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Thursday, November 7, 2024

To My Democrat Friends (and former friends) - 11/7/2024

Many of you can't understand how it is I, or we, meaning our country, could elect someone as detestable as Donald Trump. Please read this very carefully. I mean this without animus or any form of gloating.

Yes, I voted for Donald Trump. He was not my first choice, but the GOP had a primary, and Governor Ron DeSantis didn't make the cut. Before I get to explaining my choice, there is one important thing I'd like to remind you of:

According to the New York Times right now, 6:10 p.m. EST, November 7th, Vice President Kamala Harris has 68,238,944 votes. Also according to the Times, in 2020 Joe Biden received 81,284,666. That's a difference of 13,045,722 votes. Some votes are still coming in, but it is safe to say she received at least 10,000,000 less votes in 2024 than Joe did in 2020. So, before you blame us Republicans and conservatives (oops, too late, you already have blamed us), be honest with yourself. 10 million votes didn't just magically appear in 2020 or disappear in 2024, did they? It's not my fault your party decided against a real, competitive primary process. Don't blame us for that shit.

Ok, so you've asked, "How is it I/we could possibly vote for such a horrible human being as Donald Trump?" The answer is in 3 parts:

1) I don't believe he's a rapist. I'm not going to argue it, I'm just saying I don't believe either the accuser nor the Prosecutor, Judge, or Jury. I don't believe them. I also don't accept that he's a felon. We'll see what the judge does later this month, but until sentencing, whether or not he's a felon remains to be seen. I don't care that you're already convinced, I'm not. Alvin Bragg took misdemeanors and contorted the law to suit his purpose. The judge was as far from even handed in rulings and jury instructions as is legally possible. 

Trump has his flaws, the biggest are in a tie between his mouth, his ego, and his thin skin. Yes he is far from perfect. I saw a friend post a comparison to Jesus a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. I didn't respond. If I did, the response would have simply been, "I'm not picking a church, I'm picking a President." But, along the same lines, I'm quite sure Jesus would object to the left's primary sacrament, abortion. Don't even try and tell me abortion isn't what energizes many, many women (and some men) on the left. I'm having a hard time imagining Jesus in a pink pussy hat protesting for more abortion rights.

Bottom line, I don't get my news where you do and I don't see Trump as perfect, far from it, but I do not see the Hitleresque demon that many of you do. I do not see that. Sorry. Last thing to mention on Trump and the election: did any of you Democrats watch his Joe Rogan interview? I think he came across very well. His humanity and humility came through. I'm guessing that very few of you watched. Who'd watch Hitler, right? Made up minds don't seek to be changed.

2) I do not support hardly any of the Democrat progressive agenda. Before I get into the candidate herself, I just don't buy the left's agenda. Immigration, economy, crime and safety, abortion (I was pro choice, pro life in my own life, but you went so far with it I can no longer say I'm in line with you at all), the list of disagreements is top to bottom.

I  don't hear even attempts at persuasive arguments for the things I disagree with. The advocacy is always the same: demonize me for disagreeing rather than making an argument to persuade me to agree. Fuck that. To put a bow on it, I DO like most of Trump's policies. I can separate his unlikable personality traits from his policies. You can't, I know. Sorry.

3) Joe Biden has dementia. How in the hell do you think I would have supported him? Kamala Harris talks in cliches and flower phrases, but says nearly nothing of substance. She was running for about 100 days, hid for the first 50, tried to make her case for 3 or so weeks, and spent the last 10 days attacking me, people like me, and our candidate as fascists, threats to democracy, and all kinds of stuff. She came across to me as an empty suit. The fact that she ducked Joe Rogan should be all you need to hear. Her failure to clearly articulate her agenda, and her unwillingness to be candid in any moment on the campaign trail left me feeling like she is an insincere, dishonest broker. How in the hell would you expect me to support her?

Honestly, I came to believe that whoever is pulling demented Joe's strings, which I know to you having unelected, hidden power brokers run our country YOUR way is fine, for me isn't okay, would pull her's. I became and remain convinced, had Kamala won, those same puppeteers hidden in the shadows would remain in charge. Not if I could help it!

To summarize, it was the Democrats who disappeared from 2020 who failed to elect Kamala Harris in 2024. For my vote it was a matter of not hating Trump like you do, not agreeing with her policies (which she failed to even try to persuade me on), liking Trump's polcies more, and lastly, my belief that Kamala Harris was an extremely weak candidate, the weakest I remember in my lifetime. She ran a lousy campaign. I'm not voting my country down the shitter because you don't like him and you might be mad at me.

To my friends who I am aware consider us Trump voters to be uneducated and stupid: Get over yourselves. Or don't. I really don't give a fuck.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Now What? A Day One To Do List for the 47th President - 11/6/2024


Trump elected 47th POTUS
Trump won. Now what? On day one, I hope Donald Trump will:

Pardon Hunter Biden.

Pardon all J6 people who were not specifically convicted of violent crimes or active participation in a conspiracy to stop the Electoral College process.

Permanently remove the security clearances of every one of the 51 intelligence officials who conspired to interfere with the 2020 Presidential Election. No exceptions.

Fire Jack Smith.

Fire the entire upper echelon of the DOJ,  FBI. intelligence community, and State Department. The entire unelected and unaccountable D.C. bureaucracy has to go.

Reinstate all the Executive Orders re: immigration that Joe Biden eliminated when he came into office.

Begin deportation of all illegal immigrants who have committed crimes since ingressing our country illegally. Also locate and deport the illegal immigrants who had violent criminal records in their home country before entering the US illegally.

There's more to do, but day one is a pretty busy one.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

A Realignment? - 11/5/2024

An interesting thought came to me when I saw that the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire (LPNH) endorsed Donald Trump last night. There is a massive realignment going on, a shift unlike any before in my lifetime. How significant is the realignment?

We've already seen, columnist and former right wing stalwart, Bill Crystal had gone over. Add Liz Cheney and a long list of other Neocons, and you see a big separation between Trump Republicans and the establishment.

As business has shifted away from factories toward high tech, so has the Democratic Party become owned and controlled by same.

Democrats have become the party of war, free speech crackdown, and punitive use of the D.C. bureaucracy to punish opponents.

Meanwhile, in addition to the Libertarian endorsement I mentioned above, Trump was endorsed by Elon Musk, who is a hero for preserving free speech at the former Twitter.

Last night, Joe Rogan, who previously had been opposed to Trump, also endorsed. Getting to actually speak to him, and also after conversing with Elon Musk about the election, Rogan came forward with a late endorsement.

Tulsi Gabbard, as recently as 2019, was a Democratic Party candidate for the Presidency. She's fully enlisted in Trump's camp.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. (RFKJ) was a Democratic Party candidate as recently as this past spring. He and his running mate, the impressive Nicole Shanahan, are fully on board with Trump.

What do Elon Musk, LPNH, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, RFKJ, and Shanahan have in common?

None of them, not a one, are far right. None of them is a far right extremist.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Florida as Election Bellweather - 11/2/2024

Florida Results Will Foretell the Rest of the Story

Look no further. Here in Florida lies the answer. I'll make it short and sweet. Florida's results will come in early, and if you watch Florida, you'll have a good idea what to expect in te rest of the country.

If Harris wins FL by ANY Percentage: If Kamala Harris wins Florida (she is NOT going to win Florida), Trump and his supporters can fuggedaboudit. It's over. It means Kamala Harris will be the 47th POTUS.

If Trump wins FL by about 4% or less: It will be a long night for Trump and all the swing states will be in play for Harris. Advantage: Harris.

If Trump wins FL by only 5-6%: It will be a close election nationwide. The results will hinge on obscure districts in swing states that may not be done counting till Thursday or later. Coin toss.

If Trump wins FL bu 7-9%: Trump will win the election, but it will be close, long, and drawn out. Advantage: Trump.

If Trump wins FL by 10% or more: It will be a blowout for Trump nationally.

I'll be watching Florida Tuesday night. Sometime between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m., numbers will be rolling in from the panhandle. I'll have my popcorn, a few sweet snacks, and a nice cup of cappuccino. It's going to be a long night, but I'll already know: Florida will tell the story.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Election Integrity, Jenna Griswold Edition - 10/31/2024

I don't know how or why she did it, but the Colorado election boss, Jenna Griswold published the passwords for their voting machines. "Oopsie." Moving on, can the election be certified?

CO Secretary of State Jenna Griswold. When I saw her picture I thought she was Monica Lewisnky.

Bear in mind, Griswold fought tooth and nail to keep Trump off the Colorado ballot. She is a partisan, activist hack. I think she's also the official who sent 30,000 voter registration reminders to non-citizens, just one more among several egregious election 2024 Colorado faux paus.

How badly does the public release of the passwords compromise the integrity of the Colorado election? Is there a forensic audit that can be done to determine who, if anyone, may have accessed early voting or voter registration data, and more importantly, determine if the data was manipulated? Is there time enough left to zero out the machines and re-scan every ballot? Can Jenna Griswold be trusted to be the one who puts the Colorado genie securely back in the bottle?

You would think, after all the hoopla over 2020, some of it real, some of it Memorex, that election 2024 would be administered in a way that eliminates all questions of process and personnel integrity. Unfortunately, publishing voting machine administrator passwords isn't it.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Joe Biden "Garbage" Comment - 10/29/2024 - 2

This is a rare evening blog post, but I can't not post it. You want outrageous? I'll give you outrageous.

President Joe Biden has responded to the insult comedian's tasteless and offensive joke at Trump's New York Trump rally this past Sunday. The comic made a stupid joke about Puerto Rico's solid waste disposal problem. Shame on the rally organizers for entertaining the crowd with an insult douchebag comic.

But good old Joe, he responded. Before I go further, don't lose sight of the disparity: one guy is an insult comic. Not a member of the Trump campaign, the other guy is the President of the United States. Here is what Biden said:

Joe Biden tonight called us, we Trump supporters of all colors and religions, garbage.
"Just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage. The only garbage I see floating out there is his (Trump's) supporters."

This coming from the motherfucker elected supposedly to heal and unite us.

Mr. Biden, there are more than 80 million Trump supporters. We are Hispanic. We are Black. We are Asian. We are Pacific Islanders. We are Native Americans. We are White guys. We are Christians. We are Muslim. We are Hindus. We are Jews. We are women. We are men. We are veterans. We are cops. We are firemen. We are Ambulance crews. We work in factories. We volunteer at the local food bank. I give you credit for not insulting one of the groups that comprise us. Instead, you called us ALL garbage.

Does Joe hate us that much, hate Kamala that much, or both? My guess is both.

Hey grandpa, maybe it's time for you to shut the hell up. Just a thought,


One More Week, Quick Hitters - 10/29/2024

The election is just a week away.

Bad Puerto Rico Jokes. Donald Trump has had quite a good run up towards the finish line. After an incredibly successful visit with Joe Rogan on Friday, he did a rally at Madison Square Garden. If you think back to the RNC Convention, which was held just a few days after the first assassination attempt, at that time Joe Biden was still the presumptive Democratic Party nominee. Trump turned this rally into in effect a second convention, this time where the opposition is the un-democratically nominated Vice President Kamala Harris. I watched some of it. The turnout was epic in the heart of deep blue New York. I thought the Hulk Hogan appearance was kind of dumb, but other than that, of what I saw, it was pretty good. I didn't watch all of Trump's speech. He talks too long for me and I've heard enough of his rallies and interviews that I don't need an hour and a half or two hours more. What I didn't see was the comic who made jokes about Puerto Rico being piled up with garbage. The guy is an insult comic (who I've never heard of), apparently along the lines of Don Rickles. He was a dumb choice as a speaker, and he shouldn't have made that joke. Puerto Rico does have a garbage problem, but what the fuck? It's almost as if the guy was intentionally trying to damage Trump. For the record, Trump didn't say it. None of Trump's surrogates, handlers, or advisors said it. it is a nothing-burger as it relates to Trump, except to people who hate him already, and they won't move the needle. They're already there.

Puerto Rico is a beautiful place, with beautiful people.

Madison Square Garden Nazi Nonsense. Speaking of Madison Square Garden, Democrats and Democrat media realized that Kamala Harris can't or won't articulate a defense of the Biden/Harris Administration's record, nor is she able to articulate her stance on issues, which very often would require her to explain why what she says she's for and against now are 180ยบ out of what she ran on in 2019 and how she voted as a Senator. So Democrats have settled on "Nazi, fascist, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, threat to democracy, etc." I'm more pissed at my friends from the other side than at the evil assholes pushing these things. How dare you sit there and let YOUR party call me a fucking racist and Nazi and everything else without objection! How dare you! I'm not going to argue why we're NOT Nazis. Why should I? Your candidate is failing, so you support this? Fuck all the way off.

Vacuous leftist politicians and media hacks, bereft of ideas and a viable way forward for Harris, have decided calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazis is their best way forward.

Trump on The Joe Rogan Experience. I laugh when I see lefties describe the Trump Joe Rogan episode as a demonstration that Trump is incoherent and all the rest. He was personable, engaging, and displayed a broad spectrum of interests and opinions. I found his description of the first trip to the White House in 2017, especially his reverence for Lincoln and the Lincoln Bedroom, and also his admission about the hiring of staff, which he concedes was his biggest mistake first time around, to be very interesting. The whole thing was worth the time if you want to understand who the guy is as opposed to the vilified and bastardized guy the leftist press would have you believe.

Google's Joe Rogan squelch. Google was up to their public opinion manipulation tricks again yesterday. The Trump episode of the Joe Rogan podcast was up to around 33 million views, and Google took action to push it from atop search results for anyone who searched YouTube for it. You'd think something that has 33 million views would naturally rise to the top of query results, but since it's been helpful to and positive for Trump, and since Google is staffed with a high number of lefties, they tried to put a kebash on it. That's bullshit. I read yesterday that after being swamped with complaints, they took the kebash off it, but as of this morning I still had to hunt and scroll down for it when I searched. It's up to 37 million + views, by the way.

Kamala on Joe Rogan? The Harris Campaign has said they can't work a three hour sit down with Joe Rogan into her schedule, and that she doesn't have time to travel to his studio. They've asked him to fly to her somewhere and to do a one hour show. I hope he declines. It's his show and he does it his way. If she wants to do a one hour show, there are more than ample sycophants out there who will softball her and allow her to word salad rather than answer questions candidly for an hour. If the schedule really is a problem, rearrange it. It's the Harris campaign's fault this is a problem. Maybe she shouldn't have ducked Rogan until she realized that 30+ million people watched Trump on it, and how incredibly helpful it has been for Trump.

Nevada judge 3 days rule. A judge in Nevada has ruled that mail in ballots WITHOUT A POSTMARK, that are received UP TO 3 DAYS AFTER ELECTION DAY must be counted. Lemme walk you through this with some hypothetical numbers. Election night, it is reported that Trump is up by 15,000 votes. We query voting records and we can see all the registered voters across the state who have not voted. We've got 2-1/2 days. How can we find 16,000 more votes? Hmmmm... You do the rest...