A lot of us have had a hard time working through the new social
distancing. There are people in hospitals and nursing homes who can't
have visitors, and their families are at home, enduring the painful
sadness that they can't visit. People are losing their jobs, having
hours cut, and in some cases, losing a loved one. A lot of people have shown their true colors this last few weeks, some for the good. After early partisan jousting, NY Governor Cuomo, someone I'm not a big fan of, and President Trump have shown good leadership and cooperation, setting aside their partisanship to work together to address vital needs during this crisis. That's just two examples of MANY, MANY who have stepped up for the good of the people. Some haven't. This post is for the rotten, selfish bastards.
Florida Spring Break Selfish Bastards |
How about the selfish bastard spring breaker selfish bastards? Are they some selfish bastards, or what? To anyone under the age of 40 or so: if you're thinking you're not at risk, you got shit you want to do, so you're going to do it, you know what? You're a stupid selfish bastard. One selfish bastard spring breaker went full selfish bastard on television, explaining how he'd been looking forward to spring break for two months, no way he was letting it slip away. I wanted to smack that little selfish bastard back to wherever his selfish bastard ass came from.
Then there are the grocery store selfish bastards. Toilet paper! Affectionately called 'shitpaper' in my Marine Corps days, what kind of selfish bastard needs 100, 200, or 300 rolls of toilet paper at one time? Only a major league asshole of a selfish bastard needs 200 rolls of toilet paper.
Store Shelves Ransacked By Grocery Store Selfish Bastards |
Yesterday, or maybe it was Saturday, I saw a picture on Twitter of a selfish bastard woman at a Kroger with a grocery basket full to the brim with chicken.
Greedy Rotten Selfish Bastard Selfishly Depriving Other Shoppers of Chicken |
Now, I'm not sure, but this selfish bastard's selfish bastard family isn't going to eat all this chicken in one selfish sitting. I'm quite fed up with these selfish bastards, if you haven't already picked up on it. So, to all you selfish bastards everywhere: go to selfish bastard hell. I hope you like Selfish Bastard Hell's provisions, where everything is in short supply, and there are other selfish bastards all around you who have everything you need in massively excessive quantities. Of coarse, they're selfish bastards, too, and won't share, but they will offer to sell your selfish bastard self all the chicken, ass wipes, toilet paper and hand sanitizers you need at a 1000% markup. Short of cash? You poor, unfortunate selfish bastard. You're shit out of luck, you selfish bastard.
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