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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why Harris Won the Debate - Not Why You Think - 9/11/2024

It was a given, Trump had to agree to a debate. In actuality, there was almost no upside for him. On the other hand, as a candidate about whom many Americans were saying they needed to learn more, Harris had some, albeit limited, upside. Why Trump had no upside and Harris' was limited is because a very large majority of the electorate is already locked in. Neither of them changed anyone's mind last night.

The moderators for ABC were decidedly, emphatically, and unabashedly biased, to the point I would characterize their performance as unfair. But Trump agreed to this format and network.

Trump and Harris debating last night. Harris's teammates from ABC are outside the frame.

Both were targeting a small portion of the electorate who are undecided. Some of the undecideds don't like one candidate, the other, or both, and are working through their own political and philosophical objections. I don't think either candidate moved the needle much for these folks.

Some of the undecideds are just uninformed, apolitical people who don't pay a whole lot of attention to the issues. For them, the election is one of style and image. For them, I think Harris came off better in how she presented herself. For these same voters, people who do not follow politics on a daily basis, the fact that ABC fact checked Trump repeatedly, let Harris lie with impunity, and steered the issues in ways favorable to Harris, it will probably sway some. Since this election will hinge on a small number of voters in a small number of states, all of them in this undecided group, in the all in all, the debate helped Harris and did little for Trump.

I am not giving Trump a complete pass. He missed layup after layup. They got under his skin, not to the point where he was bombastic, but to the point he was less than fully effective.

Nothing that transpired last night made Harris a better choice for President. She did not say anything about issues that wowed people. She is a leftist and I disagree with most of her positions on most of the issues. I believe she will be a disaster for our country. A disaster on immigration. A disaster on the economy. A disaster on world affairs. A disaster for race relations in our country. Sadly, last night got her a tiny bit closer to the White House.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Debate - 9/10/2024-2

Well, the big night has come and went. I don't know by how much, but I think the debate will help Harris a little more than Trump. It's late, 11:08 p.m. as I type this, so I'll keep the a little brief, if I can. All candidates exaggerate, distort, spin, and embellish. Neither candidate disappointed in that regard. Luckily for Harris, the moderators were on her side.

Will the Trump Harris debate move the needle? Time will tell.
Kamala Harris: I think she presented herself pretty well, a little better than I expected actually. Some of the faces she made while Trump was talking were a negative, but not to the same degree as Trump's nearly continuous scowl. She called Trump a liar, and meanwhile she herself lied, repeatedly. Project 2025 isn't Trump's. The "bloodbath" thing is way out of context, as is the fine people on both sides hoax. Same goes for the bullshit about suspending the Constitution on Day 1. Her characterization of Trump rallies was inaccurate, aka bullshit. She did much better on Roe than Biden did, as a woman I would have expected same. I think her best moments were when she talked optimistically about the future. She did NOT, however, give me any clarity on how her proposals would be made to work. And she sure does love killing babies. The line about women having miscarriages being refused treatment and juvenile rape victims being forced to keep the baby, as well as the one that Trump will impose a nationwide ban? Absolute, abject bullshit.

Score: 7.5/10


Donald Trump: This was NOT the former President's best moment. He seemed angry. He is well known by people who see him personally as being congenial and having charisma. He didn't bring enough of that to the debate with him this evening. He missed his best opportunity to tie her directly to covering up Biden's cognitive impairment, as well as her nomination without any votes. Big missed opportunities there. He's a known entity. I don't think his performance will hurt him, but he has less upside than Harris, in my opinion, and he didn't seem to lay claim to much that he didn't already have in hand. He fucked up (again) his answer to the Kamala Harris race question. The right answer would be something like: "I respect Black people, and people of Indian descent. I respect mixed-race people. My criticism is that Vice President Harris is a total chameleon and presents herself as nearly a different person, depending on her audience. In just the last few weeks, we heard a phony southern accent. She changes her ethnicity and accent almost as often as she changes her position on important issues, and for the same reasons, to enjoy the most favorable political breezes she can, sincerity be damned." He could have, but didn't. He left too much on the table, but the bigger issue for me in scoring the debate was his demeanor. He could have displayed at least a little (more) charisma.

Score: 5/10


ABC News Moderators: Talk about in the tank. The debate often seemed like 3 on 1. They fact checked one participant, but not the other, and the questions seemed softballs, teeing it up for Harris. For an example, knowing Trump's tendencies, they hit him with the Kamala ethnicity question, and they clearly went to her second so she could pound him as divisive. They fact checked ONLY Trump, and at times Muir was literally argumentative with Trump. A debate such as this ought to have either a totally impartial panel, or a mixed panel. If you look at it, Biden in June and Harris in September BOTH had fellow travelers as moderators. The CNN group did MUCH better than this ABC group. I hear it said that that is because CNN's job was to take Biden out, and ABC's to prop Harris up. I don't know that that's true, but someone could certainly see it that way, as do I.

Score: 3/10


Will it move the needle? Time will tell. I think it could swing it a couple points to Harris, who among undecideds likely has more upside. Minds are mostly made up, almost completely about Trump, and to some lesser (minuscule but lesser) extent about the Vice President.

I could say more, but it's pushing midnight.

Biden's Incapacitation - 9/10/2024

Here's Joe Biden shaking hands with an imaginary friend.

Joe Biden is beyond out to lunch. At this point nobody's even pretending he's running the show: not his press surrogates, not his Vice President, and not his supporters. As I ponder what all that means, a few thoughts:

Our enemies know Joe is gonzo. Out, not to lunch, but out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. He's the stereotypical daddy who went out for a pack of cigarettes one evening who never came back. And he ain't never coming back. Russia knows this. China knows this. Iran knows this. Everyone knows it. This is a dangerous time. From now until inauguration day, the mischievous and malevolent may find it an opportune time to act out. All of this because Democrats were able to rally enough hatred of Donald Trump that they put a guy who it was obvious to me, and to anyone else awake with eyes and ears, was hiding steep decline from the public in 2019 and 2020 by campaigning from his basement. Trump Derangement Syndrome got us a Cognitively Impaired President. H.R. McMaster wrote a piece for The Free Press this a.m. that explores the international implications of Biden, Trump, and Harris. It's worth the few minutes it'll take to read it. I'll link it at the end of this short piece.

Vice President Kamala Harris covered up and continues to cover up President Biden's incapacitation, exacerbating the dangers posed both foreign and domestic. She owns this cover up. She's often "the last person in the room". She knew. She knows. This makes her derelict in her responsibility to our nation to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I don't give two shits what anyone says, there is NO SPACE between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's cognitive impairment. Not a single ray of light can pass though there, she's pressed up so tight to it. We have an incapacitated President and Vice President Harris is a key engineer in covering it up to hide it from the American people, to her own political fortune. Very convenient that she got the nomination without campaigning, without winning a single Presidential Primary vote, without a single press conference.

The last and most unnerving issue I have with the current incapacitated Biden situation, is about who is running the country, and what it means. Before I go there, let me say this: if you are clinging to the belief at this point that Biden is in charge, you are about as stupid and gullible as stupid can be. I mean, look up stupid in yur dictionary, and it will tell you to go look in the mirror. Joe Biden ain't in charge of shit. A cabal of unelected, anonymous, unaccountable Democrat oligarchs are pulling the strings. These same oligarchs posited Harris as the undemocratically selected nominee so they can continue uninterrupted in power. Being anonymous and unelected, they are immune from accountability and consequences for their failures and misdeeds. Before the June debate in which Biden was exposed and Democrats were forced to stop pretending he is OK, I remember a Democrat on X telling me, all sassy and smart alec-like, "We don't elect a person, we elect an Administration". The fuck we do!

Free Press - H R McMaster

Monday, September 9, 2024

Polls and the Debate - 9/9/2024

I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I have a hunch, but I am not sure. My hunch? Donald Trump will behave himself for the most part and Kamala Harris will fare poorly. I'd say it's more than wishful thinking. For the last couple of months, Trump has been ad-libbing at rallies, appearing at many locations, and done many long form interviews with all manner and sort of podcaster and on a variety of news television shows. This, in addition to working with his debate prep team, which includes Tulsi Gabbard, will have him ready to articulate responses on any number of topics. All Trump has to do, and indeed this is a tall order for him, is to keep his cool and make his attacks calmly, politely, and professionally. I hope that Tulsi is helping him in this regard.

For Kamala Harris, we'll see if utilizing the Biden strategy of hiding in the basement and hoping Trump self-destructs pays off. I don't think the basement strategy is going to be productive for her tomorrow night. Imagine thinking appearing in public is your liability AND thinking you'd make a good President of the United States. That's insane.

Tomorrow the debate is on. We'll see, won't we?

Whether Trump is up 1 in the popular vote (or more so if it's actually 2, per the disclaimer), no way Harris can win the Electoral College.

The latest polling should be discouraging for Kamala Harris and her supporters. Her election strategy of not taking interviews and of not publishing proposed policies won't help her prepare for Trump. For Harris, that's the bad news.

The good news, as it relates to the debate and polling, is to me it doesn't seem like there are many voters whose preference will swing based on this debate. Most of the electorate is already baked in.

This, too, we shall see.

Last thoughts for this morning: 

Warmongers Dick and Liz Cheney say they are voting for Kamala Harris. Peaceniks Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., and Nicole Shanahan, on the other hand, are supporting Trump. If you can't see that there's a big political realignment going on, you're not paying attention.

If migrants in Springfield, Ohio are really grabbing up geese and ducks at local parks for their supper, and even worse, grabbing up people's house pets for the barbecue (I hope this is not true, I have seen pics of a guy carrying a dead goose, but not cats), it's not going to help Kamala none. I read that Springfield had a population of 60,000 and has had an influx of 20,000 migrants. How in the hell does any municipality handle a 33% increase in population in such a short timespan?

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Russia, Russia, Russia! - 9/5/2024

Putin is at it again. I was tempted to simply address it here by saying that "at least I'm glad he's supporting the right candidate, Trump" and to move on, because I really don't think the kind of "interference" he's capable of in our social media is worth a hill of beans. But there are a few "tidbits" to at least touch on. I'll try to keep it short and sweet today.

Thank goodness he's not a SCOTUS Justice!

I don't believe or trust AG Merrick Garland. I guess those two things go together: belief and trust. Garland has Trump Derangement Syndrome, and he's got it bad. I don't trust the U.S. Justice Department as a whole, either. Going back to 2016, all the way through to today, they have been consistent in one thing: putting their fingers on the scale to stop Trump, get Trump, and to hurt Trump. When Merrick Garland says Putin is meddling "to help Trump," I hear a guy who himself meddles "to hurt Trump" saying so. He may be telling the truth as he sees it through his badly Trump deranged eyes, and who knows, he may even be right. Because of his history, I am skeptical. Very. Thankfully, he's not a SCOTUS Justice.

SharylAttkisson on X

Putin says he want Kamala Harris to win. I already told you, I don't believe Merrick Garland. Well, I don't believe Putin, either. Putin's not our friend, my friend, or Trump's friend. For the record, I had someone recently say to me that the biggest danger of Trump winning is due to his relationship with Putin. Near as I can tell, Putin was in 'invade and annex mode' while Obama and Biden were in the White House. When Trump was in office? Not as much. I don't know or care if he really wants Trump or Harris, what I am sure of is his interests and my interests don't intersect, and if they do it's coincidental and makes no never mind for me.

Which brings me to the actual podcasters and social media influencers he is alleged to be influencing or controlling. I am familiar with two of them, Tim Pool and Benny Johnson. If Putin's interests and either of theirs intersect, similarly, if Putin's interests intersect with my own, the intersection is coincidental, not intentional or dubious. Both Pool and Johnson have been on Twitter, now X, for a long long time, and neither has changed positions on issues after Putin allegedly bought in. The DOJ said, and this seems to be something some leftist influencers are ignoring last evening and this morning totally, that the podcasters/influencers the Russians bought into were unaware of the Russian investment. To me, knowing their positions haven't changed, and that they were unaware the Russians were even lurking, tells me the goal is something else.

What else? To sow doubt. To get Merrick Garland to talk about Russia, Russia, Russia again. To undermine the election by throwing red meat to the Russia, Russia, Russia crowd, the people deathly afraid of Trump's so-called "relationship with Putin." Seems to me that it worked. All he wants here is hate, discontent, and discord. Merrick Garland has taken the bait, this a prelude to claims of illegitimacy should Trump win the White House back. That, to me, seems to be the real Putin play here, to undermine a potential Trump Presidency.

Russia, Russia, Russia!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Post-Travel Political Stuff - 9/4/2024

We got back from Colorado yesterday. Just a short update, my observations and thoughts from the last few days events. If nothing else. find the link to the TDS vs Independence post in this blog post. It's fun and worth it.

On Kamala Harris: In my opinion she is simply not up to the job. She was nominated by Democratic Party oligarchs, not by the American people. She will be a disaster for our country. I can't imagine her being an effective leader internationally, domestically, or in any way shape or form. In truth, she is not running to run the country, the same unelected cabal that is running it for Joe Biden is running to retain power.

On Joe Biden: The dude is gone. Gonzo goo-bye. I saw a clip of him in front of a podium yesterday, and as questions were shouted, he had a stupid grin on his face and looked round and round, absolutely totally lost in space. One of his handlers came into the frame and walked him off. Joe is gone. Who is the cabal, and how in the fuck is it ok that this is the situation? Looking at you, Democrats. WTF is wrong with you that this is ok with you? You are fucked up.

Joe Biden working tirelessly.
On Donald Trump: If the debate with VP Harris goes the way I expect it might, he'll be sentenced to jail by a corrupt and extremely partisan judge whose daughter has made millions off of the Harris and Biden campaigns. It's a last resort thing. The cabal Running Joe that hopes to continue with empty vessel Harris will do anything to stop Trump. Anything. They will cheat in the election and corrupt the judicial system... again.

They want us to forget the USSS's failure and assassination attempt on Trump's life.
On Tim Walz: He's a loser douchebag. I served on active duty and in the reserves. I have heard what other members of his unit have to say about him and that is all I need to know.

On J.D. Vance: The more I hear him, the more I like him.

On Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: He is kinda nuts, but I would take him over Biden or Harris in a heartbeat. At least he wouldn't be a puppet for the cabal.

On Nicole Shanahan: I disagree with her politically on probably 90%of the issues. I like her a lot anyway. She's smart. She's successful. Her IQ is higher than the diminished Biden and limited Harris's combined IQ's.

Watch the video her team put together on TDS vs. Independence here. It's worth the two minutes:

TDS vs Independence

Parting thoughts:

Democrats ARE going to cheat in the election.

If not for Elon Musk we would NOT have a free press in the USA anymore. One lady recently told me if I want unbiased news, NPR is where I can find it. That was some of the funniest shit I've heard in a long time. NPR... unbiased... ha ha ha ha!

I am looking forward to the debate. If Trump can avoid his worst natural inclinations and behave like he did in June with Biden, he'll win handily.

There is something very shady about the rapid cremation of the Trump attempted assassin's body and the way the FBI cleansed the crime scene. I fear there will be another attempt to assassinate him. The cabal will stop at nothing. Why do I think this? We aren't even allowed to know who they are, still! I should trust and have confidence in unnamed, invisible, power hungry, Trump deranged oligarchs? No.

I do not believe the polls. Maybe around 15 October or a little after that they'll start to move toward accuracy, but until then, polls are being used to shape public opinion NOT to measure it.

People here illegally ARE being offered voter registration time and time again by DMV employees in MANY locations across the USA. However many illegal aliens we find out are registered to vote is a percentage of the actual number. 1 is too many. 100,000 or 1,000,000 or more is only possible as part of a massive criminal voter fraud conspiracy. What's the real number? I don't know if we'll ever know.

There is no justification, none, zero zip, zilch, nada, for voter registration without verification of citizenship, nor is there justification for voting without ID. ANYONE who argues for either or both knows they facilitate criminal voter fraud and either doesn't care or actively supports it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hiatus Ramble - 8/28/2024

Good Ol' Matty P is going to be on hiatus for a week or so, while traveling on some pleasant family business.

Just a few thoughts as a parting message:

Apparently Vice President Harris has a greed to an interview on CNN with Dana Bash, and with her running mate, Governor Walz in tow. The interview will be taped in advance, so what we will see is an infomercial, not a real interview.

She has also agreed to a debate with former President Trump. It'll be on ABC, an extremely anti-Trump entity. It will be interesting to see if Trump can manage himself. If he does as well or better than in the Biden debate in June, he'll be very successful. If she can lure him to fly off the handle, and he goes rogue, she will emerge the winner.

I do realize she's way, way left of me, but I really like Nicole Shanahan. I like the way she communicates and I get the sense she's sincere. I like her a lot. For that matter, I also like RFK Jr., warts and all, and Tulsi Gabbard, who is my favorite of the three. Some of my friends are completely unwilling to even consider liking these Democrats turned Trump supporter. Some of my friends are stubborn bastards.

Shanahan, Kennedy, and Gabbard all have their differences with Trump, but recognize sometimes for the greater good you compromise principle for the practicality of avoiding an even worse outcome. They recognize that it's a binary choice, and KH is a worse choice. Some of the anti-abortion/pro-life absolutists abandoning Trump (who nominated the judges who overturned Roe) could take a lesson here.

I heard it said, and I think it was correct, unintentionally but surely, Donald Trump has exposed the uni-party portion of the GOP. These are the noteworthy neocon and establishment types who are now backing Harris or sitting out in protest. Thanks for self identifying as members of the uni-party, scumbags. Trump has brung out the real you. Fuck the real you.

Jack Smith has refiled a new indictment against Trump. He, and his boss AG Merrick Garland, too, are obsessed with interfering with the 2024 Presidential Election.

Jack Smith is a partisan political hack. He's also an asshole.

Trump, if elected, needs to clean out the entire upper echelon of the DOJ and FBI, ALL the U.S. Attorney's offices, Intelligence apparatus, State Department, Department Homeland Security, and other agencies. Have them all, every last one above whatever is the right level to protect the rank and file, tender resignations ON DAY ONE, with job application attached if they want to stay on. I am talking about thousands of Federal Employees. This has to be done to clean out the Merrick Garland's down to the Alexander Vindhman's.

I am finally fully and totally convinced: The 2020 election WAS stolen. The 51 intelligence official's letter and the FBI pressuring social media and news media to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story, which the KNEW without question was legit, deceitfully calling it Russian disinformation, was the difference in the election, other cheating notwithstanding.

I have lots more to say, but our travel preparations are waiting. See you round the first part of September.