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Thursday, May 12, 2022

"I did that" - Political Snippets - 5/12/2022

Some snippets this morning. I've got too much on my mind to say nothing, but I can't go deeply into it all. There just isn't time. So, snippets.

The decals are right. Joe did this.
Joe blames Putin, Covid, and Trump for inflation. Joe is an idiot. You voted for him? I hope you feel guilty. Or stupid. Or something.


Hold onto your wallets, Biden's in charge!

My 401K doesn't like Joe Biden a whole lot. Are you pretending yours is okay because you voted for him?


I'm still waiting for any person to explain to me how abortion is a constitutionally protected right.

Of course I'm glad Roe V Wade is being overturned and the Senate didn't pass an abortion protection bill yesterday. You motherfuckers want to kill babies all the way through the third trimester. You failed to speak up and distance yourself when the shit got radical. That's on you, not me.


DeSantis for Gov 2022, and for President in 2024!
My preference for 2024, as of now, is Ron DeSantis. I will support Trump if he's the nominee. I can't imagine any reason at all I will support any Democrat. Supporting ANY Democrat gives radical whack jobs and full-term baby killers a toe-hold. No.

Actual Chicago Teacher's Union tweet.

Teacher's Unions are the the scourge of our country, most notably in big cities.


So-called threats to "democracy", Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.
 The left hates free speech. You disagree? Ask Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.


He's lost it. Quit pretending he's OK.
Joe didn't fix Covid. That "plan" he claimed he had and alleged his predecessor didn't have? That was all dishonest political bullshit. Not only did Joe not have a plan, Joe didn't have a clue. And, for what it's worth, from clueless then, he has suffered noticeable cognitive decline ever since.


Democrats have made a seismic shift to the left since the Clinton Presidency.
I didn't support President Bill Clinton. But I remember times during his presidency that I thought he got things right. I agreed with him somewhere between 10 and 25% of the time. I can't think of a thing I agree with Democrats and Grandpa Joe about. They've lunged so far left on every issue, they're outta sight. And during the 2020 campaign, the left turn signal was on. Bigly. You were blinded by mean tweets. Dopes.
Trump, Trump, Trump. When all else fails, talk about Trump.
I want to hear someone's explanation as to why they think President Biden is doing a good job. One rule though. You cannot for any reason under any circumstance compare him to Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, or Trump. I want to hear why you think he's great, not about what he ain't. If you must make comparisons, you must compare him to Presidents Carter, Clinton, or Obama.

Worst President ever? Joe; "Hold my beer!"
Joe is the worst President of my lifetime. It's not close. If you still support him, think he's doing a good job, or want to re-elect him in 2024, I want to know what you're smoking.

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