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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

One More Week, Quick Hitters - 10/29/2024

The election is just a week away.

Bad Puerto Rico Jokes. Donald Trump has had quite a good run up towards the finish line. After an incredibly successful visit with Joe Rogan on Friday, he did a rally at Madison Square Garden. If you think back to the RNC Convention, which was held just a few days after the first assassination attempt, at that time Joe Biden was still the presumptive Democratic Party nominee. Trump turned this rally into in effect a second convention, this time where the opposition is the un-democratically nominated Vice President Kamala Harris. I watched some of it. The turnout was epic in the heart of deep blue New York. I thought the Hulk Hogan appearance was kind of dumb, but other than that, of what I saw, it was pretty good. I didn't watch all of Trump's speech. He talks too long for me and I've heard enough of his rallies and interviews that I don't need an hour and a half or two hours more. What I didn't see was the comic who made jokes about Puerto Rico being piled up with garbage. The guy is an insult comic (who I've never heard of), apparently along the lines of Don Rickles. He was a dumb choice as a speaker, and he shouldn't have made that joke. Puerto Rico does have a garbage problem, but what the fuck? It's almost as if the guy was intentionally trying to damage Trump. For the record, Trump didn't say it. None of Trump's surrogates, handlers, or advisors said it. it is a nothing-burger as it relates to Trump, except to people who hate him already, and they won't move the needle. They're already there.

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place, with beautiful people.

Madison Square Garden Nazi Nonsense. Speaking of Madison Square Garden, Democrats and Democrat media realized that Kamala Harris can't or won't articulate a defense of the Biden/Harris Administration's record, nor is she able to articulate her stance on issues, which very often would require her to explain why what she says she's for and against now are 180ยบ out of what she ran on in 2019 and how she voted as a Senator. So Democrats have settled on "Nazi, fascist, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, threat to democracy, etc." I'm more pissed at my friends from the other side than at the evil assholes pushing these things. How dare you sit there and let YOUR party call me a fucking racist and Nazi and everything else without objection! How dare you! I'm not going to argue why we're NOT Nazis. Why should I? Your candidate is failing, so you support this? Fuck all the way off.

Vacuous leftist politicians and media hacks, bereft of ideas and a viable way forward for Harris, have decided calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis is their best way forward.

Trump on The Joe Rogan Experience. I laugh when I see lefties describe the Trump Joe Rogan episode as a demonstration that Trump is incoherent and all the rest. He was personable, engaging, and displayed a broad spectrum of interests and opinions. I found his description of the first trip to the White House in 2017, especially his reverence for Lincoln and the Lincoln Bedroom, and also his admission about the hiring of staff, which he concedes was his biggest mistake first time around, to be very interesting. The whole thing was worth the time if you want to understand who the guy is as opposed to the vilified and bastardized guy the leftist press would have you believe.

Google's Joe Rogan squelch. Google was up to their public opinion manipulation tricks again yesterday. The Trump episode of the Joe Rogan podcast was up to around 33 million views, and Google took action to push it from atop search results for anyone who searched YouTube for it. You'd think something that has 33 million views would naturally rise to the top of query results, but since it's been helpful to and positive for Trump, and since Google is staffed with a high number of lefties, they tried to put a kebash on it. That's bullshit. I read yesterday that after being swamped with complaints, they took the kebash off it, but as of this morning I still had to hunt and scroll down for it when I searched. It's up to 37 million + views, by the way.

Kamala on Joe Rogan? The Harris Campaign has said they can't work a three hour sit down with Joe Rogan into her schedule, and that she doesn't have time to travel to his studio. They've asked him to fly to her somewhere and to do a one hour show. I hope he declines. It's his show and he does it his way. If she wants to do a one hour show, there are more than ample sycophants out there who will softball her and allow her to word salad rather than answer questions candidly for an hour. If the schedule really is a problem, rearrange it. It's the Harris campaign's fault this is a problem. Maybe she shouldn't have ducked Rogan until she realized that 30+ million people watched Trump on it, and how incredibly helpful it has been for Trump.

Nevada judge 3 days rule. A judge in Nevada has ruled that mail in ballots WITHOUT A POSTMARK, that are received UP TO 3 DAYS AFTER ELECTION DAY must be counted. Lemme walk you through this with some hypothetical numbers. Election night, it is reported that Trump is up by 15,000 votes. We query voting records and we can see all the registered voters across the state who have not voted. We've got 2-1/2 days. How can we find 16,000 more votes? Hmmmm... You do the rest...

Monday, October 28, 2024

Mini Post, YCMTSU - 10/28/2024 - 2

A gunman in Chicago shot an Orthodox Jewish man who was walking to synagogue this past Saturday. Here are some facts I found interesting.

First, the shooter was allegedly calling out "Allahu Akbar" in conjunction with the shooting. Chicago authorities have NOT charged him with a hate crime.

I'm no cop or DA, but 1 + 1 = 2. How their math comes up with something else is confounding.

Second interesting fact. The gunman is an immigrant from northern Africa. There's one teeny, weenie little bit about the shooter I didn't tell you. Can you guess what it is? I'll count to five...

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

Times up. Yep. You got it. Good guess. The shooter entered the U.S. illegally via the southern border a year and a half ago.

Chicago Suntimes story

Democrats Have Crossed My Rubicon - 10/28/2024

Democrats used the Trump rally in New York yesterday to self-identify and proclaim themselves, by their words and actions, to be evil, vile, hateful scum.

Short and sweet: Democrats used the rally in New York as a chance to call Trump Hitler again, and to liken all attendees to Nazis.

I am not going to argue that he's not or that we're not. Neither will I ague that the Earth is round. Trump isn't Hitler, we're not Nazis, and the Earth isn't flat.

If you are a Democrat or some other kind of never-Trumper, and you think Trump is Hitler, and his supporters, including me, are Nazis, I don't want you in my life. You are a fucking stupid, Trump-deranged douche bag. If this applies to you, I do not care who you are. If you think I'm a Nazi, why am I in your life, anyway? Fuck off and go away NOW. Get away from me and stay away.

If you are a Democrat or some other kind of never-Trumper, and you don't think Trump is Hitler or his supporters are Nazis, but you're ok with this kind of rhetoric, regardless of how it smears me and other decent people like me, please go fuck off with the Trump deranged lunatics I discussed in the previous paragraph.

If you are a Democrat or a never-Trumper who dislikes the "Hitler" and "Nazi" rhetoric, and you're staying quiet about the whole thing for fear of catching shit from your Trump deranged leftist friends, grow some stones, would you? It's not "just politics", ok? Half the fucking country is being scalded by fake allegations of racism and hate, and by whom? By scorched Earth, Trump-deranged, partisan hacks, assholes, and morons. Shame on you for not saying, "Hey, wait a minute..." 

I'm not going to dignify the Hitler, Nazi stuff with an argument protesting the allegations. I'd rather have every single person, NO EXCEPTIONS, who believes or is ok with it GONE FROM MY LIFE. If that means you, goodbye and good riddance.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Trump on Joe Rogan, Kamala Harris? Not As Much - 10/26/2024

Donald Trump was on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast last night.

More than 90%, probably at least 95% of the electorate have already decided who they are voting for. Of the remaining 5% or so, they ought to watch the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast with Donald Trump on it last night. I watched about half of it. It was not like a press conference, or even a long form interview. It was a conversation between two guys. It is about 3 hours long. The fact that it wasn't Trump's first event of the day, and that he flew to Michigan to do a rally afterward is nuts.

Trump wasn't straightforward in some answers, tariffs, for example, but he wasn't evasive, either. It was a three hour conversation, not a White House Press Conference. So, Trump was talking at length and weaving his thoughts in along the way.

As I reflected on it, I thought that of recent Presidents, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Obama would all, each in their time, have been excellent interview subjects in this format with Rogan, had the vehicle existed at that time. I couldn't possible see Joe Biden doing it successfully, due to his dementia. Neither can I see Kamala Harris doing it. Three hours of word salad subject evasion would be unwatchable.

Harris has been invited on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast, but according to her campaign manager yesterday, it isn't possible due to her campaign schedule. According to Youtube, as of this morning, 8.4 million people have viewed the Podcast. I think it's on Spotify, too. I'm no sure how many views there are there, probably a lot more. For her campaign to NOT take advantage of that kind of exposure is crazy. Simply crazy.

Reuters Harris No Joe Rogan Story 

I recommend you watch or listen to some of it yourself. If you're one of the few who hasn't made up your mind, it may help.

Trump on Joe Rogan (youtube)

Trump on Joe Rogan (Spotify) 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Kamala Harris, My Opinion - 10/24/2024

I'm not so sure what's going to happen a week from next Tuesday, but I'm getting a sense Vice President Harris will lose. Note that I said Harris will lose, NOT that Trump will win. That's probably a post unto itself, but read into it what you will. I think she will lose because she's a terrible candidate, the worst I have ever seen. How has it come to pass, despite the dubious means by which she came to be the nominee (a political coup d'etat to unseat Biden after the debate disaster), it's interesting to see, it looks like she will possibly, perhaps likely lose, but why?


Kamala Harris: From "Joy" to "Trump is Hitler" in 3 months.

1) Not Yet Ready for Primetime - Will she ever be? Don't matter. This is the only shot at it she'll ever get. Kamala Harris, despite protestations about her stellar resume, simply wasn't tested at each step along the way. She glided into jobs in with her motor in second gear, never having to open up the engine and develop driving skills. Her race, gender, and progressive ideology greatly increased her desirability as a candidate for everything from her first jobs as a lawyer, to D.A., to Senator, and Vice President. I think back to 2019 and how badly she fared as a Presidential candidate. She didn't stay in it. She failed at EVERYTHING she did as Veep. Yeah, she did.

2) Abysmal Off the Cuff Speaker - She is perhaps the worst impromptu speaker I ever heard. Word salad. Circular logic that never actually touches the question. She doesn't touch it tangentially. She doesn't touch it directly. She talks forever. Talks around it. Above it. Below it. A little to the right. A lot to the left. It reminds me of the Billy Preston song: "Will it go round in circles?"

3) She Has to Keep Her Actual Positions on Issues Secret, Too Radical - She's the furthest left candidate we have ever had atop a major party ticket. She's so far off the port side from the middle, the 11 mile horizon blocks her from view better than a setting sun. When she tries to pretend to be middle or centrist, it doesn't come off as honest, or genuine, natural. Why? Because it's not honest, genuine, or natural. I used the word earlier, "pretending". She is pretending to be someone and something she just ain't. She won't tell us the things she's going to do because we, and I mean a large majority of Americans, not just Republicans, will NOT like or support them. She's a socialist, damned near a commie, if not an actual commie.

For those three reasons she can't make a case for the policies she will pursue and execute as President. Instead, she's running the same kinds of tired, leftist, bogus tropes about Trump we've heard for three election cycles now. The latest is Hitler and fascist stuff. Aided and abetted by an activist, dishonest press corps, she's back to "Trump is Hitler, Trump is a fascist, and only I can save you from him." Give it a rest, Kamala. Give it a fucking rest. He's already been President, and he didn't do any of the stuff you're saying his election threatens us with.

I watched some clips from CNN today via YouTube, and after her disastrous town hall last night, it sounds to me like they're preparing their audience for disappointment. Lefties, don't be pissed at us or Trump. Be pissed at the people running the Democratic Party who installed an un-ready Kamala Harris as nominee. Blame a media complex that has misled you about the polls. Don't blame me. I tried to tell ya. Joy ain't enough. Trump is Hitler ain't, neither. (I know the grammar is bad. Did it on purpose. Live with it.)

Late addendum afterthought: She doesn't work hard enough on the campaign trail, either.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Post Hurricane and Reunion: Election Quick Hitters - 10/21/2024

I've been busy with moving out of our condo, two hurricanes, and my annual USMC reunion, so I haven't had a chance to post here. A few things about the upcoming election:

CBS editing and reworking Kamala's answers for her interview (the edits were egregious and make 60 minutes more an in-kind campaign donor than news organization) may not be criminal, but ought to be. If the fucking show don't end with "Paid for by the committee to elect Kamala Harris", then what they did ought NOT be allowed unless noted as campaign matter, as opposed to journalism. CBS has no integrity. None. People who watch and trust CBS are gullible and stupid. No, not stupid, fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid if you trust CBS. Yeah, you.

Merrick Garland suing states to stop them from cleaning up FILTHY election registration rolls tells me they plan to cheat and he plans to assist them.

I don't trust most polls, but the ones I give most credibility to seem to have moved to Trump in the last month. I'm still not sure if he can get beyond the margin of cheating or not.

Kamala Harris' campaign is a joke. "What you gonna do about this?" "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump." "What do you think about that?" "Trump Trump Trumpety Trump." "And finally, what makes you qualified?" "I am not Trump."

Trump is outworking Harris by at least a factor of two, maybe three. I don't give a rat's ass what MSNBC or CNN told you.

Do you believe Kamala Harris really worked at McDonald's? I don't. I think she's lying about it.

Trump's McDonald's campaign stunt, on the other hand, was an instant classic and incredibly genius marketing. If you don't recognize it as such, you're fucking stupid. Go back to watching CBS, it'll make you feel better.

Trump is outworking Harris, doing so here at the Mickey D's drive-thru.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Hurricane Schmuricane - F*ck Them Deplorable Bastids - 10/4/2024

Asheville is the epi-center of a national disaster

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the epi-center of failed leadership.

I saw all kinds of leftist bullshit double-talk today about FEMA not having enough money for hurricane relief. I also saw credible reports of FEMA blocking non-FEMA entities from entering devastated areas to provide relief.

Let's talk about the issue of FEMA not having the money. Arguments against FEMA's being broke point out DHS and FEMA moneys in the hundreds of millions has gone to sheltering and other costs of the Biden/Harris immigration disaster. Arguments in FEMA's defense either say the money came from a different bucket where it wasn't FEMA moneys used, or where it was FEMA money, that it doesn't count, because it came from a different line item in FEMA's budget.

Money is money. I have been consistent on this. The Biden/Harris immigration disaster is a national embarrassment. Maybe I could talk all about that some other time. Right now the point is we have 15 or 20 million people here either illegally or through some kabuki twisted law bending by the Biden/Harris Administration to try to hide the real magnitude of the problem from us. All these people here illegally are costing us a lot of money. Who's getting gift cards, cell phones, being put up in hotels, flown around, etc., not to mention who's in jail or been deported or whatever. Don't even try to tell me it hasn't cost us a shit-ton of real money. I don't care what bucket it was in or what line item it was on. I do not care. If the people  who are telling us they don't have the money hadn't precipitated an avalanche of illegal migrants, and winked at a deluge of other legal *wink-wink* immigrants, then all the money it cost might be available. That's it. They're here because of the Biden/Harris Administration's policies and they are costing us money we don't have to help hurricane victims. Goddamned Vice President Harris first was talking about $750 to help families affected by Helene. Now it's almost up to $900.

Secretary Pete Buttigieg has been lying about it, but the goddamned FAA and DOT have been blocking private relief flights and vehicle passage into affected areas. Even Elon Musk, who is offering to provide Starling Internet connectivity in affected areas has had his trucks turned away. Many, many reports of private entities trying to help who are being shut out. It's a grave and mortal sin, once again being committed by the Biden / Harris Administration. Three reasons come to mind why they would do this, one legit, maybe, and the others not so much. Let me start with those.

1) Money. Private interests raise their own money which then can't be awarded and controlled by the Biden / Harris government. Imagine a church helping out! OMG Noooooooo! Can't have that. Churches might not respect gender affirmation or pronouns or abortions or something. NFW. Can't have that.

2) Bad PR. All those non government types get in there, who knows what will leak out? People will surely come to criticize the ineptness and inadequacy of the Biden / Harris Administration's response a mere 30 days from a Presidential Election. Noooooo!

3) The only potentially legit reason, so that relief efforts are well coordinated and good command and control is applied to them., Well, that sounds good, but you've got incompetence at DHS, incompetence in DOT, incompetence in HHS... in the Biden / Harris Admin, there is incompetence everywhere. This points back again to #2, bad PR. Lemme add a #4.

4) The people in eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida are a bunch of white redneck pricks who are liable to vote for Trump. Do you think the Biden / Harris Administration gives two shits about them. Hell no they don't. Hey, if Biden / Harris get lucky, maybe a bunch of them redneck Trumptards won't be able to vote and Kamala will win a swing state. Why would I even think or type that? Wrong question. The right question is, "Why in the hell WOULDN'T I?"

While I'm at it, I saw a post on X by Secretary Antony Blinken this evening. He was talking about the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon and how his department was giving something around $175 million to relief aid to Hezbollah... oops, hopefully Lebanon, but honestly we all know it more likely winds up in the hands of Hezbollah.

For good measure, I heard the portable energy units that might be used to repair the power grid? Oops. Sorry, you deplorable, redneck Trumptard insurrectionist bastids, they're not available, as they're in Ukraine. Ukraine needs them they got a war and all.