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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A Good Man in the Brig and A Puppet in the Oval - 9-29-2021

It would be kinda fun to see the President, Secretary of Defense, and top military brass coming unwound the way they did if not for the fact that the USMC LtCol who is the guy told us the truth about the Afghanistan is in the brig awaiting his court marshal. Was he out of order for speaking (the truth) out of turn? Absolutely. He's already lost his command, resigned his commission and lost his military retirement, and been given psychological evaluations.

You know how it is. Telling the truth is such a bad thing in a liar's administration like this one. Well, honestly, I'm not 100% sure it's a liar's administration as much as an administration that operates in an alternative reality. A bunch of useless Harvard and Yale policy wonks who've never lived and worked outside the bubble of their political circles keep pulling Puppet Biden's, oops, President Biden's strings. And Joe says what they tell him, regardless of how silly and ridiculous it makes him look.

I get there are consequences, and that LtCol Scheller was out of turn with his remarks. I have no problem with him losing his command and being processed out. But the fact he's in the brig, which is 'jail' for you civilian types, and the liar-puppet in chief and his military leaders are still not accepting blame/responsibility for the extremely poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, and that the Harvard and Yale crowd pulling the puppet's strings on the economy and everything else aren't under a microscope is mind boggling. I don't expect that, as Democrats in Congress hold the gavels these days, and they live for the lousy policies of the Harvard and Yale Biden puppeteers.

And one last thought: I have as little regard for Jen Psaki as any Democrat ever had for any of Trump's spokespersons. Surely she has a tough job making excuses for this lying bunch. But her explanations on the economy and on everything else show how far out of touch with reality she and the rest of the clown's puppeteers truly are. She's probably having coffee with some Harvard puke, talking 'policy' right now. Because it ain't Joe informing her of the details, I guarantee you that!

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