First off, let me go on the record. I don't hate immigrants. But we have an immigration crisis. I lay the foundation of the problem on Congress. All of them. It is their job to write our laws. It is their job to allocate funds. Our immigration laws need a major overhaul, and our immigration infrastructure needs a complete and total upgrade: everything from border security to immigration courts, and all points in between. Republicans and Democrats alike share in the shame and embarrassment, except they're too shameless to let that make them take action. Kinda makes you think they all like it this way.
It's NOT all their fault, but I'm not letting Democrats and the current hapless and incompetent Administration off the hook, though.
A sanctuary sidewalk in New York.
New York State and City have long called themselves a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. You know, the tired, poor, and hungry. Except now they don't know where these people are going to sleep, as shelters are full, hotels confiscated for use as shelters are full, too. Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams are urging the Federal Government to fast track work authorizations for illegal immigrants. According to the NY Post, the price tag could reach 12 billion in 2025. A Post article today says that the city currently has 60,000 migrants "in it's care". Where does the food to feed that many hungry people come from.
The DOJ is suing SpaceX for being unfair by not hiring illegal immigrants and asylum seekers. YGBSM!
But no worries. The Biden Administration is helping out. Yep. The Biden DOJ is suing Elon Musk' SpaceX because their hiring policies are unfair toward asylum seekers and immigrants. Never mind the juicy little fact that many DOJ positions require citizenship as a pre-condition of employment. And never mind the whole, pesky security clearance thing SpaceX has to comply with for much of its US Government contract work. What the Biden Administration is doing is harassing Musk because he has had the gall and audacity to make public the DOJ, FBI, and CIA's manipulation of social media. They're going to help out migrants by getting them jobs as rocket scientists. You gotta be shitting me!
River barrier on the Rio Grande intended to slow the tide of illegal immigration.
But hey, that's not all the US Government is doing. Oh, no. They ordered Texans to take down floating barriers that had been put into the Rio Grande to stop people from illegally crossing the border via the river. How dare Texans take matters in their own hands to stop the flow of people illegally entering the USA! Too fucking bad if New York City's immigrant problems are small in comparison to Texas' problems. Too fucking bad. Governor Abbott embarrassed the Biden Administration and the duplicity and dishonesty of the self-declared sanctuary cities by shipping immigrants to their doorways straight away. Let's not forget, the Biden Administration was shipping immigrants to all over our country in the dark of night BEFORE Governor Abbott and Governor DeSantis had the nerve to do it publicly.
If ankle bracelets get some of the 70% who no-show at hearings to show up, great. If it's to make sure they stay in Texas? Not as much.
Yesterday I heard a topper of all toppers. I don't know if it is verified, but in my opinion, knowing this Administration, and knowing the absolute hatred Blue Staters have for us unwashed Red Staters, I have to believe it's more than a distinct possibility. What I read, is that the Biden Administration is looking at using criminal style ankle bracelets to track movement of illegal immigrants (which in and of itself, I don't have near as big a problem with), and in conjunction with the ankle bracelets, restricting illegals to stay in Texas (or whichever of the four border states we have with Mexico). So hell no to Texas for trying to stop the inflow of illegals, but hey, New York has a lot of Blue voters, and they're not happy, so fuck you Texas and fuck you Governor Abbott, you'll take all who want to come across, and you'll keep them.
We all need water, right? You say you're thirsty? Here ya go. Plenty of water for you. Drink up.
Immigration is, above all the other nonsense, our biggest national disgrace. We DO need immigrants. Our country WAS founded by immigrants who had dreams of a better life. But if immigrants were water, we need water from our hose for the garden, in our sinks for cooking and washing, and from our faucets for drinking. We need water. We need immigrants. Floods are water too. Tsunamis are water. A hurricane is wind and water. Do you want 6 feet of water in your home? Of course not. Do you want your home destroyed by a Tsunami? Do you know what I've learned regarding hurricanes in Florida? It's a cliche, but it's true. Hide from wind, but run from water. It's the water from a hurricane that's most dangerous.
Yes, we need water. We need immigrants, too. Floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes, whether they're the water kind or the illegal immigrant kind? Not nearly as much. By the way, isn't Vice President Harris in charge of this stuff? WTF?
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