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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Maps, Maps, Maps, Maps!

I've always loved maps. Since long before I joined the Marines and became an Aerial Navigator, maps have always fascinated me. Caroline and I are planning a trip out west to see the incredible National Parks of Utah, with stops in surrounding northern New Mexico, southwestern Colorado, and northern Arizona. For the last week or so, I've been nearly obsessed with maps of the area I got from AAA.

My passion for maps started when I was a kid. My parents took us on a good number of cross-country trips. In 1967 we went all the way from Staten Island to Yellowstone and Grand Teton. In 1971 we went to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon, then down through California, to the Grand Canyon, and back. I will never get back to talking about maps if I keep listing the trips we took and the places we saw. I'll just say I am blessed to have seen so much, and I'm truly grateful.

Well, on those trips, I remember the 1967 trip when I was 10 years old specifically, each time we stopped for gas the filling stations used to have free maps for customers. Before the days of GPS and the Internet, maps were an essential part of cross-country travel. I remember running in excitedly to get my hands on the maps for the next state of few states. Then as we drove along away from there, I learned to follow our route, to read the map index, to calculate how far we had come, and how far to the next place we were to turn or to stop. I took great joy in it, in knowing where we were, in where we'd been, and in seeing where we were going next.

It's something I have carried forward into these retired years. Sure, now we have tools and resources and don't need maps in the same way we did back then. But for me, there is still nothing better than spreading out my map and carefully choosing which roads to take between stops. Which is the most scenic? Which is the shortest? Which is the one that will take us past the Walmart or hotel or campsite?

When I read books, be they fiction or non-fiction, historical or hysterical, I can't tell you the number of times I've set one down to grab a map, or to open a map application on my phone or computer, so that I can see where the place I'm reading about is. Because until I see where it is on a map, for me it's an abstraction. But once I've seen it, I know where it is and it's real and surrounded by a million very real points of reference, i.e. the world around me, the same world around wherever it is, too. I do the same on television. Whether it is where someone on a program is, is from, has traveled to, whatever, many times I feel a compulsion to grab a map or a map application and see just where that is. Is it a place I've been, a place I'd like to go, or someplace that I've never heard of? Was so and so I knew in the Marines from there, or was that where President Roosevelt did... (fill in the blank).

So, if you look on the shelf in my man cave, or in the map pocket in my truck, there are maps. There are always going to be maps around me. And when someday comes, and my travels are finished, I am sure there will still be maps. And if you ask me where I've been, or tell me where you plan to go, do me a favor, please? Would you get that map of the Northwestern United States down for me? I'd like to see where you're going, and if you don't mind, to show you where I've been, and where I never got to go.

I love maps.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Selling is hard

Caroline and I are shopping for a camper. Whether it's a camper, a car, a house, or whatever, interacting with all the different salespersons has been interesting. Here are the bullet point lowlights:

First, there was the new guy. He was a nice fellow from Arkansas, he just moved here a few months ago and was brand new. I'm pretty sure that dealer ought to have paid me as his trainer. He was very appreciative of me showing him the features of the various units he showed us. He even said he might like to buy one of them for himself. He still has an outside shot, but isn't the clubhouse leader.

One guy, the retired Navy Chief, after seeing we are looking for a smaller travel trailer decided showing us a big one and told Caroline that was the one I'd buy for her if I wasn't being so cheap. We didn't buy a camper from him.

Another guy, 75 years old if he was a day, and likely only there because he needs something to do and likes to talk to people, after taking our info and speaking to me in his little cubicle for 5 minutes to gather my preferences and see what he could match up up with on the lot, led me out toward the door. Caroline and I followed, and our friends Dale and Dianne went outside with us. He realized we wouldn't fit on his golf cart and said we could start walking, which we did. Not a big deal, I understand, too many for the cart. But as he got outside, some other customer said hello to him. Half an hour later, he was still with them and never came out to see us at all. We didn't buy a camper from him, either.

One more brand new guy to meet with today. Selling is hard. It's harder when you're an asshole.


We postponed our May cruise in the Mediterranean out of concerns about coronavirus. I think the correct, technical name of the virus strain is 2019-nCoV. The coronavirus has hammered our retirement investments, same as it has everyone else's, too. Those things being said, despite the fact the virus has had an impact on us despite not getting sick with it, there's enough political nonsense going on with it. I just need to vent.

It's not President Trump's fault there's 2019-nCoV out there. I've seen the press and political opponents trying to turn this into a Trump issue. Stop it.

According to his Twitter, the Governor of Washington received a call from VP Pence, thanking him for his/Washington's efforts in combating a coronavirus epidemic. So did Governor Inslee say, "You're welcome"? Hell no. He tweeted that "I just received a call from VP Mike Pence, thanking Washington state for our efforts to combat the coronavirus. I told him our work would be more successful if the Trump administration stuck to the science and told the truth." The tweet is informative. Governor Inslee is an asshole and a douchebag.

It's not Speaker Pelosi or Senate Minority Leader Schumer's fault that we have 2019-nCoV concern, either. Sure, there were things the House and Senate could have been doing that would have been more productive than a totally political impeachment process in January and February. But blaming them in response to them blaming Trump? Just as stupid. Call stupid "stupid", sure. But don't imitate it!

The Communist Chinese government has a lot to answer for, it seems. Criticizing the Chinese government and restricting travel from China while this crisis still looms isn't racist or xenophobic and any of the other phobes. 2019-nCoV threatens to grow to global pandemic proportions and sometimes drastic measures must be taken. There's a lesson in it there for us, too. Don't go to work sick. Don't send your kids to school or to daycare sick. I don't mean 2019-nCoV sick, I mean sick, as in the flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox, even head lice.

There's some stuff you just shouldn't eat. I'm going to add bat meat to the list. I'll do my best not to come into contact with bat meat, with bat blood, and with bat feces, too. It makes sense to me, but apparently not. I think I'll postpone planning any trips to China, too.

Coronavirus has nothing to do with a popular Mexican beer brand. And while I'm thinking of it, wash your damned hands before you slice my lime, dammit.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Holy crap! In the category of "You gotta be shitting me" items for February 20/21, 2020, Trump-Russia 2.0 has to be at the top of the list.

Speaker Pelosi Tweet

This morning, the left is going haywire that Putin and "the Russians" (Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!) want President Trump to be re-elected AND that President Trump is making changes at the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to pave the way for their interference. Why is this happening on the 20th and 21st of February? Simply because on the 19th of February the Democrats had a disastrous Presidential Debate in Las Vegas. The two are related, let there be no doubt.

Yes, the Russians meddle. No. Trump is NOT colluding with them. If anything, Trump was pissed at the current Acting ODNI, who works for him, because he briefed Congress BEFORE he briefed the White House, presumably either knowing full well or negligably oblivious to the fact that Rep. Adam Schiff (for brains) and the Democratic cabal in Congress, the media, and Deep State (scumbag John Brennan, et al) would use the information to attack the President. So yeah, he was pissed.

What makes me think President Trump isn't colluding with or secretly facilitating Russian efforts to help his re-election? Because he doesn't need their help. The Democratic Presidential Candidates on the docket simply won't beat him. I saw the debate.

  • Not a one of them can beat him on a debate stage.
  • Not a one of them can beat him in the General Election
  • Not a one of them will be a better President than Donald J. Trump is now and will be until 2024.
So can we please knock it off on the "Russia, Russia, Russia!" bullshit? Well, I suppose we can. They won't. Why? They have nothing else. They have nobody. Russia, Russia, Russia? My ass.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Esprit de Corps and Iwo Jima, 75 Years

On this 75th anniversary of the Marine Corps' famous landing and assault of the volcanic island of Iwo Jima, I thought a very short explanation of esprit de corps, something near and dear to the identity or ethos of U.S. Marines would be appropriate.

At that point in USMC Recruit Training, 'boot camp' to which it is more commonly referred, when recruits earn their eagle, globe, and anchor, EGA for those of us intimately familiar with the importance and symbology of it, Marines become a part of a continuum. The "first to fight" slogan, "a few good men", and "the few, the proud, the Marines" become a piece of our soul, a nearly indelible stamp that lasts a lifetime. "Once a Marine, always a Marine." Truer words have never been spoken. During recruit training, in addition to following a path that nearly consumes the mind, will and body of each recruit with the goal of achieving the title, "Marine", we are also taught that there is a responsibility we take on when we assume that title. We are taught the great history of our Corps, from its founding at Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, in 1775, to all the wars and expeditions the Marine Corps has been a part of. "From the halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli," words from the Marine Corps Hymn which, when we embrace it, expresses how we, as Marines, are part of a Corps that came before us, and we know will carry on long after we are gone from it.

And therein lies the beauty of esprit de corps. The phrase captures an identity, crafted by more than 200 years of history, presumes Marines as members of the Corps subordinate our individuality to the goals of and mission of the Marine Corps. It entails a great responsibility. Whether it was the battles and sacrifices in blood throughout Marine Corps history: Belleu Wood, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, the Chosin Reservoir, Hue, Beiruit, Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq, or proudly serving as Presidential and Embassy Guard Detachments, the future astronauts and statesmen, and every combat veteran, decorated for valor and bravery, we become responsible for upholding, maintaining and living up to that legacy. And not just to live up to the legacy, but to remember that as Marines, our legacy will be added to it, and be a part of it, and become what some future Marine will be responsible for, too.

I recently attended a boot camp graduation ceremony at MCRD San Diego. And while I was there with fifty or sixty other veterans and retirees like myself, I marveled at their youth, their motivation, and I realized how incredibly proud and a little bit humble I am to call myself a Marine. And this morning I was reminded of the heroic feats of Herschel "Woody" Williams, awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor on Iwo Jima, the anniversary of which we celebrate today. And, just like those recruits become Marines made me feel last October in San Diego, Woody and the other heros of Iwo, Saipan, and all the rest make me proud, but humble to know I was among the best, and one of them. To be counted among them, one of them, and them, one of us.

Esprit de corps is the way we describe the bond we share, the pride we hold in knowing we are a part of it, and finally, the responsibility every Marine shares to not only be the best Marine we can be, but to strive to keep the Corps the best it can be, and to live up to the legacy of every Marine who came before us, leaving our same best legacy to those who come after. And somewhere in there, guys like Woody Williams become a sort or USMC royalty, and we know without a doubt, those new Marines graduating boot camp every week will indeed live up to that legacy and make us every bit as proud as our great history already has.

Socialism what?

While my wife slept in this morning, I spent an hour or two trying to better understand the similarities and the differences between Communism, Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Social Programs, Government Funded Infrastructure, Social Justice (as per "Social Justice Warriors"), Capitalism, and Libertarianism. Why? Because in the debate these terms are often misstated, conflated, and misunderstood.

What did I learn? I learned that I'm not a commie, I'm not a Socialist, nor am I a Democratic Socialist. I'm not a full-on Libertarian, and I'm not a Social Justice Warrior, either. I'm fundamentally a Capitalist, and I support social programs and government funded infrastructure, up to a point.

I don't think the U.S.A. is perfect, but neither do I wish we were more like Scandinavia, the European Union, China, or anyplace else? No. Not even a little bit.

Free college for everyone? No. Everyone isn't cut out for college, and what college is for many people today is out of alignment with the job market. There simply aren't jobs that provide a ROI that justifies the cost. Tax credits for companies willing to pay for employee higher education that is aligned with their jobs or job opportunities in their field of endeavor. Yes, absolutely.
Forgiveness of student loans? Maybe. If some form of public service is incorporated as part of that forgiveness, even if it's spread out over a number of years, then I MIGHT be ok with it. Just flat out paying it off because it was so "wrong" to encumber these poor victimized, powerless people with debt when all the wanted was an education? Are you kidding me? NFW! What about my car loan? I needed a car to get to work, whether I went to college for the job or not. What about my mortgage? I need a place to live and to raise my family more than I needed college to do it. When are those debts going to be forgiven?

Government (taxpayer) funded healthcare for all? No. But neither are the current triangle of evil: healthcare providers, big pharmaceutical companies, and the healthcare insurance companies in our best interest. Healthcare safety nets like medicaid? Yes.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hats, Shirts, Yard Signs, and Bumper Stickers

I have never been one to advertise who it is I support politically on my person, my home, or on my my car or truck. For the longest time my reason for not doing so is that I don't want my political leanings to be the first thing someone knows about me. Secondly, if my candidate loses, I don't want to advertise that I supported a loser. Lastly, I don't want or need someone who differs in opinion to take issue with the candidate by using me as a surrogate. So I just didn't do it.


Resisters have taken reaction to Trump stuff to a whole new level. Yesterday in Jacksonville, in my new adopted home state, a group of Trump volunteers was set up doing voter registration and someone drove a van right through their tent. It's extremely lucky nobody was hurt or killed. Again and again I see video of people wearing Trump hats being harassed and assaulted, either physically or verbally. And all this going on makes me reluctant to wear Trump stuff myself. But rather than succumb to the intimidation of the asshole resistance, I'm wearing Trump 2020 hats. We either need to stand up and show our solidarity with fellow Trump voters, or we can be silent and let these shitheads think they have the upper hand.

So to the fascist resistance: thank you for bringing me out of my shell. I'm going to show my support for President Trump, his re-election, and most importantly, for my fellow Trump supporters who shouldn't ought to feel threatened in a public situation because they feel like the lone supporter wearing a Trump 2020 or MAGA hat.

"Slash Republicans Throats"

Did I mention I don't think very highly of the resistance? I don't. Assholes.