in his second go-round. 

Fuck D.C., they have it coming. Let it rip, Mr. President. It's a whole new ballgame.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Post Election Thoughts, Some Quick Hitters - 11/12/2024

Mail in voting: I get that mail in voting is here to stay. Deadlines and processes need to be adjusted to make it work. Accepting mail in ballots received a week after the election? No. Accepting mail in ballots after Election Day with no postmark? No. I'm not a huge fan of drop boxes, either, but a mail in cutoff of 5 business days before Election Day, and making either early voting or drop box locations available afterward makes more sense to me.

Counting in AZ.

Still counting?: The only acceptable reason to be still counting today, one week after Election Day has passed is to do a recount in a race that was/is too close to ensure confidence in the outcome. Looking at you, CA, AZ, and PA. You should be embarrassed and ashamed.

Speaking of AZ, it's time to stick a fork in her. She's done.

Time to put Kari Lake on the bench, permanently: Kari Lake is articulate and attractive. She has also proven, hopefully for good, that the people of Arizona don't want her as their Governor or Senator. It's time to accept reality, Ms. Lake. You're done. That's why there's a fork in your back.

Trans agenda: The trans agenda hurt Democrats. Trump's advertising on the issue was devastating among some groups very important to Kamala Harris' chances. We can and must treat trans persons with love, kindness, decency, and respect AND at the same time recognize that genetic boys don't belong in girl's locker rooms or in girl's/women's sports competitions. Gender reassignment for minors is child abuse, and any action to advance gender reassignment of a minor without parental consent should be a crime and subject to criminal and civil punishment. This agenda is but one example of a political movement going too far. I saw an exchange from CNN where this guy went nuts because another panelist said Americans rejected boys in girls locker rooms and sports. How dare he misgender these 'girls'! Dude, you're the problem. When you wonder how she lost, look in the mirror.

Immigration and deportation: A couple of thoughts on immigration and deportation based on some stuff I read this morning and from my own thinking. Where and how to do deportation, and how to fund it? Start with the 1.5 million plus already slated for deportation by the Biden Administration. Add in any and every person here illegally who is guilty of violent crime, human, or drug trafficking. Plus, add in all those known to have criminal records from their country of origin. How to pay for it? Lemme put it this way: how much are we paying to pay for flights for immigrants, for housing for immigrants, for health care for immigrants, for food for immigrants, for cell phones for immigrants? Take the money from there and eliminate expenses associated with these deportees permanently. Should families be separated because a father or mother faces deportation? Not necessarily. As I've heard the incoming border czar, Mr. Homan say himself, we can deport the families together. Finish building the wall, please.