Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel, at the DNC Convention: “They are going to have to pry this wedding ring from my cold dead gay hands.”
Spoiler: I don't think the GOP cares who she married, and nobody is making an issue of it except Dana herself.Michigan A.G. Dana Nessel
Rant: I am sick and tired of being portrayed, because I'm conservative, as some kind of bigot. I'm fucking tired of it. "Racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, zenophobe," you know the list, the infamous Hillary list. I can't prove I'm not any of those things, including that I'm not an anti-gay bigot.
Here's the rub: I don't have to prove to Dana, to you, or to anyone else that I'm not an anti-gay bigot. If you suspect I'm an anti-gay bigot because I will vote for Trump or for any other reason, you have two choices: first, you can come to me as a friend and express your concerns about what you perceive to be my bigotry. Tell me what I've said or done that makes you think I am. But there is one condition if you're choosing option one. You have to be open minded and listen to my response to your concern. Or, if you think because I'm conservative and Republican I'm an anti-gay bigot, but you DON'T want to talk to me about your concerns, there's always option two. Option two is a lot simpler: go fuck yourself and stay the fuck out of my life, because you are an evil, judgemental piece of shit.
I'm sick of liberal Democrats making these kinds of blanket accusations and judgements. Look, Dana... I don't know why you think anyone wants to pry your wedding ring off. Until now, I didn't even know who you are. Now I do. You're an asshole liar, and in your zeal to see a Democrat elected you are making your obsession with your own sexuality somehow a national issue when the truth is nobody cares. And to do this you take the liberty of painting me and a lot of people like me as anti-gay bigots. Dana, you go straight to option two, because even though I really don't care who you sleep with go fuck yourself.