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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Russia, Russia, Russia! - 9/5/2024

Putin is at it again. I was tempted to simply address it here by saying that "at least I'm glad he's supporting the right candidate, Trump" and to move on, because I really don't think the kind of "interference" he's capable of in our social media is worth a hill of beans. But there are a few "tidbits" to at least touch on. I'll try to keep it short and sweet today.

Thank goodness he's not a SCOTUS Justice!

I don't believe or trust AG Merrick Garland. I guess those two things go together: belief and trust. Garland has Trump Derangement Syndrome, and he's got it bad. I don't trust the U.S. Justice Department as a whole, either. Going back to 2016, all the way through to today, they have been consistent in one thing: putting their fingers on the scale to stop Trump, get Trump, and to hurt Trump. When Merrick Garland says Putin is meddling "to help Trump," I hear a guy who himself meddles "to hurt Trump" saying so. He may be telling the truth as he sees it through his badly Trump deranged eyes, and who knows, he may even be right. Because of his history, I am skeptical. Very. Thankfully, he's not a SCOTUS Justice.

SharylAttkisson on X

Putin says he want Kamala Harris to win. I already told you, I don't believe Merrick Garland. Well, I don't believe Putin, either. Putin's not our friend, my friend, or Trump's friend. For the record, I had someone recently say to me that the biggest danger of Trump winning is due to his relationship with Putin. Near as I can tell, Putin was in 'invade and annex mode' while Obama and Biden were in the White House. When Trump was in office? Not as much. I don't know or care if he really wants Trump or Harris, what I am sure of is his interests and my interests don't intersect, and if they do it's coincidental and makes no never mind for me.

Which brings me to the actual podcasters and social media influencers he is alleged to be influencing or controlling. I am familiar with two of them, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson. If Putin's interests and either of theirs intersect, similarly, if Putin's interests intersect with my own, the intersection is coincidental, not intentional or dubious. Both Pool and Johnson have been on Twitter, now X, for a long long time, and neither has changed positions on issues after Putin allegedly bought in. The DOJ said, and this seems to be something some leftist influencers are ignoring last evening and this morning totally, that the podcasters/influencers the Russians bought into were unaware of the Russian investment. To me, knowing their positions haven't changed, and that they were unaware the Russians were even lurking, tells me the goal is something else.

What else? To sow doubt. To get Merrick Garland to talk about Russia, Russia, Russia again. To undermine the election by throwing red meat to the Russia, Russia, Russia crowd, the people deathly afraid of Trump's so-called "relationship with Putin." Seems to me that it worked. All he wants here is hate, discontent, and discord. Merrick Garland has taken the bait, this a prelude to claims of illegitimacy should Trump win the White House back. That, to me, seems to be the real Putin play here, to undermine a potential Trump Presidency.

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Post-Travel Political Stuff - 9/4/2024

We got back from Colorado yesterday. Just a short update, my observations and thoughts from the last few days events. If nothing else. find the link to the TDS vs Independence post in this blog post. It's fun and worth it.

On Kamala Harris: In my opinion she is simply not up to the job. She was nominated by Democratic Party oligarchs, not by the American people. She will be a disaster for our country. I can't imagine her being an effective leader internationally, domestically, or in any way shape or form. In truth, she is not running to run the country, the same unelected cabal that is running it for Joe Biden is running to retain power.

On Joe Biden: The dude is gone. Gonzo goo-bye. I saw a clip of him in front of a podium yesterday, and as questions were shouted, he had a stupid grin on his face and looked round and round, absolutely totally lost in space. One of his handlers came into the frame and walked him off. Joe is gone. Who is the cabal, and how in the fuck is it ok that this is the situation? Looking at you, Democrats. WTF is wrong with you that this is ok with you? You are fucked up.

Joe Biden working tirelessly.
On Donald Trump: If the debate with VP Harris goes the way I expect it might, he'll be sentenced to jail by a corrupt and extremely partisan judge whose daughter has made millions off of the Harris and Biden campaigns. It's a last resort thing. The cabal Running Joe that hopes to continue with empty vessel Harris will do anything to stop Trump. Anything. They will cheat in the election and corrupt the judicial system... again.

They want us to forget the USSS's failure and assassination attempt on Trump's life.
On Tim Walz: He's a loser douchebag. I served on active duty and in the reserves. I have heard what other members of his unit have to say about him and that is all I need to know.

On J.D. Vance: The more I hear him, the more I like him.

On Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: He is kinda nuts, but I would take him over Biden or Harris in a heartbeat. At least he wouldn't be a puppet for the cabal.

On Nicole Shanahan: I disagree with her politically on probably 90%of the issues. I like her a lot anyway. She's smart. She's successful. Her IQ is higher than the diminished Biden and limited Harris's combined IQ's.

Watch the video her team put together on TDS vs. Independence here. It's worth the two minutes:

TDS vs Independence

Parting thoughts:

Democrats ARE going to cheat in the election.

If not for Elon Musk we would NOT have a free press in the USA anymore. One lady recently told me if I want unbiased news, NPR is where I can find it. That was some of the funniest shit I've heard in a long time. NPR... unbiased... ha ha ha ha!

I am looking forward to the debate. If Trump can avoid his worst natural inclinations and behave like he did in June with Biden, he'll win handily.

There is something very shady about the rapid cremation of the Trump attempted assassin's body and the way the FBI cleansed the crime scene. I fear there will be another attempt to assassinate him. The cabal will stop at nothing. Why do I think this? We aren't even allowed to know who they are, still! I should trust and have confidence in unnamed, invisible, power hungry, Trump deranged oligarchs? No.

I do not believe the polls. Maybe around 15 October or a little after that they'll start to move toward accuracy, but until then, polls are being used to shape public opinion NOT to measure it.

People here illegally ARE being offered voter registration time and time again by DMV employees in MANY locations across the USA. However many illegal aliens we find out are registered to vote is a percentage of the actual number. 1 is too many. 100,000 or 1,000,000 or more is only possible as part of a massive criminal voter fraud conspiracy. What's the real number? I don't know if we'll ever know.

There is no justification, none, zero zip, zilch, nada, for voter registration without verification of citizenship, nor is there justification for voting without ID. ANYONE who argues for either or both knows they facilitate criminal voter fraud and either doesn't care or actively supports it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hiatus Ramble - 8/28/2024

Good Ol' Matty P is going to be on hiatus for a week or so, while traveling on some pleasant family business.

Just a few thoughts as a parting message:

Apparently Vice President Harris has a greed to an interview on CNN with Dana Bash, and with her running mate, Governor Walz in tow. The interview will be taped in advance, so what we will see is an infomercial, not a real interview.

She has also agreed to a debate with former President Trump. It'll be on ABC, an extremely anti-Trump entity. It will be interesting to see if Trump can manage himself. If he does as well or better than in the Biden debate in June, he'll be very successful. If she can lure him to fly off the handle, and he goes rogue, she will emerge the winner.

I do realize she's way, way left of me, but I really like Nicole Shanahan. I like the way she communicates and I get the sense she's sincere. I like her a lot. For that matter, I also like RFK Jr., warts and all, and Tulsi Gabbard, who is my favorite of the three. Some of my friends are completely unwilling to even consider liking these Democrats turned Trump supporter. Some of my friends are stubborn bastards.

Shanahan, Kennedy, and Gabbard all have their differences with Trump, but recognize sometimes for the greater good you compromise principle for the practicality of avoiding an even worse outcome. They recognize that it's a binary choice, and KH is a worse choice. Some of the anti-abortion/pro-life absolutists abandoning Trump (who nominated the judges who overturned Roe) could take a lesson here.

I heard it said, and I think it was correct, unintentionally but surely, Donald Trump has exposed the uni-party portion of the GOP. These are the noteworthy neocon and establishment types who are now backing Harris or sitting out in protest. Thanks for self identifying as members of the uni-party, scumbags. Trump has brung out the real you. Fuck the real you.

Jack Smith has refiled a new indictment against Trump. He, and his boss AG Merrick Garland, too, are obsessed with interfering with the 2024 Presidential Election.

Jack Smith is a partisan political hack. He's also an asshole.

Trump, if elected, needs to clean out the entire upper echelon of the DOJ and FBI, ALL the U.S. Attorney's offices, Intelligence apparatus, State Department, Department Homeland Security, and other agencies. Have them all, every last one above whatever is the right level to protect the rank and file, tender resignations ON DAY ONE, with job application attached if they want to stay on. I am talking about thousands of Federal Employees. This has to be done to clean out the Merrick Garland's down to the Alexander Vindhman's.

I am finally fully and totally convinced: The 2020 election WAS stolen. The 51 intelligence official's letter and the FBI pressuring social media and news media to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story, which the KNEW without question was legit, deceitfully calling it Russian disinformation, was the difference in the election, other cheating notwithstanding.

I have lots more to say, but our travel preparations are waiting. See you round the first part of September.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Realignment - 8/27/2024

Today's blog post is primarily directed at my Democratic Party friends, if I still have any. Please read it with as much an open mind as you can. I guess what I have to say is also a message for some of my friends on the right, too, but I say it's for you on the left because it's you I see going off the rails. Way off the rails.

Before I go further, let me make this simple statement: we all, left, right, and center, tend to see ourselves as positioned in the righteous center of the political spectrum. Where we all are individually seems to each of us to be justified, normal, correct. We see people to our left and to our right, but in our own minds, at least we know we've got it right, and we're reasonably, logically, and morally justified positioned right where we're at. That probably is true for everyone reading this, no matter your politics.

About 10 years ago, I was talking a liberal Democrat friend of mine, someone whose intelligence and heart are both extraordinary and whom I hold in the highest respect and affection. I casually told him I saw myself as a moderate, and he quickly corrected that I am actually very conservative. At first I was quite taken back. I didn't take him on in debate, but his comment did shake me a little and made me think. I always saw myself as reasonable. On taxes, military, abortion, immigration, death penalty, and other issues, I felt I was moderate and not extreme at all. As I reflected on his words, though, I realized he was right. It wasn't that my views on life and political issues had changed much in the preceding 20 or so years. It was because there had been a significant shift the sands of pubic opinion leftward, leaving me further to the right of the center of the spectrum than I had been, even though I hadn't moved at all.

Not too long afterward one by one I saw the left going further and further leftward on issue after issue. The leftward lurch was accelerating. I saw that in the age of Trump, Trump's personality was used as a springboard by the left to get their portion of the electorate to abandon moderation and veer left. The biggest example I can think of as I type, I know there are others, is immigration. Democrats sat back and allowed a globalist, anti-American wave of unmanaged, uncontrolled, harmful immigration overwhelm our border cities and spread. Human trafficking, fentanyl, and violent criminals were waved in like the bull in a bullfight, passing the matador's red cloth, full speed and passing unharmed. Hatred of Trump was very cleverly posited as the counterpoint. To agree with Trump is to be a racist and a xenophobe. This kind of thing happened on issue after issue, each lurch left justified by pointing at Trump and knowing how bad the orange man really is.

A relentless leftward shift continued and continues. It is dangerous for our country.

Elon Musk, Bill Ackmann, both billionaire Democrats, have finally said enough is enough. The move to the left has become a bridge too far, and have come out in favor of Trump. 

The Democratic Party has been ruthless and unscrupulous in it's march to power and control. They have sought and agressively employed every legal means imaginable in ways we've not before seen. They've gone after Trump on absolute bullshit that's NEVER been done before in our history. We've all known this, but it was when Bobby Kennedy Jr. talked last Friday about what they did to him that I realized what is going on is bigger than Trump. Bigger and worse in every way. Democrat operatives have tried every single thing they can to get Trump, Kennedy, and Jill Stein off of ballots to clear a path for a Democratic Party win in November. Democrat legal action has cost Kennedy over $10 million. Most Democrats (and I do mean YOU, reading this) have been willfully blind, even supportive, to these malicious and evil efforts to undermine democracy. You've watched as an old man with dementia (you knew it, DO NOT LIE) was propped up as a capable leader, all the while our country run by an invisible, unnamed, unelected, insatiably power hungry cabal.

Yesterday, another Democrat, former Congressperson Tulsi Gabbard, a National Guard Lieutenant Colonel, endorsed Trump at a National Guard Association event. Like Kennedy, Musk, Ackman, and a few others, she sees what I do: that the Democratic Party has moved so far left that the center was nearly abandoned. Except it wasn't. All four of the aforementioned recognize something that your television propagandists aren't telling you: Donald Trump is NOT a far right conservative. I really don't care that Joe Biden called us over and over "far right MAGA extremists". It's a lie. Trump supporters may appear to be far to the right, but only because you've been led so far to the left that you need binoculars to see the middle. I have come to believe that Democrats literally hate our country and hate the U.S. Constitution. Do you or don't you? How about that Democrat Primary though? You voted for Kamala, right?

How much is Trump in the middle? The GOP establishment is up in arms, calling him a Democrat and bemoaning his abandonment of traditional right wing positions on abortion, for example, where he is far from an absolutist, instead supporting something pretty reasonable. On issue after issue, he is nowhere near as far right as the media and Democrat machine would have you think. He has moved to the middle for two reasons, in my opinion: 1) Because that is his natural political inclination. He is not a staunch conservative, but a moderate. Let's not forget, he was a New York Democrat. His sin was taking on Hillary Clinton. Let there be no doubt, He's not far right. 2) The second reason he has shifted to the center is because he sees the void in the middle left by the giant Democratic move to the left. Millions and millions of voters in the middle have been left abandoned by the Democrats. These people aren't conservatives, but Trump is appealing to them not with conservatism, but with pragmatism: strong military and no wars. A strong economy that helps everyone, no matter what color, religion, or place of residence.

Elon Musk, Bill Ackmann, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard aren't far right extremists. They're Democrats who woke up to see how far off the rails the Democratic Party has gone, not just in it's political positions, but also in it's undemocratic, unacceptable, extraordinary efforts to seize and maintain power. Why are you pretending to be blind to all that? Blind to Biden's dementia. Blind to how your nominee was installed WITHOUT giving YOU, the Democrat voters, a say. Blind to how insane, immoral, and dangerous the legal challenges to Trump have been. Blind to how badly propagandized your sources of information have become. You may as well call them Pravda. Blind to what it is Musk, Ackman, Kennedy, and Gabbard see.

The times they are a changin'. I do recognize that the entire spectrum has shifted to the left. I can live with something in the middle or just right of the middle. Democrats, help me to understand... how in the hell did you get so far out there, and how the hell do you ever walk it back? Kamala Harris' voting record in the Senate was to the left of Bernie Sanders. It was. As a Presidential candidate in 2020, then Senator Harris advocated for every far left position on every issue. Now she cleverly won't say what her positions are. There are unnamed whisperers saying what it is they think the electorate wants to hear, but Harris has NOT come out and made plain what her vision of our country is. Maybe I shouldn't care, but I do. If she's elected, the same power hungry, unelected cabal that operates the Biden Administration in his cognitive absence, will pull Kamala'a strings, too. We are headed toward globalist, authoritarianism in which the government presumes to know what's in my best interest and in yours, our opinions, dreams, and goals be damned.

It's time, Democrats. It's time to move back away from the far left ledge. Take it upon yourself to learn why Elon Musk, Bill Ackmann, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard have abandoned your party. It's time. Find out what Trump's position is on your most important 10 issues. Are you really that far off the charts to the left? Maybe, just maybe there was more "orange man bad" than actual analysis of the issues that has driven your support of the extreme leftward lurch. And you, Republicans conservatives: I know Trump isn't the conservative stalwart you were hoping for. He's not. But the pendulum has swung way, way left. How in the hell can you stay on the sidelines and watch the Democrats take us to God knows where? It's a binary choice. Wake up.

By the way, I think the root cause of the Democrat leftward lurch is intersectionality, but that is another complicated story I may or may not write about on another day.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Observations From the Weekend - 8/26/2024

Afterward I'll tie the two together, but before I get to the invisible and 'retired on active duty' President currently in office, Joe Biden, I want to comment on an exchange I saw between Jonathan Karl of ABC and Republican Senator Tom Cotten yesterday. Interestingly, depending what news outlet you learn about the exchange on, if you don't watch it for yourself you could come away with a highly inaccurate description of same. I watched it.

Sen. Tom Cotten was on ABC's This Week with Harris propagandist Jonathan Karl yesterday.
Cotton pointed out a series of policy proposals Vice President Harris made as a Senator and as a Presidential candidate in the 2020 race. One of those was a call for the abolishment of private health insurance in favor of Medicare for all. Karl rebutted Cotten's assertion, saying Harris has changed her position on the issue within the context of this 2024 Presidential campaign, to which Cotten responded, correctly, 'no she hasn't'. Karl was insistent and Cotten said (paraphrasing) 'leaks or whispers by aides, lacking a clear statement from Harris herself, is NOT a change in her position on the issue' (or any other issue!).

What we have is a stealth candidate who speaks in slogans, clichés, and generalities. She doesn't give policy proposals, offering instead generalities and a complete and an intentional lack of specificity. Democrat voters are OK with that. They know she's far, far left. Far, far, far left. That's ok, because most of my Democrat friends pretend to be fairly moderate, but when push comes to shove, they're onboard with the far left agenda. They're fine with aides whispering and Harris remaining silent because they don't really care, and they know the aides are far lefties like them, so cool, let the unnamed, anonymous aides run the country. They really don't care at all to find out if this woman can do the job, because they're voting for the same cabal who are running the country now, just to keep on keeping on as they do with an incapacitated President laying on the beech, hiding from his duties.

Our figurehead in chief.
So, that's brung me to my second point. I saw a post on X by Miranda Devine yesterday, that President (in name only, he's only a figurehead now) Biden was leaving his vacation in California, which started immediately after his speech at the DNC Convention last Monday, for 9 more vacation days, this time at the beach in Delaware. Our president is absent. Yes, he's absent minded, but that's NOT what I'm referring to. What I'm referring to is his schedule and work. We already knew he was on a much reduced workday, remember the 10-4 leak? I contend he is barely working at all at this point. It would be interesting to know how many actual work days he has spent in the Oval Office since his dementia was exposed to the willfully blind on June 27th. That was two months ago, and I betcha he hasn't been in the office 10 times. I'm being generous, very, very generous, by saying 10.

Who the fuck is really in charge? And why in the hell are my Democrat friends okay with Harris not talking, and Biden not working? What the fuck is wrong with them?

There is an unnamed and unelected cabal running the United States right now. Our President is just a White House resident, but behind the scenes he's powerless and useless. The cabal who run the show now have installed, absolutely and totally undemocratically, but to the joy of Democrats, Kamala Harris, the sitting Vice President, as his heir. She doesn't talk to the press in any meaningful way. I heard at least two Democrat strategists this past weekend on Democrat propaganda TV networks advocate that she NOT talk policy and proposals, as doing so might reduce her chances in November. That was kind of shocking to me, they said the quiet part out loud. But I do agree, if she spoke of her policy proposals, some of them would be so bad, even lefties might be shocked, but more importantly, her inability to explain her proposals substantively in the face of even friendly scrutiny would expose her incompetence and lack of fitness for the job.

Fitness for the job? Okay, I admit it. They don't care at all about that. They trust the unelected cabal. They want the unelected cabal to remain in power. As long as they continue to choose to get their news from ABC and the likes of Jonathan Karl, and from MSNBC and the likes of Morning Joe ("This is the BEST Joe Biden EVER!") there is NO CHANCE at all they will think for themselves and look critically at the shambled Biden Presidency and virtual Harris candidacy. Kamala Harris' lack of specific policies allows them to fantasize about every and any lefty wish list items and presume Saint Kamala and the invisible gods she serves will surely deliver them: the whole kit and caboodle.

On the plus side, after pulling the plug on Joe and installing Kamala without any votes, they're done with the "threat to democracy" nonsense. At least the Orange Man is still bad!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Robert Kennedy Jr. Announcement - 8/24/2024

I don't shock easily. I've seen a lot since I became interested in politics since the early 1990's. Before that I didn't pay too much attention. I had voted, but I was preoccupied with day to day life. Rush Limbaugh, RIP, is largely responsible for changing that. I started listening to him, and as a follow on to other conservative talk shows, That was in the 1990 time frame. As I said, I've seen a lot, but I ain't never seen no shit like the shit we got going on now!

Yesterday, RFK Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump.

Yesterday I saw something the likes of which I don't remember. A member of one of the most iconic Democratic Party families of the 1900's, Robert Kennedy Jr. yesterday gave a speech I found more compelling and powerful than anything I remember hearing since I first got interested in politics. I'll simply refer to him as RFKJ for simplicity sake.

I had no idea how unscrupulous the Democratic Party had been in fucking RFKJ over. They did everything they could to screw him and insure installing senile puppet Joe Biden as nominee. There was no democratic process. They took to the courts to thwart his candidacy at every turn. There is and was nothing righteous or good about what they did. It was pure power politics being used to crush opposition and dissent. When they weren't in he courts to thwart him, they were colluding with social media to silence him. The Democrats showed themselves to be the evil, ruthless, power hungry monsters with RFKJ that we already knew they are with how they treated Trump.

Keith Olbermann, via X: "To my old friend Robert Kennedy Jr: you're a fucking anti-American disaster."

Lemme tell you what's anti-American, Keith, you prick:

Spying on the political opposition, using every tool the U.S. governmental intelligence and law enforcement apparatuses have at their disposal to undermine and thwart his candidacy and the execution of his Presidency.

Cheating on elections is un-democratic and un-American.

Bogus impeachments, bulldozing attorney client and executive privilege to destroy your political opposition is un-American.

51 Intelligence and law enforcers of the U.S. Government brazenly lying about a laptop they feared would hinder the election of their favored candidate. Their jointly signed letter had all the hallmarks of anti-American treason.

Knowing the Iranians were and are plotting to assassinate an ex-President and presumed Presidential nominee of the opposition party and having absolutely lax security, to the point of either criminal negligence or something much worse. I fear it was something worse.

Using extreme partisan prosecutors, judges, and juries to try to bankrupt and jail the opposition party candidate during the election year.

Covering up the fact that the President of the United States has advanced and advancing dementia in the interest of retaining power. He is barely function, a puppet in every way. Who is the puppeteer in charge? Some un-elected oligarch, that's who.

Suing and challenging any and every effort by a prominently named Democrat who sought the nomination through legitimate democratic processes is anti-American.

Removing the failing President from the race, not because of his dementia, but because they were afraid he would lose. In doing so, the votes of almost 15,000,000 Democrats were invalidated without their consent. It was un-democratic and un-American.

Installing an incompetent and under-qualified Vice President as nominee without giving voters a voice is undemocratic and un-American, too. She got zero votes as President. Zero. She gave no press conferences. She participated in no debates. She gave no in depth television or other interviews. She has no stated policies of her own. What has she got? Just "joy". Well, not just joy. She also has the full power of the corrupt Washington and DNC machine doing its best to stay in power by installing her as their new puppet.

Keith Olbermann can fuck all the way off with his use of anti-American. I know what anti-American is. I've been watching it play out day after day after day in this country for over 8 years.

RFKJ is a hero. At a point in time and history when almost anyone else would have waved a white flag of surrender, he instead waved a middle finger of defiance. In retaliation, I fully anticipate the evil powers in D.C. will come at him legally, and an assassination attempt will not surprise me. We are dealing with absolutely evil people here. 

I also expect another attempt will be made to kill Donald Trump. Sadly, my Democratic Party friends and neighbors SUPPORT these efforts to quash RFKJ and Trump. Yeah, you do. You might not admit it, but you do. You haven't, won't, and don't speak out against obvious corruption and malfeasance, and you will vote to keep a corrupt, evil machine in power. Your silence is a full-throated and absolute endorsement.

I'm linking RFKJ's speech here. It is worth watching.

RFKJ Withdrawal and Endorsement


Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Gay Wedding Ring Thing - 8/22/2024

Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel, at the DNC Convention: “They are going to have to pry this wedding ring from my cold dead gay hands.”

Michigan A.G. Dana Nessel
Spoiler: I don't think the GOP cares who she married, and nobody is making an issue of it except Dana herself.

Rant: I am sick and tired of being portrayed, because I'm conservative, as some kind of bigot. I'm fucking tired of it. "Racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, zenophobe," you know the list, the infamous Hillary list. I can't prove I'm not any of those things, including that I'm not an anti-gay bigot.

Here's the rub: I don't have to prove to Dana, to you, or to anyone else that I'm not an anti-gay bigot. If you suspect I'm an anti-gay bigot because I will vote for Trump or for any other reason, you have two choices: first, you can come to me as a friend and express your concerns about what you perceive to be my bigotry. Tell me what I've said or done that makes you think I am. But there is one condition if you're choosing option one. You have to be open minded and listen to my response to your concern. Or, if you think because I'm conservative and Republican I'm an anti-gay bigot, but you DON'T want to talk to me about your concerns, there's always option two. Option two is a lot simpler: go fuck yourself and stay the fuck out of my life, because you are an evil, judgemental piece of shit.

I'm sick of liberal Democrats making these kinds of blanket accusations and judgements. Look, Dana... I don't know why you think anyone wants to pry your wedding ring off. Until now, I didn't even know who you are. Now I do. You're an asshole liar, and in your zeal to see a Democrat elected you are making your obsession with your own sexuality somehow a national issue when the truth is nobody cares. And to do this you take the liberty of painting me and a lot of people like me as anti-gay bigots. Dana, you go straight to option two, because even though I really don't care who you sleep with go fuck yourself.