Not so fast, lefty. |
Random thoughts on day to day life, mostly news and politics, but you name it.
Not so fast, lefty. |
I have many friends who were duped by the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. This includes some of you seeing this. I know you hate Trump. Some of you, the hoax is/was a significant reason why you hate(d) him. Now that you know it was a hoax perpetrated by the Clinton campaign, and that it was knowingly advanced by the FBI and press, not a one of you will admit that you were duped.
Were you duped? You know you were. |
I've had a blog post on this topic bouncing around inside my head for months. I've tried to understand why, despite the failure, over decades, roughly half a century, of Democratic leadership in largely Black cities across America, why Black Americans simply seem to refuse to come to the other side. It's as if the votes are automatically for Democrats, come hell or high water. Why?
In the last year or two I have listened with great interest to the voices of a good number of Black conservatives. I take in the message and then look to the GOP, and I do NOT see, with noteworthy exceptions, an effort to cultivate and grow the phenomena of the Black conservative in our country. Sure, Candace Owens is great. I love her. Really, I do. And I really dig David Webb, Larry Elder, and other voices who the mainstream of the GOP seems to embrace. But from social media, there are many more who are conservative, but they, to me, seem unwelcomed in the GOP. Why?
Well, first and foremost, the GOP is run and controlled by an establishment. The same establishment that fought a sometimes seen, sometimes unseen war against outsider Donald Trump, is just as closed minder to Black conservatives who may have ideas that are different from what the power loves and the power has. Just like they undermined Trump daily, they have no interest in new voices with new ideas. The establishment GOP already has its financial masters, and those masters want the control they bought and paid for. To let new voices, whether it's Trump or Black America, have a say in the direction of the country might undermine the desires of the money and the power. Can't have that! Expand the tent to let millions of Black conservatives inside? Nope. Conform and fit into the old tent, like Candace does, or get the hell out of here.
Then you've got your "purity test" Republicans. The my way or the highway crowd. The ideologues. Black Americans come from a different place, have a different culture, and have different experiences. Oftentimes, these differences manifest in different opinions, opinions NOT welcome by the purity test crowd. You think what!!!! Conservatives don't think that way. You're out. You failed our purity test.
Now, here comes the biggest. And I realize I was guilty of same. If nothing else, please walk away from this blog with this thought. I took Martin Luther King, Jr. literally and embraced with all my heart the thought that we would NOT judge Blacks by the color of their skin, but rather, that each of us is to be measured by the content of our character. To me this meant the goal was and is a colorblind society. "When I see you, I see a good person, not a good Black person." It couldn't be more wrong! There is a huge difference between judging ones worth based on skin color and appreciating and respecting someone for what they are. Black people are proud of their blackness. They don't want us to ignore it or deny it. They want us to respect them, love them, and accept them as they are for what and who they are: people proud of their race... proud to be black. Colorblind misses the mark entirely.
And lastly, as I wrap up, there is an issue of tension and racism, a very real racial friction. I don't know how we get past that. The guy who drove into people in the parade in Wisconsin isn't who Black people are. The racist piece of shit who shot up the supermarket in Buffalo isn't who White people are. Too often people's first instinct when something like this happens is sadly, to want to know what color the perpetrator was, what color were the victims were. And in there, in that thought process, there's a reinforcement, a delineation... "I knew it! I knew it was a White/Black guy! Motherfuckers are always doing this to us!" Whataboutism is the counter, "The news didn't make as big a deal when the Black guy ran the people over." It's chicken or the egg and it will never solve a thing. It is another turn in a deadly spiral. Can we ever pull out? I don't know, but I hope so. There are race baiters of both colors and from both sides of the political aisle who make a living by keeping us at each other's throats, as is also the case with many other issues. Yes, some of them are in the GOP.
There are many Black Americans who are far more conservative than the solid voting block might lead us to believe. But if we're not open to hear their voices, if we're not willing to make room in our tent, and if we're not willing to try and understand them, different experience, culture and all, they'll never vote any other way. And if we can't silence the voices of race baiters, or at least learn to ignore them, are we even trying?
Just some amateur analysis from your friend, Good Old Matty P. Lemme tell you what's going on.
Democrats control both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Pres. Joe Biden, a Democrat, resides in the White House. Poll numbers for the bunch of them are in the toilet. The November mid-terms, which often go badly for the party of a first term incumbent, are looking like they not only will, but that they may be historically bad for Democrats. There are NO POPULAR ACCOMPLISHMENTS at all. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. The economy is in a shambles every way from Sunday. Immigration, education, foreign policy. And don't forget the clusterfuck of a withdrawal from Afghanistan these dopes brung upon us. It's all negative and November is shaping up to be disastrous. If one of them says any different, that things are good under President Biden, that they're genuinely optimistic, I want to know the specifics. What's good? Who's happy?
It's in consideration of the preceding that led me to the following, admittedly amateur conclusion. I watched a lot of current events and issues. A few things strike me.
They are forecasting a surge of Covid-19 in the fall. Can you say "vote by mail and harvest ballots from unenthusiastic voters?" I knew you could. Covid worked before with Joe's unenthusiastic base, they're hoping it will work with a very unpopular Congress, too. Covid-surge? My ass.
Joe Biden is starting to talk about Trump. Blaming Trump for his failures. He's calling MAGA names. Since the Congress has NO ACHIEVEMENTS AT ALL to run on, he's going to use what worked in 2020. "I know you're not excited to vote for us, but we need you to vote against HIM, and also against those evil cretins who follow him!" He's trying to make 2022 about Trump, as opposed to his own lack of achievement.
And lastly, there is abortion. The leak of a SCOTUS draft ruling on Roe V. Wade was one thing, but the thing that caught my attention was the failure of an abortion bill to pass in the Senate. Thinking about that bill, it would have codified and protected abortion as a right throughout pregnancy, i.e. through the third trimester. They KNEW absolutely and 100% positively, they KNEW it would not pass. All they did was posit abortion as their issue for 2022. They have nothing else. NOTHING.
So, it looks like this for November 2022:
1. Cultivate unenthusiastic votes by mail, using Covid "protections and precautions" as justification.
2. Run against Trump, even if he ain't running. Run against Trump supporters, too. Call them racists, misogynists, the whole shooting match. Blame Trump for every Biden failure, no matter how far fetched. The base will love it. Stupid people might not check to see that they're lying, either.
3. Abortion is the issue. It's the holy grail. Don't push for anything resembling reasonable legislation regarding this issue. Silly stuff like incest, rape, and terrible genetic deformity exceptions? Reasonable people might agree. Can't have that. Restricting to early pregnancy? No. No. No. Blocking parental notification of supporting underage in getting an abortion? Yes, absolutely. The pregnant girl's parents? They're the bad guys. Resolving the abortion question through compromise and forming a reasonable coalition is a killer (pun intended). Can't lose our winning issue now, can we?
Get your best glasses on, so you can see through the 2022 Smoke and Mirrors Campaign, brought to you by the party that has the White House and the Capital all to itself, yet accomplishes nothing and presides over an ongoing financial implosion in our country.
Some snippets this morning. I've got too much on my mind to say nothing, but I can't go deeply into it all. There just isn't time. So, snippets.
The decals are right. Joe did this. |
Hold onto your wallets, Biden's in charge! |
My 401K doesn't like Joe Biden a whole lot. Are you pretending yours is okay because you voted for him?
I'm still waiting for any person to explain to me how abortion is a constitutionally protected right. |
Of course I'm glad Roe V Wade is being overturned and the Senate didn't pass an abortion protection bill yesterday. You motherfuckers want to kill babies all the way through the third trimester. You failed to speak up and distance yourself when the shit got radical. That's on you, not me.
DeSantis for Gov 2022, and for President in 2024! |
Actual Chicago Teacher's Union tweet. |
Teacher's Unions are the the scourge of our country, most notably in big cities.
So-called threats to "democracy", Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. |
He's lost it. Quit pretending he's OK. |
Democrats have made a seismic shift to the left since the Clinton Presidency. |
Trump, Trump, Trump. When all else fails, talk about Trump. |
Worst President ever? Joe; "Hold my beer!" |
Joe Biden is not making the grade, he's failing badly. |
As of May 10, 2022, here is my President Biden scorecard:
Economy F
Inflation F
Investments D-
Deficit F
Global Trade D-
Fuel Prices F
Energy Policy F
Covid Policies D-
Defends Constitution F
Immigration F
Foreign Policy D-
National Defense D
Race Relations D
Infrastructure D
Creates Unity F
Leadership F
Cognitive Skills F
Non-Partisanship F
Charismatic D-
Mean Tweets A+
Ever since he was installed, carried across the finish line by legions of lemmings and mules, Joe Biden has been an abject failure. He is the worst President in US History.
Do the math, you'll know what movie I'm talking about.
Dinesh D'Souza |
No, I haven't seen it yet. But, even so, I have some thoughts. Many. Here goes.
1. I do not believe the bullshit that so many people find it so hard to vote. I don't believe they find it as hard as it is made out to be to find an ID. I do not believe it is hard to know and go to the proper polling place to vote.
2. I do not trust many departments of elections in a variety of jurisdictions to be fair and honest in the runup to, conduct of, and vote counting after our elections. This includes the 2020 disputed states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
3. I believe a lot of acticities that to me are cheating, i.e. activities intended to change the outcome or influence it, are believed by the people who actually perform the acts to which I refer as 'righteous and helpful'. Righteous my ass.
4. You will never convince me, so don't waste your breath, that mules going from ballot drop box to ballot drop box across a city or area, again and again to here, there, everywhere, dropping from dozens, to hundreds, to perhaps thousands of ballots isn't cheating and stuffing those boxes with fully fraudulent and tainted ballots. And the people who will defend it as helping the elderly, in-firmed, shut-ins, etc., are lying and know they are lying when they claim this is what is going on.
5. You will never convince me, so don't waste your time or mine pointing to partisans who claim that 2020 was on the up and up. I can't be sure, nor prove that enough cheating took place to change the outcome, but they sure as hell tried. When multiple states all at once stopped counting in the middle of election night, then miraculously reported extremely lops-sided results accumulated during the stoppage had been tallied, it was obvious to me they were cheating. Stop the count, know how many you need to manufacture, make the fraudulent ballots, tally away. That's what it looked like to me.