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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Hump Day Quick Hitters - 5/10/2023

Happy hump day! I don't work, so it's more your hump day than mine. Here are some quick hitters for hump day, May 10th:

1. Title 42 is ending at midnight tomorrow night. The whole thing is a tragic failure from almost every perspective. First of all, Title 42 shouldn't have a damned thing to do with what's going on at the border. If our elected government in Washington did its job, immigration would be reformed. We'd have near total control of our border, and an ample number of well vetted, able bodied immigrants coming in to grow our economy. But, no. We have a clusterfuck of the highest magnitude. Our government is a joke and immigration reform, lack thereof, is its single biggest failure. Remember when President Biden put Vice President Harris in charge of the border? She sure seems to be steering clear of it altogether these days. Immigration is a turd. You know what's the problem with a turd? A turd has no clean end from which to pick it up. So nobody will touch it. Trump tried, but he was thwarted at every turn and called every name in the book for doing so.

2. Speaking of Trump, he's an asshole. That's a given. While I don't think it is possible for him to get a fair shake in a court of law in many jurisdictions in our country nowadays, I do think he brought a lot of the problem upon himself with his big mouth. I don't believe Ms. Carroll, not at all. Trump is still an asshole, but I believe Ms. Carroll is a liar. The case reminds me very much of the Justice Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings a few years ago. Eerily.

3. Tucker Carlson is taking his show to Twitter. I like Carlson. He was the only one on FoxNews I would watch, and even that was rarely. Lefties in media are beside themselves that Elon Musk will allow Carlson to have a platform. Because lefties in the media simply don't care about free speech. They care about propagandizing, that's all.

4. The CIA and FBI meddled in the 2020 election. Through their actions, Trump was defeated. Lefties completely ignore what was done. The things that were done to Trump, starting in 2016, through his presidency, in 2020, and to this day, are a disgusting display of abuse of power by the deep state. If this stuff had been done and was being done to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, of Joe Biden, the same people who think this is all good would have been rioting in the streets. Does this sound like you? You know it does. You know who you are. Fuck you.

5. Most of the "Trump only" people on Twitter I come across are fucking morons and assholes. I like DeSantis better. That's my right. Trump has too much baggage. He will be even more ineffective and even older in 2025-2029. Time for a new face.

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