Following are some screen captures. There's a LOT more than this out there. This is more than enought to give you a
Random thoughts on day to day life, mostly news and politics, but you name it.
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Friday, August 28, 2020
8/28/2020 Twitter Screenshots of Biden Supporters Harrassing Trump RNC Guests Last Night
Following are some screen captures. There's a LOT more than this out there. This is more than enought to give you a
Thursday, August 27, 2020
8/27/2020 Kenosha Thoughts
Unless I had my own business to protect, I don't believe I'd be one to strap on a gun and head down to confront violent, arsonist rioters. At least short of a militia being formed up because authorities had tried and were failing and needed armed support. My home or my own business? That's a different story. But to take up arms and go confront the lawless mob, like the naïve 17 year-old kid did in Kenosha, is a tragedy waiting to happen. He'll pay a price for the rest of his life for trying to take on the destructive mob.
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Skateboard smash and armed pursuer. |
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Skateboard smash |
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The gun was described by some as a cellphone. |
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Cellphone my ass! |
The shooting victims? They are/were criminals involved in criminal activities. I have very little sympathy for them. The rioters, looters, arsonists, and violent assaulters are the bad guys here.
The Mayor of Kenosha and Governor of Wisconsin have primary responsibility for how this tragic violent mess evolved, in my opinion. They allowed things to escalate. I do recognize that if they took forcible action to quell the uprising early on that things might have escalated even more. Yes, that's possible. It really could have been worse. But to allow the destruction and violence and have the use of police and National Guard waiting in the wings on standby while destruction and violence go on unabated is tantamount to asking citizens to take action themselves.
And as for the police shooting Jacob Blake, the riots and violence are a very premature response. I imagine a western movie. A guy comes into the bar, looking beat up and bloody. "That durned cattle rustler come in and raped Mrs. Smith and looks like he stoled one of their horses, too!" Next thing a vigilante posse is hot on the trail, a hangin' sure to follow. Except Mrs. Smith was having an affair with the cattle rustler and when Mr. Smith got there there was a scuffle, the rustler got the better of him, and Mrs. Smith put the cattle rustler on a horse so he could make his getaway. The mob chasing him will hang him no matter what. Do you think they'd ask questions? Do you think they'd believe him if he told them? The mob may feel their intentions are noble, but they don't have the facts, don't know the whole story. Sounds familiar.
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Jacob Blake. What's that in his hand? Why isn't he cooperating? |
Maybe Jacob Blake shouldn't have been shot. Only time and an unbiased, thorough investigation will tell that tale. But he's no good guy. Facts be damned! It was a cop. He's black. Case closed.
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Karambit (?) Knife |
And my parting thought: The communist Chinese are neck deep in the propaganda campaign to divide and weaken us. They're opportunistically fanning flames of racial discord. And we're so fucking gullible, like lemmings we're going over the racial divide cliff.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
8/25/2020 Lies, Damned lies, and Statistics
I have seen seemingly reasonable numbers posted on social media, but that was a couple of days ago and I can't find the post I saw them on to verify them from their source. Internet searches aren't helping me track the numbers down, either, so I'll just say I'm not sure the numbers are right, but I think the rest of my concern is, regardless. What I saw posted stated that the average age of all the persons in the US who have died from CCP Virus is 78, and that the average life expectancy of all persons in the US is also 78.
First of all, I don't know for sure the numbers in either case are correct. But presuming they are, as they're not crazy at first glance, they're just one of those things that make me go... "Hmmmm?"
On their face those numbers DO NOT mean that CCP Virus is NOT deadly. But those numbers do say it's no more or LESS deadly than the net sum of all the other deadly things we encounter in the world, which would include influenza, cancer, accidents, and the interesting euphemism we often call 'natural causes' or 'old age', etc.
Does that mean that I think we should be ignoring the virus? No. We shouldn't ignore it, just as we should be reducing accidental deaths where and how we can, and working to find cures for cancer, heart disease, etc. But in the context of comparison, of all the other communicable diseases that contribute to an average age of death of 78 years old, why is it that CCP Virus is the only one that requires indefinite shutdowns, decimation of small businesses, the travel industry, working from home, etc? I don't think there's a good answer to that question. And by 'good answer', I don't mean an acceptable answer, I mean an accurate answer. The reason why is that I don't think the numbers we have been provided are worth their weight in shit. They're inaccurate as hell.
Why are the numbers so inaccurate? Because in the first part of the pandemic, in order to support healthcare providers, well-intentioned federal money was allocated to finance healthcare for CCP Virus patients on a per case basis. And that federal money incentivized healthcare providers to make the virus part of, in many cases even presumed to have been a part of as many diagnoses as possible. "Flu-like symptoms?" "Yes." "Add him to the Covid List. RIP." Cha-Ching! $$$$$ Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching! Again and again. If you ask me, cha-ching $$$$$ is the reason our numbers aren't worth their weight in shit.
We can't have an honest discussion or disagreement about this damned virus because we do not have accurate numbers. It's real, it kills people, it has to be taken seriously. But when it's time to say "Enough is enough" as it pertains to small business closures, church closures, school closures, sporting and political event closures (except riots, which are an exempted activity), how in the hell can we have intelligent dialogue about how to proceed without accurate facts, info, and data? Spoiler alert: we can't. Until we know the real numbers, we can't.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
8/18/2020 I Can't Get Past the Portland Truck Driver Beating. Sickening.
I still haven't been able to get past the guy who was beaten to within an inch of his life in Portland the night before last. I've seen conflicting reports, but I think reports that he has passed away are inaccurate. I hope so.
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Black Lives Matter terrorist Kees Love glowers over his victim in Portland |
As I have in the past, first off, I think it's important to say that I distinguish between the concept that "black lives matter" and the organization and movement, "Black Lives Matter". The former, in my opinion, is an expression of concern for blacks, especially in dealing with law enforcement. The latter is a political organization that is wreaking havoc in parts of our country, working to undermine and destroy our nation, and is aligned politically with socialist, leftist, anti-Americanism. So I can and do support the former, but I don't support the latter in the least.
On Sunday, in the name of Black Lives Matter, a man was brutally beaten by Black Lives Matter rioters in Portland, OR. As he (hopefully) continues to cling to life, I hear a deafening silence from Black Lives Matter and their allies in politics, entertainment, and sports. I don't see reports of Black Lives Matter leaders decrying the rioting, destruction, disruptions, and notably the violence being committed in the name of their cause. Not a peep. And therein is my line of demarcation. Many of the things I see being done in the name of Black Lives Matter are wholly, totally, and completely unacceptable to me. I saw one Black Lives Matter organizer from Chicago say outright that the looting and stealing that was going on was acceptable, as reparations for slavery. Give me a fucking break.
I can never, and will never support the Black Lives Matter organization. It's lucky if I can ever get back to grudgingly tolerating the athletes, leagues, and entertainers who are professing support for these violent terrorists. As of this writing, that'll be a cold day in hell, but I admit I may soften over time. Probably a lot of time. Denounce the criminal behaviors being done in the name of Black Lives Matter, or get that shit off my screen. If you don't, I'll get it off my screen myself. The easy way: *click*.
And to local and state governments who tolerate this violence and destruction either because they're full on supporters of it, or because they're afraid of the political consequences, much of this is on you. And you Black Lives Matter terrorists and your supporters need to be ready. You fuckers need to be ready because everything you've supported and tolerated is going to lose the election for Joe Biden and will ensure a second Trump term. And as Barack Obama famously told the Russians, "I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election". So I expect Black Lives Matter and their allies, Antifa, another scumbag, anti-American terrorist organization, will rise up in violent and destructive protest after Trump is re-elected. Well be careful, terrorist bastards. Be very careful. With no election hanging over his head, Trump will have a lot more flexibility to deal with you and your criminal, terrorist behaviors. I guarantee you're not going to like it.
Monday, August 17, 2020
8/17/2020 Election Reforms
Long before this b.s. conflict over mail in voting was manufactured, I have always wanted a major overhaul as to how we vote. I would love to see in-person voting stretched to a number of days, at least 4 or 5, maybe as many as 7. That way no matter what people’s work schedules are, there would be some point in time where they could go to the polls. The second aspect of this proposal is that all the states would open their polls on the first day simultaneously, and close the same way on the last. So if polls close on day 5 at 9:00 p.m. on the east coast, they’d close at 6:00 on the west coast, etc.
In a scenario like this, Saturday and Sunday would be perfect days for volunteers to help elderly and other people with issues getting to the polls to do so. I imagine busses picking people up and delivering them to their polling places.
And while I would propose that counting ballots should be strictly prohibited prior to the last closing of the polls, I would not object to some method where each political party with a candidate in the national election knows which person registered in their party hasn’t voted yet, and can take an active role in getting people to the polls. But ballot harvesting AFTER votes have been counted? Not at all. If you don’t want a party tracking whether you’ve voted or not, register as an independent. If you want mom to make sure you’re up in time for school, so to speak, register with your preferred party. After a day or two maybe they’ll call you, find out you don’t have transportation, and help you get to the polls.
As for absentee voting, all ballots would have to be postmarked by the close of business on whichever was the first or second regular business day for the post office during the election cycle. So presuming a five day cycle, in person voting would start on a Friday, and run through Tuesday. Absentee ballots would have to be postmarked either Friday or Saturday.
I would not at all object to people requesting their ballot by mail and bringing it to their polling place filled out already. But I would check all voters for IDs, and proxy voting, a person or organization bringing multiple ballots, be they for an organization or a family, would NOT be allowed.
I doubt ANY of this will ever happen. But if it did, I bet a lot (allot for Gail, LOL) more people would participate and, speaking for myself, I’d feel a lot better about both the integrity of the process AND the higher participation.
One last thing, anyone busted for voter fraud, tampering, or other violations of voting laws and voter’s rights, should forfeit their own right to vote for some specified period of time. If a man votes twice because they registered in two different jurisdictions, maybe they can’t vote for 4 years. If another person is caught destroying 1000 mailed absentee ballots, or something like that, they should lose their right to vote for life.
Every citizen should have one vote and only one vote and every citizen who so desires should use it.
In a scenario like this, Saturday and Sunday would be perfect days for volunteers to help elderly and other people with issues getting to the polls to do so. I imagine busses picking people up and delivering them to their polling places.
And while I would propose that counting ballots should be strictly prohibited prior to the last closing of the polls, I would not object to some method where each political party with a candidate in the national election knows which person registered in their party hasn’t voted yet, and can take an active role in getting people to the polls. But ballot harvesting AFTER votes have been counted? Not at all. If you don’t want a party tracking whether you’ve voted or not, register as an independent. If you want mom to make sure you’re up in time for school, so to speak, register with your preferred party. After a day or two maybe they’ll call you, find out you don’t have transportation, and help you get to the polls.
As for absentee voting, all ballots would have to be postmarked by the close of business on whichever was the first or second regular business day for the post office during the election cycle. So presuming a five day cycle, in person voting would start on a Friday, and run through Tuesday. Absentee ballots would have to be postmarked either Friday or Saturday.
I would not at all object to people requesting their ballot by mail and bringing it to their polling place filled out already. But I would check all voters for IDs, and proxy voting, a person or organization bringing multiple ballots, be they for an organization or a family, would NOT be allowed.
I doubt ANY of this will ever happen. But if it did, I bet a lot (allot for Gail, LOL) more people would participate and, speaking for myself, I’d feel a lot better about both the integrity of the process AND the higher participation.
One last thing, anyone busted for voter fraud, tampering, or other violations of voting laws and voter’s rights, should forfeit their own right to vote for some specified period of time. If a man votes twice because they registered in two different jurisdictions, maybe they can’t vote for 4 years. If another person is caught destroying 1000 mailed absentee ballots, or something like that, they should lose their right to vote for life.
Every citizen should have one vote and only one vote and every citizen who so desires should use it.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
8/16/2020 On Cannon Hinnant and Race
There's a GoFundMe page raising money for the family of Cannon Hinnant, and as of this typing, it's raised $709.065. That's a lot of dough. Who is Cannon Hinnant and what is going on to generate so much interest in his family?
On a personal level, I NEVER ONCE thought that Cannon was murdered because of his race. Sure, I know it's a possibility, but just because his murderer is black and Cannon was white, I didn't jump to the conclusion that it was a race crime or hate crime. It was an atrocity. It was a crime. It is terrible. His murderer should be punished to the full extent of the law. No if's, and's, or but's. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go directly to jail, you animal and thug. Bastard.
George Floyd, a man previously convicted of multiple felonies, a man who was being apprehended in the commission of a crime, and a man who was high as a kite was killed when a police officer knelt on his neck for more than 8-1/2 minutes. The officer is white and Mr. Floyd was a black man. Similar to the Cannon Hinnant case, I did NOT jump to the conclusion that Mr. Floyd's murder was a race crime or a hate crime. Yes, I did believe that to have been a possibility, but lacking ANY single piece of evidence to support that theory, I didn't jump to conclusions. Many, many people did, and months of unrest and violence followed. A week or two ago, the police body camera footage of Floyd's arrest and murder were released. It was difficult to watch, I'd describe it as "gut wrenching". The body camera video showed a sky-high suspect who resisted arrest and did everything else except to cooperate. There were 100+ opportunities for Mr. Floyd to cooperate and the tragedy would have been avoided. Not one single racial slur or derogatory comment was uttered by the cops on scene.
I still haven't seen a single shred of evidence that either Cannon Hinnant or George Floyd were killed because of their skin color. And as businesses, cities, and people's lives have been destroyed in protests over Floyd's killing on the presumption that it was a race crime, people like me read about the murder of Cannon Hinnant and we asked ourselves, "Why is the media inflating the resisting arrest, drugged up felon, George Floyd's murder into a racial atrocity, and completely ignoring an obviously innocent 5 year old's murder, killed allegedly for the crime of riding his bicycle on his neighbor's lawn?" Well, I believe it's because there is an agenda, an effort to divide us and to turn us against one another, pitting black against white, left against right, city against rural, rich against poor. We're being played like a violin in the Boston Pops or NY Philharmonic. Played.
Don't fall for it. Racism is real, and it should NOT be tolerated. But neither should it be conjured up to incite the less insightful. Next time one of these tragedies like George or Cannon's murder happens, please, before condemning it as a race or hate crime, ask, "How do we know it was racially motivated? What evidence is there that it was racially motivated?" Let it not be that until there is evidence that that's what it is.
Cannon Hinnant Go Fund Me
On a personal level, I NEVER ONCE thought that Cannon was murdered because of his race. Sure, I know it's a possibility, but just because his murderer is black and Cannon was white, I didn't jump to the conclusion that it was a race crime or hate crime. It was an atrocity. It was a crime. It is terrible. His murderer should be punished to the full extent of the law. No if's, and's, or but's. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go directly to jail, you animal and thug. Bastard.
George Floyd, a man previously convicted of multiple felonies, a man who was being apprehended in the commission of a crime, and a man who was high as a kite was killed when a police officer knelt on his neck for more than 8-1/2 minutes. The officer is white and Mr. Floyd was a black man. Similar to the Cannon Hinnant case, I did NOT jump to the conclusion that Mr. Floyd's murder was a race crime or a hate crime. Yes, I did believe that to have been a possibility, but lacking ANY single piece of evidence to support that theory, I didn't jump to conclusions. Many, many people did, and months of unrest and violence followed. A week or two ago, the police body camera footage of Floyd's arrest and murder were released. It was difficult to watch, I'd describe it as "gut wrenching". The body camera video showed a sky-high suspect who resisted arrest and did everything else except to cooperate. There were 100+ opportunities for Mr. Floyd to cooperate and the tragedy would have been avoided. Not one single racial slur or derogatory comment was uttered by the cops on scene.
I still haven't seen a single shred of evidence that either Cannon Hinnant or George Floyd were killed because of their skin color. And as businesses, cities, and people's lives have been destroyed in protests over Floyd's killing on the presumption that it was a race crime, people like me read about the murder of Cannon Hinnant and we asked ourselves, "Why is the media inflating the resisting arrest, drugged up felon, George Floyd's murder into a racial atrocity, and completely ignoring an obviously innocent 5 year old's murder, killed allegedly for the crime of riding his bicycle on his neighbor's lawn?" Well, I believe it's because there is an agenda, an effort to divide us and to turn us against one another, pitting black against white, left against right, city against rural, rich against poor. We're being played like a violin in the Boston Pops or NY Philharmonic. Played.
Don't fall for it. Racism is real, and it should NOT be tolerated. But neither should it be conjured up to incite the less insightful. Next time one of these tragedies like George or Cannon's murder happens, please, before condemning it as a race or hate crime, ask, "How do we know it was racially motivated? What evidence is there that it was racially motivated?" Let it not be that until there is evidence that that's what it is.
Cannon Hinnant Go Fund Me
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
8/12/2020-2 A Heartbeat Away - Senator Kamala Harris for (Vice) President
I can't support her. She's a heartbeat away. Joe Biden is a placeholder candidate. This is who's really running for President to the United States. She is the ultimate "Identity Politics" candidate. She's an untra-liberal. Here's why I can't and won't support her in bullet points:
- Her participation and behavior during the Justice Kavanaugh SCOTUS Confirmation Hearings and everything surrounding them. She savaged an innocent man because in her opinion his ideology was a threat to the balance of the court, especially issues like abortion and gun control.
- She defended Jussie Smollett, who unlike Kavanaugh was the bad guy. Smollett was a racial hatred hoaxer and, in my opinion, purely based on race, Harris stood by him. Because his race was favorable to her. Not right or wrong, but black or white. The hell with that. Right is right, wrong is wrong, no matter the color.
- Joe Biden WILL NOT be POTUS for an entire term. Not a chance in hell. Kamala Harris is the Democratic Party's candidate for President.
- 2A. She's against my right to defend myself and my family and my property at a time when chaos is raining down on cities across the country and we see the police called off by politicians too chickenshit to do the right thing. Senator Kamala Harris isn't the one who's neither going to support my rights, nor will she support law enforcement.
- The Supreme Court. I can't imagine the judges she'd nominate.
8/12/2020 CCP Virus Hits Charlotte County Veteren's Nursing Home Hard
In the last week or so, as I have followed the CCP Virus numbers, I
have been glad to see the downward trend, both in Florida and in
Charlotte County, where we live. But I have been consistent in warning
about the virus' devastating im pact on the elderly, especially in
nursing homes. The trend may be downward, but this is still the case,
and nursing homes are still the tip of the spear, as far as this virus
We have a state veteran's home here in Charlotte County, the Douglas Jacobson State Veteran's Home. In the last couple of weeks the virus has raged through there, infecting (as of yesterday) 34 residents and 20 staff. I know of one resident, a dear friend of dear friends, who's 96, caught the virus there and has been moved to a hospital and then again to a rehab place. This is a D-Day vet who hasn't seen his wife in months and now has been shuffled around with the damned virus like a hot potato. I read that many others from the facility have been moved to the Bay Pines VA Hospital in St. Pete. I've also been told that with the staff having been hit so hard, that Jacobson has had to bring in nurses from other countries to care for the veterans who are still there. It's scary and it's a shame.
So, yeah. I know the numbers are dubious, at best. They're inflated, distorted, twisted, and whatever the opposite of sugar-coated is, too. And I know there is WAY WAY WAY too much politics being played with this thing: schools, other closings, masks, hydroxychloroquine, mandatory vaccination talk, relief packages, unemployment, etc. The left and right are both trying to make everything and anything an issue for November. And, not to be ignored, big pharma, medicine, and insurance companies are milking it for all it's worth financially. Be all that as it may, the virus is still real and the virus is still killing old folks. Some of them, the old codger D-Day vet I told you about, are ready to die just to get this nightmare over with. They've been isolated from loved ones, shuffled around, made sick when before they weren't, and have seen care givers they've come to appreciate and see as their only friends from outside the facility gone not, too, because of the virus.
So feel free to tell me you don't like how it's being handled. I have my own doubts, too. But please stop calling it fake or contrived or a hoax. What's going on in the veteran's nursing homes near you? We should all make it a point to find out.
We have a state veteran's home here in Charlotte County, the Douglas Jacobson State Veteran's Home. In the last couple of weeks the virus has raged through there, infecting (as of yesterday) 34 residents and 20 staff. I know of one resident, a dear friend of dear friends, who's 96, caught the virus there and has been moved to a hospital and then again to a rehab place. This is a D-Day vet who hasn't seen his wife in months and now has been shuffled around with the damned virus like a hot potato. I read that many others from the facility have been moved to the Bay Pines VA Hospital in St. Pete. I've also been told that with the staff having been hit so hard, that Jacobson has had to bring in nurses from other countries to care for the veterans who are still there. It's scary and it's a shame.
So, yeah. I know the numbers are dubious, at best. They're inflated, distorted, twisted, and whatever the opposite of sugar-coated is, too. And I know there is WAY WAY WAY too much politics being played with this thing: schools, other closings, masks, hydroxychloroquine, mandatory vaccination talk, relief packages, unemployment, etc. The left and right are both trying to make everything and anything an issue for November. And, not to be ignored, big pharma, medicine, and insurance companies are milking it for all it's worth financially. Be all that as it may, the virus is still real and the virus is still killing old folks. Some of them, the old codger D-Day vet I told you about, are ready to die just to get this nightmare over with. They've been isolated from loved ones, shuffled around, made sick when before they weren't, and have seen care givers they've come to appreciate and see as their only friends from outside the facility gone not, too, because of the virus.
So feel free to tell me you don't like how it's being handled. I have my own doubts, too. But please stop calling it fake or contrived or a hoax. What's going on in the veteran's nursing homes near you? We should all make it a point to find out.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
08/05/2020 Durham, Jensen, Bash, and Barr - My Patience Wears Thin
I've had it. They say the wheels of justice turn slowly. Well, when the car is in 'Park' and the Parking Brake is set, the wheels of justice don't turn at all. We're now inside of 3 months from Election Day. Not only do the American people like myself who have been following the coup d'état of 2016-2018 very carefully deserve to see justice done to the conspirators, but the woefully and willfully ignorant among you also deserve to have a full accounting of how Deep State bureaucrats and Obama Administration officials and holdovers tried to 1) impact the 2016 election, 2) hamper the Trump transition team, and 3) undermine the duly elected President of the United States. Criminals in the DOJ, FBI, State Dept., Treasury Dept., and especially the C Eye A and Intelligence Community falsified evidence, spied illegally, and used leaks to their co-conspirators in the DNC, the media, Congress and the Senate in the MOST SCANDALOUS ABUSE OF POWER exercise IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. I want justice.
I demand arrests. I demand indictments. I demand a full and transparent accounting of who was involved. All of them need to be outed. Democrats AND Republicans. Elected officials and bureaucrats. Foreign spies and domestic. TV, radio, print and Internet media persons. Political operatives. Every treasonous traitor needs to be named, charged, tried, and if convicted, then given the harshest sentence the law allows. Yes, even that. You know what the 'that' to which I'm referring is. I want justice.
And f*cking Mueller and his band of partisans were just an extension of the same. Why in the hell did Sessions and Rosenstein enable the Mueller charade to carry on through the 2018 election? I want justice.
What brought this rant on this morning were quotes I read from journalists asking whether the DOJ would commit to delaying (further!) release of this information so that it wouldn't interfere with the 2020 election. Are you f*cking shitting me?!?!?! How in the f*ck would prosecuting Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, McCabe, Orr(s), Page, etc., etc. be election interference? Perhaps they think VP Biden was complicit in the crimes? Well, he was in the infamous Jan 5, 2017 meeting and he did make a suggestion how they could go after Gen. Michael Flynn. If Biden did indeed have his fingers in the coup d'état cookie jar, then screw him and his presidential aspirations. I want justice.
But you know what? I don't expect it. We've been strung along for years now on this criminal hoax. I don't expect justice at all. I hope I'm wrong, but I've lost faith. The swamp slithers united. The American people and justice, be damned. Well dammit, I don't care. I want justice!
I demand arrests. I demand indictments. I demand a full and transparent accounting of who was involved. All of them need to be outed. Democrats AND Republicans. Elected officials and bureaucrats. Foreign spies and domestic. TV, radio, print and Internet media persons. Political operatives. Every treasonous traitor needs to be named, charged, tried, and if convicted, then given the harshest sentence the law allows. Yes, even that. You know what the 'that' to which I'm referring is. I want justice.
And f*cking Mueller and his band of partisans were just an extension of the same. Why in the hell did Sessions and Rosenstein enable the Mueller charade to carry on through the 2018 election? I want justice.
What brought this rant on this morning were quotes I read from journalists asking whether the DOJ would commit to delaying (further!) release of this information so that it wouldn't interfere with the 2020 election. Are you f*cking shitting me?!?!?! How in the f*ck would prosecuting Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, McCabe, Orr(s), Page, etc., etc. be election interference? Perhaps they think VP Biden was complicit in the crimes? Well, he was in the infamous Jan 5, 2017 meeting and he did make a suggestion how they could go after Gen. Michael Flynn. If Biden did indeed have his fingers in the coup d'état cookie jar, then screw him and his presidential aspirations. I want justice.
But you know what? I don't expect it. We've been strung along for years now on this criminal hoax. I don't expect justice at all. I hope I'm wrong, but I've lost faith. The swamp slithers united. The American people and justice, be damned. Well dammit, I don't care. I want justice!
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