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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I Admit, It's Dumb, and It's Genius - 8/20/2024

I saw a post on X this morning that got my attention. Somebody took the tie to count out how many times "Trump" was mentioned, verses some other topics. Here's the tally of mentions (if it's not accurate, my point stands):

Trump:        147

Economy:    27

Border:         8

Crime:          6

Prices:          5

Inflaton:       3

What do I make of it? Simply this: they aren't even going to try to make a case for their leftist, progressive agenda. Not even going to try. Why should they? For them, way easier to run against the evil, mean bastard that is Trump to so many, than to make a case for the intersectional far left, progressive potpourris which defeating Trump will usher in.

Making the election about Trump minimizes the inconvenience of having to explain policy positions.
Forget about how Vice President Harris was installed as nominee. Forget about how much of an empty suit she comes off as every time she tries to articulate anything. Forget how badly she fucked up the only thing she was in charge of as Vice President, the border, which for me is the single biggest issue facing our country. None of that matters to them at all. None. And how me and other conservatives might feel about them matters least of all.

"Let's run against Trump, first, second, last, and foremost. Let's keep to the absolute bare minimum any and all substantive discourse on issues. These can only hurt us, especially with this bad a spokesperson. Instead, bang the Trump drum, morning, noon, night, even in our dreams. That's the ticket!"

Harris: "Hi, my name is NOT Donald Trump!" Crowd: "Hip hip, hooray!!!!"
We're fucked.


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