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Saturday, May 13, 2023

People Are Not Illegal? - 5/13/2023

Calling them "illegal aliens"? is somehow offensive. A common retort these days is the defiant: "People are not illegal!"

When the come here illegally, what are they then, lady?

If a person robs a bank, are they not called a "bank robber"?

If a person steals a car, are they not called a "car thief"?

If a person rapes someone, are they not called a "rapist"?

If a person cheats on their taxes, are they not called a "tax cheat"?

If a person enters property they're not supposed to, are they not called a "trespasser"?

But somehow, foreign nationals, aka aliens, who cross our border and enter the US illegally, can't be called "illegal aliens"?

How fucking stupid do they think we are?

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