I have never participated in a protest in my life. When there was talk of going to D.C. on January 6, 2021 to protest what I thought to have been highly irregular activities in the just past November Presidential Election, I immediately thought, not a good idea. Nothing good will come from it.
Random thoughts on day to day life, mostly news and politics, but you name it.
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Thursday, August 31, 2023
Heavy Hands and Kid Gloves - 8/31/2023
Monday, July 17, 2023
Pronouns - 7/17/2023
Just a quick hitter on pronouns this morning. I was scrolling on Twitter, and a mother was complaining that she took her child to a doctor's office, and the receptionist had the audacity to refer the the child as "she" and "her" rather than "they" or "them". She said she corrected the receptionist, but the receptionist kept using she and her. What audacity that receptionist has!
All at once "they" and "them" as preferred pronouns bugged me. Why? Well, as I thought about it I realized I thought they and them are plurals. Was the mother saying the child has multiple personalities? Does the child have multiple identities? Does the child identify as a group rather than a singular person. Scratching my increasingly bald head, I decided I need to look it up.Lo and behold, the definitions have been updated. No longer are these words defined as plural to refer to either unspecified persons or a group of persons. The definitions have been modified to include use as pronouns for non-binary persons who don't feel "he" or him", nor "she" or "her" are an accurate reflection of who they perceive themselves to be. Non-binary meaning there have been traditionally only two choices, and neither of them fits a person's self awareness.
The most fun part of it is the mother making the receptionist out to be some kind of a bad person. When the kid gets into the room with the doctor is the doctor not supposed to know which anatomical features he or she will be examining. "I see 'they' have no penis, would 'they' like me to check 'their' PSA and give 'them' a prostate exam anyway?" "Would 'they' like a mammogram, or shall I pretend those aren't breasts?" These are the same fucking people who tell us to 'trust the science'.
While I'm on this rant... I went into the Whole Foods across the street Saturday to do an Amazon return. On the way in I saw a nearly androgynous looking person, presumably a woman, with green and blue hair, multiple face piercings, ear gauges, and an unusual and striking combination of colors and patterns in her clothing. I didn't have an issue with any of that. But it did strike me that this person, dare I say 'she', worked really hard to not look like her natural self, and also dressed so that people like me would notice and say, "What?"
Why in the fuck are so many people trying so hard to be something other than what they are? Instead of "being their best 'me'," what I see is people trying to be something they're not and then get mad at us if we think of them as what our eyes see.
I'm glad I'm retired and don't have to deal with this bullshit in an employment situation. I really am. If I was starting a company now, I would be open to hiring all races. All religions. Gay and lesbian people. Transgenders, too. Seriously. But you know who I wouldn't hire? People with pronouns in their bio. People with pronouns in their bio aren't looking for fair and equal treatment. They're looking for a fight, a slight, an argument, or a transgression to call out for the evil they see it as. I'm going to be facing an EEOC complaint from an employee because some other employee with big tits and a beard came in for a job and I didn't know how to address them? Nah. If you've got pronouns in your bio, I will treat everyone with dignity and respect, fairness and honesty, and when I slip up, suddenly you will turn someone's poor performance in the workplace around to me as the problem. Nope. Pronouns are a red flag, a signal that there's trouble ahead, trouble that I would avoid.
And 'they' and 'them' are plural. Always were. Still are.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
The Frustrating, Self-Destructive GOP - 7/15/2023
The GOP is a disaster right now. Liberals, Progressives, and Democrats ought to be quite happy with the situation. I divide the GOP into 4 groups. There is some overlap between some of the four, but the nature of them is such that there is also some areas of total separation.
First, you've got the Trump, only Trump, nobody but Trump, "We're staying home if it ain't Trump." These people would rather lose with Trump than look at the election from any other lens. To them, all other GOP candidates are the same as President Joe Biden.
Then you've got the "It don't matter anyway. The whole system is rigged and our votes are meaningless." These folks cannot believe Joe Biden got 81,000,000 votes, no way, no how. It is kinda hard to believe, ain't it. Most of these folks are also Trump supporters. There is a large overlap with the first group.
The third group likes Trump and will vote for him if he's nominated, but would prefer someone else, someone new. I am in this group. We are more interested in winning and defeating Biden than we are loyal to Trump. I don't owe Trump loyalty. I appreciate what he did for us, what he sacrificed for us, and I recognize how badly the deep state and establishment treated him. But this ain't a religion and I didn't swear an oath.
Then finally, you've got a fourth group, the never-Trump, traditional GOP globalist, establishment people. They'd rather see a Democrat win than Trump. Some, like the Lincoln Project people, are vocal and outspoken about it.
News flash: Unless these factions come together at least somewhat, Joe Biden will be re-elected, Not only will it require GOP unity to defeat him, it will also require some Democrats and a winning margin of independents. The first two of the four groups I discussed don't care at all about Democrat or Independents, or anyone who isn't totally loyal to Trump. The last (fourth) group doesn't care at all about Trump voters.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. We're screwed.
Saturday, July 1, 2023
SCOTUS and the Imbeciles - 7/1/2023
I'm exhausted by the number of uneducated and educated imbeciles who get totally righteous and indignant over all these awful SCOTUS decisions. Illiterate about the Constitution, uneducated about the branches of our government and the functions of each, absolutely certain the Supreme Court is the problem, and unwilling to even try to understand basic US civics, including the responsibilities and authorities of Federal and State government, these people unwittingly boast about their own ignorance and stupidity time and time again. There ARE ways to codify all of the above issues into law, some or all of: Amend the US Constitution, have Congress pass a constitutional law, and or passage of laws at the State level. You want it? Feel you should get it the right way via some shortcut. The easy way out often doesn't hold up to educated scrutiny. You're pissed anyway?
Thursday, June 29, 2023
It's a Free Country, SCOTUS and Racial Preference in College Admission - 6/29/2023
I absolutely believe the Supreme Court got it right today in making racial preferences for or against another group as a determining factor in college enrollment. This is a sword that cuts two ways, and rightfully so. In recent times, some races and minorities have been given preferential treatment, while at the same time others were discriminated against, all in the supposed interest of fairness. Some will argue that this latest decision is an abomination and unfair. I disagree.
In my opinion, fairness means equal opportunities for all. In a meritocracy, all who would attempt to get a certain job, enroll in a school, or purchase a home in a particular area ought to have a fair and equal opportunity as everyone else, regardless of their race, or the race of others with whom they might compete for that job, school, or home. If you have the best experience, skills, and training, then the job ought to be yours. If you have the best grades and entry test scores, then the school ought to admit you. If you have the money to buy a home, your color ought to be irrelevant. That's fairness in a meritocracy. It's fair to everybody.
Lately, though, what the left has been pushing is not equal opportunity, but instead something they call equity. With equity, making sure underrepresented races are moved to the front of the line, merit be damned, is the means to their desired end. I do understand that historically some races have been suppressed in employment, education, and place of residence as a result of prejudice. This was wrong, and today's ruling affirms that it is still wrong. This was not a victory FOR racial prejudice. It is a victory for fairness and equal opportunity for all races. I especially think of Asian Americans as being victimized by equity. The Asian-American subculture often places a premium on academics and learning in the family unit that translates to superior academic prowess and achievement. Why should they be penalized because some of us, perhaps many, do not place the same kind of emphasis and effort in academics in child rearing and child raising? My answer: they ought not.
To close, let me say: if there are two perfectly equal candidates for a job or for placement in a school, I do not object to preferential treatment in that case being given to the person from a group that is underrepresented. Not in the least. Perfectly equal candidates... otherwise the best qualified should get it, period.
Everybody deserves a chance. Everybody. Even Asian-Americans who read and study a lot. Don't like it? Read a book. Study a textbook. Improve yourself. Make the changes the right way. Be the change. We all can. It's a free country. Well, it used to be, anyway.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Hunter Biden "Distractions" I call BS- 6/24/2023
I am not falling for the distractions Democrats throw out there about Joe and Hunter Biden corruption. A real quick hitter to point out my take on the excuses:
"The fact that Hunter is a deadbeat dad, had a drug problem, and did business overseas same as the Trump kids did is in no way an indication that Joe Biden is corrupt. Shame on you for shaming Joe for his son's problems."
Uh, bullshit. The fact that Hunter had an addiction (drugs and sex, most likely) is no reflection on Joe? Joe left his classified documents within easy access to a person who would seem at a minimum susceptible to blackmail, not to mention that both aforementioned habits are expensive and would provide quite a motive to an addict badly in need if the addict were approached by foreign operatives looking for access to them. So don't tell me one has nothing to do with the other.
And to the parallel to the Trump kids, give me a break. Yeah, you hate them because they're Trumps. I get that. But the behavior and problems Hunter Biden is known to have are a night and day difference to Trump kids who to me appear to be incredibly capable in their own right.
"Nobody in the Biden Administration, nor Joe Biden himself, and none of Joe Biden's close associates were charged by any US Attorney, meanwhile Trump is up on charges left and right in multiple jurisdictions."
If crimes are swept under the rug, are they still illegal? |
This proves our Justice Department is fair and impartial exactly how?
What do I believe?
I believe Joe Biden enriched himself and all his family via third party plausibly deniable deals. These deals were in Eastern Europe and in Asia. Joe's influence was sold, both during the Biden Administration where Joe was VP, and during the Trump Administration, when he was a logical, if not likely candidate for President himself.
I believe Merrick Garland is an extreme partisan and political operative. I do not believe for a second he is fair, impartial, or in search of truth and righteousness. Thank God he's not on the Supreme Court! Thank the devil that he's where he's at.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
You Owe Us an Apology - 6/21/2023
John Durham testifies to Congress.
I heard just a little bit of John Durham's testimony before Congress today. These two things jump out at me and should make every single American mad, no matter what affiliation or political leaning you have. If they don't, you're probably stupid or just a person who's so partisan that your partisanship has corrupted your sense of right and wrong. Here goes:
1. At the time Crossfire Hurricane was opened in 2016 during the election campaign, there was no evidence of Trump Russia collusion possessed by any of the US intelligence or law enforcement agencies. NONE. There was no basis to open that investigation, or the subsequent Mueller investigation except dirty politics.
2. Those same intelligence and law enforcement agencies knew, they absolutely knew, that the Trump Russia collusion allegations were a hoax originated and perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Obama, and Biden all KNEW this was the case. It was documented in a memo they shared. This memo was kept from, withheld from, hidden from the Crossfire Hurricane and Mueller investigators.
Every single person who was party to that memo, no matter where that person sits or sat in our government, belongs in prison. All of them. No exceptions. And a whole bunch of you Trump-Russia collusion parrots, all of you out there, you owe us an apology. Your people, from Saint Obama down to the lowest scumbag in justice and intelligence, committed what in my opinion is an unforgivable sin, worse than Watergate, worse than January 6th, worse than any US political dirty trick in my lifetime, maybe ever in US history.