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Saturday, June 10, 2023

What Irks Me About All This - 6/10/2023

In following all the reports and opinion pieces about the recent Trump indictments, there is one thing I hear said, repeatedly, by Trump haters, mostly, but not always coming from the left that makes my skin crawl.

"This goes to show you that nobody is above the law."

My response? "Fuck you and every single person who spouts this drivel, you disingenuous pieces of shit!"

Hillary Clinton had a server set up in her bathroom, completely outside the national security apparatus. The DOJ and FBI gave her the old slap on the wrist.

Hillary Clinton had her Blackberries destroyed with a hammer and used "bleach bit" to cleanse her computers of evidence. "Our" DOJ and FBI gave her a pass. Our DOJ and FBI? That's a bad joke.

Hillary Clinton's classified emails were found on Anthony Weiner's computer. For whatever reason, there was no Clinton indictment.

President Obama, Vice President Biden, and the National Security and Justice apparatus were briefed that the Trump-Russia Collusion scandal was a Hillary Clinton concocted political hit scam. They allowed Crossfire Hurricane and a Mueller investigation of Trump to go on for years.

In 2020 credible evidence of Biden pay for play activities in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere surfaced during the Presidential Campaign. Remember Tony Bobulinski? I do. The DOJ and FBI went so far as to conceal and cover it up.

In 2020 there was the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Our intelligence and law enforcement agencies helped to excuse it. "All the hallmarks of Russian Disinformation."

President Biden had classified documents all over the place. Remember? There was discovery after discovery. The investigation has, is, and will get kid gloves. Biden is on the right team.

Now surfaces documents showing the FBI has had credible informants saying he and Hunter collected $5 million apiece from Ukraine. Remember Hunter in emails found on his laptop bitching about having to give 1/2 his money to Joe? You don't? Well, start fucking paying attention. The FBI sat on this information.

So, look. Reading my papers this morning, the stuff looks really bad on Trump. I'm just being honest, and some of you won't like me saying so. It looks bad. But considering all of the foregoing, and considering that millions and millions of us know all of the above and more, our partisan political operative DOJ and FBI are taking us into dangerous and uncharted territory.

"This goes to show you, nobody is above the law." BULLSHIT! This goes to show you, our law enforcement apparatus at the highest levels is political, corrupt, and selective in how it treats Presidential candidates and Presidents. It stinks to high heaven, and I will not pretend it don't.

Trump documents: I simply can't get over the douchebag wearing a progressive, liberal mask. "I am biased and I am proud!"
The corruption starts with Joe Biden, flows through Merrick Garland, includes Christopher Wray and a whole host of others. "Nobody is above the law" is a big lie.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Trump Document Indictment(s) - 6/9/2023

File this under: "Nothing good can come from it."
People who have no idea what the rules are regarding classification and declassification of documents are acting as if they speak with authoritaty on the subject. Not surprisingly, instead of speaking from actual authority, they speak from their bias. But in the end, it will be the Supreme Court of the United States that is the only authoritative voice that matters. Don't let your television know it all of choice, speaking directly to your own bias, fool you. They are speaking to your echo chamber, not to truth. Sure, it feels good when someone speaks to my bias. I bet it feels good to you when they speak to yours, too. Well, just because it feels good don't make it right, not by any measure when it comes to this kind of technical, legal stuff. There are really just three simple questions in this matter. Setting aside my own biases and trying to be objective, these are the questions.

1. Is the President of the United States the ultimate declassification authority, and is his or her declassification authority subject to bureaucratic processes and the approval or disapproval of subordinate bureaucrats?

2. Did President Trump de-classify the documents in question or not?

3. If there is or was wrongdoing, i.e. if the docs in question were NOT declassified, are the charges proportional and appropriate to the offense?

To me, those are the legal questions. 

The fact that Trump is an asshole is a given. The fact that he was arrogant and combative in his handling of this stuff is perfectly in keeping with who he is. He is a belligerent, bellicose jerk. What else would you expect?

The fact that the Deep State, Biden Administration, media, establishment politicos and D.C. elites hate Trump and see no possibility other than he is a criminal guilty evil despot in every single thing he does is also a given. Trump's most vocal detractors can't see clear to see even a possibility he is in the right and innocent.

I don't think these indictments are good for our country. That is for another day.

For today, it will come down to the three questions I listed earlier. I do have my thoughts on what this means for our country, for the GOP, and future Democratic politicians once the pendulum swings the other way. For today I'm just going to leave it at: The know it alls on TV don't know squat. They really don't. Now go ahead and get back to listening to whoever speaks to your bias and feel good. Then be mad as hell if the Supreme Court doesn't see it your way.

Monday, June 5, 2023

They're Wacko, Most of 'Em, Anyways - 6/5/2023

These people are wacko. I mean, really, they're nucking futs!

The Trump people don't give a shit about winning in 2024. To them it's either Trump or it don't matter. Anyone who supports someone else, literally anyone else, is a disloyal traitor.

Meanwhile lefty people call every single thing they disagree with racism or fascism or some other bullshit "ism". So all of us who disagree with them are racist, fascist, or phobes of some one group or another. This line of bullshit is getting old, but is still mainstream.

Republicans are in a civil war. There are reasonable people, but "Trump only" and "never-Trump" are the amplified voices. Both groups would rather throw 2024 to Joe Biden than to compromise. Both groups are dumbasses.

Democrats appear to be running a guy who was too old then and who is aging and deteriorating at lightning speed now. Since all his opponents are racists, fascists, etc., they are Sergeant Schultz on the issue of geezer Biden. They know nothing! Do normal Democrats (I know some of you disagree, but I believe they really do exist) think Joe Biden is up to the task and doing a good job, or are you just so happy it isn't Trump that you don't give a shit about immigration, the economy, etc., etc.?

Does anyone in the GOP really think Ronna McDaniel is doing a good job as its Chair? Really?

Democrats seem to have fully embraced SEC football's motto: "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'." They'll tell you voter fraud doesn't exist or make a difference. They'll also tell you Biden is doing a good job, so...

I don't know. I don't get it. Most of 'em are wacko, but who am I?  I'm nuthin' but a disloyal traitor, racist, fascist, phobophobe.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Durham Report, The Morons Are Out - 5/16/2023

The Durham Report came out yesterday. So did the morons.
Eventually I'll read the Durham Report. I was busy with family stuff yesterday, and when news of its release hit, I was in the middle of a long day of driving. I did get to see social media reaction to it. Holy shit! It brought the morons out!

I did read an excerpt or two. I'll get directly to that, but first, let me point out a couple of things we already knew. Well, many of us did. Those of you who trusted the NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and MSNBC for factual information from 2015 to 2023, well you might not. You were joyfully and willingly duped. You are dupes. Yeah, you are. But a lot of us do know these things. For example, there was a Horowitz Report a couple of years ago. Horowitz was the DOJ's Inspector General. His report said that there was no adequate predicate to open up the investigation the FBI and DOJ called Crossfire Hurricane, which investigated alleged Trump Russia collusion. In other words, there wasn't ample evidence in the first place to initiate the investigation which ultimately led to the Mueller investigation, a political witch hunt designed by the Deep State to thwart the Trump presidency and agenda. Of course, some of you fucking dupes never understood any of that because you hate Trump and get all your news from the massive anti-Trump echo chamber. You were duped and you loved it. All the false allegations were lube for your 6 year anti-Trump circle-jerk.

John  Durham's Report goes two steps further. Two important steps. Now, follow the bouncing ball, dupes. Because where you get your information, you may not get this. Durham's investigation found that not only was there no Trump Russia collusion, but that Trump Russia collusion was a hoax perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Our President, Barack Obama, was briefed on this in July of 2016. Do you get it yet? July of 2016 was the very genesis of the Trump Russia collusion hoax. Hillary Clinton paid operatives to fabricate the hoax. Other circumstantial but never substantial evidence, like Manifort's ties to and contacts with a Russian were touted as "the goods". Adam Schiff swore he'd seen the evidence.

There was no fucking evidence. They knew the whole time that the Trump Russia hoax was perpetrated that it was a Hillary Clinton scheme to steal the presidency. Donald Trump was elected anyway, mostly because Hillary is one of then most detestable personalities on this earth. Trump got into office in January of 2017 and then the Deep State went to work. DOJ, CIA, and FBI leadership who KNEW that Trump Russia collusion was a Hillary Clinton campaign financed fabrication opened the Mueller Investigation. Mueller's investigation, aided by dishonest media and former CIA annd FBI Deep State bad actors cast a cloud over Trump, and had a huge impact on the 2018 Mid-Term elections.

What was done from 2016-2019 by Deep State and US Government bad actors and their accomplices in the media, was a thousand times worse than Watergate. You read that right. It was way worse than Watergate, not even close. Our entire national criminal justice and intelligence apparatus was weaponized to undermine and neutralize the sitting President of the United States. If this was Watergate, Hillary Clinton and Marc Elias would have been investigated in 2017 to 2019, not Trump. Instead, the weaponized US agencies used what it knew was a hoax to neutralize a President they despised.

The same Deep State bad actors were still fucking Trump over with their lies when 51 of the lying pieces of shit signed the famous "hallmarks of Russian disinformation" letter regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, which cost Trump the 2020 election. Yes, I realize Trump made plenty of missteps himself, but polling showed that if the true story about the laptop had been known in October and November of 2020, enough voeters would have been influenced that Trump would have won.

The morons. I forgot to mention the morons. May I mention the morons? The fucking morons are out. And they cite, again and again, the same phony evidence we already know was made up by Hillary or which was totally circumstantial in nature as proof of Trump-Russia collusion still. The morons can't be talked to, either. They "know". What the fuck do they know? They know the lies they were told and are deep in moron denial.

The most deeply disturbing part of all this treasonous, seditious type activity is that nobody will go to jail for it. Hillary Clinton will remain free. Obama, Biden, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and Mueller's team of political operatives and hit men will remain free. Where are the handcuffs? Some people need to be in jail. Unfortunately, our government is so far gone, so deeply corrupted and owned by the Deep State, that will simply not happen. Nobody will be punished. Nobody will be held accountable. Nobody will be made to account for their crimes. The Durham report apparently doesn't recommend arrests or prosecutions. That is some weak sauce, Mr. Durham. Weak sauce indeed.

I feel better, but not much better.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

People Are Not Illegal? - 5/13/2023

Calling them "illegal aliens"? is somehow offensive. A common retort these days is the defiant: "People are not illegal!"

When the come here illegally, what are they then, lady?

If a person robs a bank, are they not called a "bank robber"?

If a person steals a car, are they not called a "car thief"?

If a person rapes someone, are they not called a "rapist"?

If a person cheats on their taxes, are they not called a "tax cheat"?

If a person enters property they're not supposed to, are they not called a "trespasser"?

But somehow, foreign nationals, aka aliens, who cross our border and enter the US illegally, can't be called "illegal aliens"?

How fucking stupid do they think we are?

Friday, May 12, 2023

My Issues With Wokism - 5/12/2023

There was a time when the word "woke" was used differently. I'm not referring to usage as in, "I woke up at 7:15 to get ready for work," which would seem to be the traditional, textbook use of 'woke'. What I'm referring to came about in the 60's or 70's, I guess, around the time of, or soon after Civil Rights legislation of the mid-60's was put into effect. At that time, 'woke' was used, mostly by Black people, to express that they were aware what racism and prejudice are, and they weren't any longer going to look the other way when they see it and recognize it. When someone at that time said they were woke, what they were saying is that they were going to call a spade a spade (no racial pejorative intended or alluded to in the use of that cliche to describe what can also be described as 'calling it like I see it'). That's where woke entered into the conversation in a different context than getting up for work.

Today, 'woke' has taken on a much broader context. It starts with another phrase today: 'intersectionality'. This right of center opinion writer's take on intersectionality is that it refers to a collective alliance between diverse groups with leftward leanings on many issues. And before I delve into that, I'll start by pointing out that 'woke' is now used by anyone who's aligned and actively willing to speak out on all, some, or any of the issues of the left. Within the intersectionality concept there's a "Three Musketeers" kind of 'one for all and all for one' thing going on. What makes me, as a right of center guy, most uncomfortable with 'woke' as used in this intersectional context, is that for each and every one of the issues, the drivers and agenda pushers are at the left edge of the spectrum, the activists, not just left leaners. It seems the further from the center, the louder and more assertive the voices become. The far right has the same thing going on, but we don't have the same kind of nearly formal multi-issue alliance the left has built on the intersectionality foundation.

So for me, 'woke' has become a pejorative. It's a circle-jerk of the furthest left activism on a whole range of issues. It's wrong for me to characterize the whole of the left by its extreme parts? Blame intersectionality and the chorus of the loudest voices on the left that dominate what little dialogue there is out there. The right does the same thing you say? Well, maybe so. I'll take one issue as an example. January 6th. I have from the beginning BEFORE January 6, 2021 that holding a demonstration or protest on that day was one of those 'nothing good can come from it' deals. The protest ought to have been on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th, NOT on the day the Electoral College was set to vote. That being said, I had, and continue to have, my own concerns about the conduct of the 2020 Presidential Election. Recent revelations about the CIA's meddling have only strengthened my doubts. Many of the protesters in D.C. have similar concerns. We are not all insurrectionists. They were not all insurrectionists. Far from it. But that is the portrayal and that is the narrative used by nearly the entirety of the left when it comes to January 6th. The whole of the right lumped in with the extreme of the right (and a whole lot of US Government agitators and undercover entrappers).

I think the difference between the right and the left is the intersectional alliance on the left. It kind of reminds me of some of the worst aspects of a unionized workforce. While the union is for the good of the overall workforce, sometimes the tactics make members uncomfortable. "Our representation said what?" But, by and large the membership says nothing, because the collective is it's strength for the individual, and it's better to look the other way sometimes, because the same people are bringing better working conditions, wages, and benefits to the group. So what if we all agree the employee was in the wrong and deserved to be fired? If me or any other members get sideways with the company, won't we want to same fighters in our corner? You bet we will. So while the woke people are pushing for something stupid like allowing biological men who identify as women to destroy women's sports and undermine real women, the rest of the left is silent and complacent. After all, their pet issue requires the same unity. What's funny is how aghast they seem to be when the regular people who aren't activist and aren't woke at once and in unison say, "What the fuck?" I'm thinking Bud Lite and Dylan Mulvaney, for example. How could they have not seen the backlash coming? I mean, really.

One last thought about wokeness. There seems to me to be an unspoken other side of the coin. "We are woke. We are enlightened. We are educated. We understand. We have the answers." I'm not woke. That leaves me asleep, unenlightened, uneducated, lacking understanding, and without legitimate answers. Woke is at once a claim to the territory of logical thought and righteousness, and at the same time a dismissal of dissenting persons and their opinions. It is a sidestep of dialogue and debate. Because we're uninformed, misinformed, and unenlightened, ya know. Well, I'm not going to be dismissed that simply and easily. They may be woke, but I'm not sleepwalking through life. I have my eyes wide open.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Hump Day Quick Hitters - 5/10/2023

Happy hump day! I don't work, so it's more your hump day than mine. Here are some quick hitters for hump day, May 10th:

1. Title 42 is ending at midnight tomorrow night. The whole thing is a tragic failure from almost every perspective. First of all, Title 42 shouldn't have a damned thing to do with what's going on at the border. If our elected government in Washington did its job, immigration would be reformed. We'd have near total control of our border, and an ample number of well vetted, able bodied immigrants coming in to grow our economy. But, no. We have a clusterfuck of the highest magnitude. Our government is a joke and immigration reform, lack thereof, is its single biggest failure. Remember when President Biden put Vice President Harris in charge of the border? She sure seems to be steering clear of it altogether these days. Immigration is a turd. You know what's the problem with a turd? A turd has no clean end from which to pick it up. So nobody will touch it. Trump tried, but he was thwarted at every turn and called every name in the book for doing so.

2. Speaking of Trump, he's an asshole. That's a given. While I don't think it is possible for him to get a fair shake in a court of law in many jurisdictions in our country nowadays, I do think he brought a lot of the problem upon himself with his big mouth. I don't believe Ms. Carroll, not at all. Trump is still an asshole, but I believe Ms. Carroll is a liar. The case reminds me very much of the Justice Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings a few years ago. Eerily.

3. Tucker Carlson is taking his show to Twitter. I like Carlson. He was the only one on FoxNews I would watch, and even that was rarely. Lefties in media are beside themselves that Elon Musk will allow Carlson to have a platform. Because lefties in the media simply don't care about free speech. They care about propagandizing, that's all.

4. The CIA and FBI meddled in the 2020 election. Through their actions, Trump was defeated. Lefties completely ignore what was done. The things that were done to Trump, starting in 2016, through his presidency, in 2020, and to this day, are a disgusting display of abuse of power by the deep state. If this stuff had been done and was being done to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, of Joe Biden, the same people who think this is all good would have been rioting in the streets. Does this sound like you? You know it does. You know who you are. Fuck you.

5. Most of the "Trump only" people on Twitter I come across are fucking morons and assholes. I like DeSantis better. That's my right. Trump has too much baggage. He will be even more ineffective and even older in 2025-2029. Time for a new face.