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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Some Amateur Analysis "Smoke and Mirrors"- 5/12/2022-2

Just some amateur analysis from your friend, Good Old Matty P. Lemme tell you what's going on.

Democrats control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Pres. Joe Biden, a Democrat, resides in the White House. Poll numbers for the bunch of them are in the toilet. The November mid-terms, which often go badly for the party of a first term incumbent, are looking like they not only will, but that they  may be historically bad for Democrats. There are NO POPULAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS at all. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. The economy is in a shambles every way from Sunday. Immigration, education, foreign policy. And don't forget the clusterfuck of a withdrawal from Afghanistan these dopes brung upon us. It's all negative and November is shaping up to be disastrous. If one of them says any different, that things are good under President Biden, that they're genuinely optimistic, I want to know the specifics. What's good? Who's happy?

It's in consideration of the preceding that led me to the following, admittedly amateur conclusion. I watched a lot of current events and issues. A few things strike me.

They are forecasting a surge of Covid-19 in the fall. Can you say "vote by mail and harvest ballots from unenthusiastic voters?" I knew you could. Covid worked before with Joe's unenthusiastic base, they're hoping it will work with a very unpopular Congress, too. Covid-surge? My ass.

Joe Biden is starting to talk about Trump. Blaming Trump for his failures. He's calling MAGA names. Since the Congress has NO ACHIEVEMENTS AT ALL to run on, he's going to use what worked in 2020. "I know you're not excited to vote for us, but we need you to vote against HIM, and also against those evil cretins who follow him!" He's trying to make 2022 about Trump, as opposed to his own lack of achievement.

And lastly, there is abortion. The leak of a SCOTUS draft ruling on Roe V. Wade was one thing, but the thing that caught my attention was the failure of an abortion bill to pass in the Senate. Thinking about that bill, it would have codified and protected abortion as a right throughout pregnancy, i.e. through the third trimester. They KNEW absolutely and 100% positively, they KNEW it would not pass. All they did was posit abortion as their issue for 2022. They have nothing else. NOTHING.

So, it looks like this for November 2022:

1. Cultivate unenthusiastic votes by mail, using Covid "protections and precautions" as justification.

2. Run against Trump, even if he ain't running. Run against Trump supporters, too. Call them racists, misogynists, the whole shooting match. Blame Trump for every Biden failure, no matter how far fetched. The base will love it. Stupid people might not check to see that they're lying, either.

3. Abortion is the issue. It's the holy grail. Don't push for anything resembling reasonable legislation regarding this issue. Silly stuff like incest, rape, and terrible genetic deformity exceptions? Reasonable people might agree. Can't have that. Restricting to early pregnancy? No. No. No. Blocking parental notification of supporting underage in getting an abortion? Yes, absolutely. The pregnant girl's parents? They're the bad guys. Resolving the abortion question through compromise and forming a reasonable coalition is a killer (pun intended). Can't lose our winning issue now, can we?

Get your best glasses on, so you can see through the 2022 Smoke and Mirrors Campaign, brought to you by the party that has the White House and the Capital all to itself, yet accomplishes nothing and presides over an ongoing financial implosion in our country.

"I did that" - Political Snippets - 5/12/2022

Some snippets this morning. I've got too much on my mind to say nothing, but I can't go deeply into it all. There just isn't time. So, snippets.

The decals are right. Joe did this.
Joe blames Putin, Covid, and Trump for inflation. Joe is an idiot. You voted for him? I hope you feel guilty. Or stupid. Or something.


Hold onto your wallets, Biden's in charge!

My 401K doesn't like Joe Biden a whole lot. Are you pretending yours is okay because you voted for him?


I'm still waiting for any person to explain to me how abortion is a constitutionally protected right.

Of course I'm glad Roe V Wade is being overturned and the Senate didn't pass an abortion protection bill yesterday. You motherfuckers want to kill babies all the way through the third trimester. You failed to speak up and distance yourself when the shit got radical. That's on you, not me.


DeSantis for Gov 2022, and for President in 2024!
My preference for 2024, as of now, is Ron DeSantis. I will support Trump if he's the nominee. I can't imagine any reason at all I will support any Democrat. Supporting ANY Democrat gives radical whack jobs and full-term baby killers a toe-hold. No.

Actual Chicago Teacher's Union tweet.

Teacher's Unions are the the scourge of our country, most notably in big cities.


So-called threats to "democracy", Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.
 The left hates free speech. You disagree? Ask Joe Rogan and Elon Musk.


He's lost it. Quit pretending he's OK.
Joe didn't fix Covid. That "plan" he claimed he had and alleged his predecessor didn't have? That was all dishonest political bullshit. Not only did Joe not have a plan, Joe didn't have a clue. And, for what it's worth, from clueless then, he has suffered noticeable cognitive decline ever since.


Democrats have made a seismic shift to the left since the Clinton Presidency.
I didn't support President Bill Clinton. But I remember times during his presidency that I thought he got things right. I agreed with him somewhere between 10 and 25% of the time. I can't think of a thing I agree with Democrats and Grandpa Joe about. They've lunged so far left on every issue, they're outta sight. And during the 2020 campaign, the left turn signal was on. Bigly. You were blinded by mean tweets. Dopes.
Trump, Trump, Trump. When all else fails, talk about Trump.
I want to hear someone's explanation as to why they think President Biden is doing a good job. One rule though. You cannot for any reason under any circumstance compare him to Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, or Trump. I want to hear why you think he's great, not about what he ain't. If you must make comparisons, you must compare him to Presidents Carter, Clinton, or Obama.

Worst President ever? Joe; "Hold my beer!"
Joe is the worst President of my lifetime. It's not close. If you still support him, think he's doing a good job, or want to re-elect him in 2024, I want to know what you're smoking.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Joe Biden Scorecard - 5/10/2022

Joe Biden is not making the grade, he's failing badly.

As of May 10, 2022, here is my President Biden scorecard:

Economy                        F

Inflation                          F

Investments                    D-

Deficit                            F

Global Trade                  D-

Fuel Prices                     F

Energy Policy                F

Covid Policies               D-

Defends Constitution     F

Immigration                   F

Foreign Policy               D-

National Defense           D

Race Relations              D

Infrastructure                D

Creates Unity                F

Leadership                    F

Cognitive Skills            F

Non-Partisanship          F

Charismatic                  D- 

Mean Tweets                A+

Ever since he was installed, carried across the finish line by legions of lemmings and mules, Joe Biden has been an abject failure. He is the worst President in US History.


Monday, May 9, 2022

On Seeing 100 x 20 Male Donkey with Female Horse's Offspring - 5/9/2022

Do the math, you'll know what movie I'm talking about.

Dinesh D'Souza


No, I haven't seen it yet. But, even so, I have some thoughts. Many. Here goes.

1. I do not believe the bullshit that so many people find it so hard to vote. I don't believe they find it as hard as it is made out to be to find an ID. I do not believe it is hard to know and go to the proper polling place to vote.

2. I do not trust many departments of elections in a variety of jurisdictions to be fair and honest in the runup to, conduct of, and vote counting after our elections. This includes the 2020 disputed states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

3. I believe a lot of acticities that to me are cheating, i.e. activities intended to change the outcome or influence it, are believed by the people who actually perform the acts to which I refer as 'righteous and helpful'. Righteous my ass.

4. You will never convince me, so don't waste your breath, that mules going from ballot drop box to ballot drop box across a city or area, again and again to here, there, everywhere, dropping from dozens, to hundreds, to perhaps thousands of ballots isn't cheating and stuffing those boxes with fully fraudulent and tainted ballots. And the people who will defend it as helping the elderly, in-firmed, shut-ins, etc., are lying and know they are lying when they claim this is what is going on.

5. You will never convince me, so don't waste your time or mine pointing to partisans who claim that 2020 was on the up and up. I can't be sure, nor prove that enough cheating took place to change the outcome, but they sure as hell tried. When multiple states all at once stopped counting in the middle of election night, then miraculously reported extremely lops-sided results accumulated during the stoppage had been tallied, it was obvious to me they were cheating. Stop the count, know how many you need to manufacture, make the fraudulent ballots, tally away. That's what it looked like to me.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

On MAGA Extremism - 5/7/2022

“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history, in recent American history,”- President Joe Biden.

Make America Great Again


If what MAGA means to me makes me an extremist, for real, then I'm proud and guilty as charged. Before I get into what being MAGA means to me, a commentary on President Biden's remark, quoted above, and on the puppeteers who make the Biden puppet walk (barely) and talk (even less effectively).

When former Senator, Secretary of State, First Lady, two-time loser, and corrupt career criminal Hillary Rodham Clinton called us names in 2016, it was divisive. You knew it, I knew it, everyone knew it. Many felt President Trump, with his bombastic and totally unfiltered proclamations and his sometimes warranted other times unwarranted personal attacks was divisive. Candidate Joe Biden was purported to be a unifier, someone to help "heal the nation" in the wake of all the divisiveness. But owing to his extreme weakness, mental and political, he has allowed the radical left and it's vocal element to steer him into the same divisive pattern that he was supposedly going to heal us from. Instead of healing we are getting failed initiatives, bad policy, we sit at he precipice of a new world war, we have runaway illegal immigration, runaway inflation, investments crashing, and rhetoric that calls 75,000,000 people like myself the most extreme political organization (it's not an organization, President Dipshit, it's a movement) in recent American history. Unifier? My ass.

So, if not an extremist organization, what does MAGA mean to me?

It means first and foremost, putting America first. That means our best interests trump (no pun intended) foreign interests. America first. You can call the US President the leader of the free world, but that's only true if the USA is clearly the greatest Republic: ideally, economically, and militarily, in the free world.

It means a soaring economy, with GDP, trade, wages, jobs, and all other measures of economic success, including the stock market for us investors and retirees. A soaring economy helps women and minorities more than ANY social program the left could ever conjure. And I mean ANY. This is how you help women, Blacks, Hispanics, women, LGTBQs, and everyone else. With a robust economy, a roaring job market, rising investments, etc. The cliche that "a rising tide raises all boats in the harbor" is very apropos in this regard. This is the opposite of the left looking to punish successful business, punish individual success as somehow unfair (privilege), and stifle free markets with all kinds of gimmicks intended to make things more fair and equitable.

It means being proud and unashamed, unapologetic and unabashed about loving my country. I know our history is fraught with imperfections. Yeah, there were slaves, and yeah, women were second class citizens. Native Americans, the "Indians", were looked on as savages and little more than animals by some. But a war was fought, many thousands died, and slaves were liberated. Women were emancipated. Native Americans have equal standing as citizens. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 tried to address many inequalities that were common in our country. Barack Obama was elected and re-elected the 44th President of the United States. Opportunity is there for all who seize it. I love our country and I am proud of the things we have done to overcome our imperfect past, and although we still have imperfections, I trust we will also continue to evolve as a nation. Self-loathing and self-hate are not a path to anything productive, beneficial, or good. Pride and ambitiousness are the path to future greatness. I truly believe many on the left loathe our country for its history, and I was drawn to Trump more because of his obvious love for and pride in America than any other single characteristic. It was refreshing to hear someone who loves us and our country.

It means pride in our military, police, firemen, border agents, astronauts, our inventors, our entrepreneurs, our scientists, doctors, nurses, pilots, farmers, steel workers, restaurateurs with their cooks, waiters, and dishwashers, highway pavers, package handlers, warehouse workers, teachers, students, athletes, entertainers, and stars of stage and screen. It means pride in our diversity and pride especially in achievements that overcome presupposed limitations.

It is an understanding that the law abiding, hard working, seemingly nondescript Americans of every color, religion, occupation, and walk of life, the ones you don't know but who you are proud to be counted with, are who we are.

MAGA is nothing to me but pride and a desire for the United States to not only remain the greatest nation in the free world, but to soar to even more greatness. But, hey, if you think it's something else, that I'm someone else, enjoy yourself and hate me for working a lifetime, saving, serving in the Marines, raising my family, staying with the wife I love, and wanting even more of the life I am proud of for ALL Americans who come after me. You can follow your weak blundering, failing, weak, senile, weak, divisive, weak, puppet pit us against one another. I want more, I want something better. I want greatness, strength, and success. I want to see ALL the boats in our harbors rise. I want MAGA.

Parting note: I'd be very happy if someone other than President Trump was to take the helm of MAGA and lead us forward in 2024 and beyond, Florida's Governor DeSantis, for example, but I suspect Trump will be the nominee. If MAGA means Trump in 2024, so be it, because I'm not down for more if this Biden/Democrats self-loathing nonsense. No way, no how.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Abortion Debate, Part 2, "Do Better"- 5/5/2022

I broke my network news fast last night. I decided with all this commotion about the Supreme Court overturning Roe V. Wade, that I wanted to see what some news people were saying. I heard one network person say the leaked draft has "sparked a national discussion", and another that "it has generated a national dialogue about abortion rights".

I watched some news last night. It won't become a habit.

Who are these people kidding? There is no dialogue. There is no discussion. Abortion advocates and everyday women are saying, "My body, my choice" and "Unless you have a uterus. you have no say in this matter." Basically, the argument is simply that it's none of our business. Others I saw on video clipped from Tik Tok on the Tucker Carlson Show, Fox News, threatened violence. Samuel Alito canceled an appearance this week, clearly because of the threat of violence, and I saw him mocked as a coward for doing so. In Los Angeles, California, I saw rioters busting a police car's windows. Amazingly, of all the states in the Union, California is probably the least likely to make abortions illegal of the fifty. I even saw that there's a California Senate Resolution under consideration that would use a combination of taxpayer and private funds to pay for abortions for women from other states where they may become illegal. But, hey, violence and insurrection are okay sometimes, it just depends what it's about.

Meanwhile, there would seem to be very little dialogue or discussion about where it is in the U.S. Constitution that the right to an abortion is protected, and very little discussion about the Roe V. Wade decision's merits, and no discussion, either, about the Mississippi case the court is deciding on. No, very little is an exaggeration, because there was no discussion about any of those three things. None. Not that I saw last night.

I know you don't want to hear it, but here it is. Whether abortion is legal or not, whichever way you lean, it is either in the U.S. Constitution, or it's not. Spoiler: I don't see it in there, not anywhere. The logic SCOTUS used in 1973 in rendering the Roe V. Wade decision was at best strained. Even Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg (RIP) was quoted with words to the effect that Roe V. Wade was flawed.

The Supreme Court's primary function is to be the final arbiter of constitutionality. Period. The state of Mississippi has passed a law that challenges the Roe V. Wade precedent, its authors drafting it knowing like I am telling you the Constitution doesn't say a thing about abortions. Not a thing. So here we are. Our founders established a Federal Government with limited powers. The U.S. Constitution outlines those powers and also imposes some restrictions on both State and Federal authority. When a specific authority is NOT granted the Federal Government, and where that specific authority isn't specifically granted to or denied to the various State governments, those issues are left up to the states. That's the lens SCOTUS is looking at this issue, contentious as it is, through.

I know a lot of people don't like it. Sorry. That's how I see it. In my own humble opinion, the reason I'm hearing that it's 'none of my business' and that 'if it's overturned there will be violence' and NOT hearing about 'the constitutionality of abortion rights' is that we all know it isn't in there. It just isn't.

If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the extremists, the ones who drew me and my opposition to unlimited abortion rights out of the shadows. They pushed and pushed and pushed until I became so uncomfortable with my own silence and indifference that this became an issue on my voting radar. If you want to change my mind, then be vocal about placing reasonable limits on abortion rights. Help move the issue to something that would truly be "safe, legal, and rare". It's not that. Only this week I learned that the 600,000 - 700,000 number of annual abortions in the USA (that ain't rare, people) doesn't include all 50 states, notable California's numbers aren't part of that as they're not reported. The real number is 900,000+. We're getting near 1,000,000 abortions a year.

Look, friends. I still tend to believe that if you decide to have an abortion it's between you and your doctor and God. I do. But when we are talking 900,000 in the USA alone annually, whether you like it or not, I'm going to take an interest. That number is astounding and I find it nothing short of bone chilling. You can tell me it's none of my business till you're blue in the face. It's perhaps the weakest argument I have ever heard. Roe V. Wade is a flawed ruling. The fact that it suits your preference doesn't make it a constitutionally correct ruling. And if abortion ISN'T protected by the U.S. Constitution, it is a state's issue. If you want it to be a Constitutionally protected right, then start lobbying for an Amendment to protect it. When you do, just some advice you don't want: telling me it's none of my business because I don't have a uterus won't stop me from voting against it. You need to do better. Unlimited abortion rights into the third trimester and up till birth for no reason other than 'choice' won't stop me from voting against it. And I promise you, violence against SCOTUS, or against cops in Los Angeles, California, won't stop me from exercising my right at the polls. See, not having a uterus or having one is no longer a determinant of the right to vote. I didn't lose it because I'm a guy. You want my vote? Do better than telling me to shut up and mind my business or threatening violence. Do better.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Women's Rights - 5/4/2022

I'm going to try to be as succinct as possible here. I know many of you reading this are unhappy that the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) looks ready to toss Roe V. Wade as being a flawed decision. What follows is NOT an argument against abortion. Read that again . This blog post is NOT an argument against abortion. It is simply my thoughts on the ruling and why this is happening, and if you support a national referendum protecting abortion as a legal right, what has to happen next.

The Constitution simply doesn't protect abortion rights. It's not in there. It never was, Roe V. Wade didn't put it in there. It's not in there now. In 1973 SCOTUS ruled that abortion was constitutionally protected, but clearly, having read the US Constitution many times myself, I don't see it in there anywhere. I get it that you like the ruling and do not want it overturned, but if you read the text of the Constitution and the flimsy and flawed logic in the Roe V. Wade decision that was used to extrapolate abortion as a right, the only honest analysis will tell you the ruling was flawed. Abortion was never protected as a right in the nation by our founders, nor via any Constitutional Amendment subsequent to passage of the original U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

"If SCOTUS overturns Roe V. Wade we're going to go to Washington and shut down the court, shut down the Capital, and we will force them to do the right thing." I hope you look good in orange.

"If SCOTUS overturns Roe V. Wade, we should pack the court and reverse the ruling that overturned it." Well, not for nothing, but unless and until you find a right to abortions in the U.S. Constitution (spoiler: you won't as it's written now), abortion rights will still only be protected by a flawed ruling. In order to protect abortion rights, the law of the land needs to be changed, not interpreted differently.

"If SCOTUS overturns Roe V. Wade, Congress and the Senate must pass a law making abortion legal and a protected woman's right and the President must sign it!" Wrong again. That new law wouldn't be constitutional. It would be challenged in the courts, and would wind up before the Supreme Court, very likely to be tossed out.

"We need to protect abortion rights in this country forever by passing a new Constitutional Amendment that does exactly that." Right there it is, my friends. That's the ticket. If you want abortion rights protected nationally, the right way to do it is to pass an Amendment that specifically does so. Yes, that is a long, hard road. So hard, in fact, it's really unlikely to ever pass. You've got to find two-thirds of the state assemblies to pass it. Good luck finding thirty-four states to pass it.

You've got to be shitting me.
One bit of advice if you want to move forward with an Amendment protecting abortion rights: if you're going to get it passed in the "swing states", you need to shut the extremists and the absolutists up. They are the reason I no longer stay on the sidelines. Just yesterday I saw a picture of a woman wearing a shirt that says, "I have had 21 abortions." My first thought? "What a disgusting, evil bitch!" My next thought was, "That can't be legal!" The prolific aborters, the absolutist aborters, the super late termers, and the 'let them die immediately at birth if they're unwanted' people won't help you to get it passed. I have no idea how you're going to get it all neatly back into a box labeled "Safe, Legal, and Rare", but if you're going to succeed, that's what you need to do.