Many of you can't understand how it is I, or we, meaning our country, could elect someone as detestable as Donald Trump. Please read this very carefully. I mean this without animus or any form of gloating.
Yes, I voted for Donald Trump. He was not my first choice, but the GOP had a primary, and Governor Ron DeSantis didn't make the cut. Before I get to explaining my choice, there is one important thing I'd like to remind you of:
According to the New York Times right now, 6:10 p.m. EST, November 7th, Vice President Kamala Harris has 68,238,944 votes. Also according to the Times, in 2020 Joe Biden received 81,284,666. That's a difference of 13,045,722 votes. Some votes are still coming in, but it is safe to say she received at least 10,000,000 less votes in 2024 than Joe did in 2020. So, before you blame us Republicans and conservatives (oops, too late, you already have blamed us), be honest with yourself. 10 million votes didn't just magically appear in 2020 or disappear in 2024, did they? It's not my fault your party decided against a real, competitive primary process. Don't blame us for that shit.
Ok, so you've asked, "How is it I/we could possibly vote for such a horrible human being as Donald Trump?" The answer is in 3 parts:
1) I don't believe he's a rapist. I'm not going to argue it, I'm just saying I don't believe either the accuser nor the Prosecutor, Judge, or Jury. I don't believe them. I also don't accept that he's a felon. We'll see what the judge does later this month, but until sentencing, whether or not he's a felon remains to be seen. I don't care that you're already convinced, I'm not. Alvin Bragg took misdemeanors and contorted the law to suit his purpose. The judge was as far from even handed in rulings and jury instructions as is legally possible.
Trump has his flaws, the biggest are in a tie between his mouth, his ego, and his thin skin. Yes he is far from perfect. I saw a friend post a comparison to Jesus a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. I didn't respond. If I did, the response would have simply been, "I'm not picking a church, I'm picking a President." But, along the same lines, I'm quite sure Jesus would object to the left's primary sacrament, abortion. Don't even try and tell me abortion isn't what energizes many, many women (and some men) on the left. I'm having a hard time imagining Jesus in a pink pussy hat protesting for more abortion rights.
Bottom line, I don't get my news where you do and I don't see Trump as perfect, far from it, but I do not see the Hitleresque demon that many of you do. I do not see that. Sorry. Last thing to mention on Trump and the election: did any of you Democrats watch his Joe Rogan interview? I think he came across very well. His humanity and humility came through. I'm guessing that very few of you watched. Who'd watch Hitler, right? Made up minds don't seek to be changed.
2) I do not support hardly any of the Democrat progressive agenda. Before I get into the candidate herself, I just don't buy the left's agenda. Immigration, economy, crime and safety, abortion (I was pro choice, pro life in my own life, but you went so far with it I can no longer say I'm in line with you at all), the list of disagreements is top to bottom.
I don't hear even attempts at persuasive arguments for the things I disagree with. The advocacy is always the same: demonize me for disagreeing rather than making an argument to persuade me to agree. Fuck that. To put a bow on it, I DO like most of Trump's policies. I can separate his unlikable personality traits from his policies. You can't, I know. Sorry.
3) Joe Biden has dementia. How in the hell do you think I would have supported him? Kamala Harris talks in cliches and flower phrases, but says nearly nothing of substance. She was running for about 100 days, hid for the first 50, tried to make her case for 3 or so weeks, and spent the last 10 days attacking me, people like me, and our candidate as fascists, threats to democracy, and all kinds of stuff. She came across to me as an empty suit. The fact that she ducked Joe Rogan should be all you need to hear. Her failure to clearly articulate her agenda, and her unwillingness to be candid in any moment on the campaign trail left me feeling like she is an insincere, dishonest broker. How in the hell would you expect me to support her?
Honestly, I came to believe that whoever is pulling demented Joe's strings, which I know to you having unelected, hidden power brokers run our country YOUR way is fine, for me isn't okay, would pull her's. I became and remain convinced, had Kamala won, those same puppeteers hidden in the shadows would remain in charge. Not if I could help it!
To summarize, it was the Democrats who disappeared from 2020 who failed to elect Kamala Harris in 2024. For my vote it was a matter of not hating Trump like you do, not agreeing with her policies (which she failed to even try to persuade me on), liking Trump's polcies more, and lastly, my belief that Kamala Harris was an extremely weak candidate, the weakest I remember in my lifetime. She ran a lousy campaign. I'm not voting my country down the shitter because you don't like him and you might be mad at me.
To my friends who I am aware consider us Trump voters to be uneducated and stupid: Get over yourselves. Or don't. I really don't give a fuck.
Thank you Matt, once again right on target & truth for We The People
ReplyDeleteTrump card played for the win,place & show: this was not for sport, by Gods graces he won!