First off, there is NOTHING you can tell me that will convince me there wasn't widespread cheating in the election. So don't even fucking try. What I don't know is how much cheating was there, and how significantly did it change the race? Maybe Joe would've won anyway. But if you want to argue that things were all on the up and up, shove "things were on the up and up" up your ass. It'll be more productive than trying, at this juncture, to convince me, without evidence, that there was no corruption in it. And when you come up with evidence there was no corruption that comes from the same lying bastards who were part, either overt or covert, of the resistance and opposition operations the last 4 years, you're just going to piss me off. So don't. Just fucking don't. Leave well enough alone. I'm far less likely to tell you to eat shit and die if we don't talk about it and you're not going to convince me, anyway.
I've already seen prominent Democrats talk about making lists of Trump supporters and Trump defenders so that they can make sure that they pay a price. Are you fucking kidding me? You lying pieces of shit said Joe was the guy who was going to unify us. He was the centrist who could bring us together. Well how about this? Shut the motherfuckers who want to start a civil war by seeking retribution (FOR FUCKING WHAT ASSHOLES!?!?!?) the fuck up, that ain't going to bring us together. Same goes for going after Trump now to punish him. I fully expect it and it ain't going to be pretty. Joe needs to step up here and be the unifier he said he would be. Going full social justice cancel culture warrior after Trump and Trump supporters ain't what we need, and if it's pursued and you don't speak up loudly and clearly in opposition to same (looking at you and Joe, liberal friends), then you vindictive pieces of shit can fuck off and get out of my life. And Joe, if you think going after Trump with more bogus allegations now that you can put the corrupt criminals you and Obama had in place BACK in place is going to unify us, it's not.
Joe is talking about eliminating online gun and ammo sales, and taxing us on our legal guns. This election didn't overturn the Constitution. No. Don't fucking do it, Joe. Don't fucking do it.
Joe's immigration policies to me sound like a full embrace of illegal immigration, putting out the welcome mat for all illegal comers at US taxpayer's expense. Do you know what would keep kids out of cages, Joe? A fucking wall would, Joe. A fucking wall. You want to fix immigration? I'm in. Then fix immigration with real reforms, common sense reforms.
Hey, Joe. Show me how, exactly and specifically, you're going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts AND not increase taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year. Because that tax cut was a tax cut for me. If you eliminate it, my taxes go up. It was just another election lie, wasn't it, Joe? I know, that's what you do and that's how it works.
I'm not 100% sure if Joe was actively complicit in any of the many Hunter Biden pay for access and influence corruptions, or if he's just been covering for his criminal son. But Hunter's criminal selling of influence is a vulnerability for Joe, make no mistake about it.
Joe picked an extremely liberal running mate. Of 535 Senators and Congresspersons, she's among the last 15 or 20 who I'd like to see rise to be our chief executive. We're one heartbeat away from a simply awful person as president. She prostituted herself to gain a foot in the door of California politics, and she'll be prostituting America if she ever becomes President. It crosses my mind sometimes that Joe picked her because he knew we'd be reluctant to impeach him because she'd be the outcome. She's not a unifier, Joe.
Don't pack the court, Joe. Just don't. You wouldn't answer the question during the campaign. Nor would you name who you'd consider for a future Supreme Court vacancy. Funny how the press let you slide on that. Trump gave us a list and was forthright with court appointments. You were too much of a pussy to take a fucking stand on even this.
Critical race theory, stamping out (bogus) white privilege, blaming everything bad that happens on white supremacists (some of whom are blacks and Hispanics), and the slavery reparations nonsense isn't going to unify us Joe. Blaming everything people don't like on "systemic racism" isn't unifying, either, Joe.
Hey Joe, guess what we do need? We need election reforms. We need certain standardized rules and processes. I realize since I'm the enemy and I'm probably on your targeted list of people to be punished, you don't give a shit about me or my opinion, but election reform would be good for our nation. Having partisan political operatives (I have one FB friend who called them bi-partisan, ha ha, laughable) shield observers from oversight, those same partisans counting ballots in private, and having different rules, systems, deadlines, etc. not only in different states, but often in different jurisdictions within a state, is a recipe for distrust and disaster. This time it worked in your favor. Regardless, it needs to be fixed, Joe.
Measure twice and cut once. Figure out all the implications of the Green New Deal, make the long list of losers, and make goddamned sure those of us who will be adversely impacted, either our jobs, or our investments of retirement funds in US companies that aren't green enough for your activist friends are looked after appropriately. Hint: most of the people who will be punished hardest by the green new deal aren't going to learn to be computer programmers or repair guys, they're NOT going to become barristers at Starbuck's, and they're not going to move to China to chase manufacturing jobs there. So figure out who's going to get fucked royally by the Green New Deal and figure out how to un-fuck them in advance before you shove a 2 x 4 up their ass sideways. I know most of your East Coast, West Coast, and urban elites absolutely hate these people, you know how they really feel about the uneducated, uncouth blue collar working stiffs. But even though your elitist constituents hate them and their livelihoods, you're going to be their President. Fucking them all over and asking everyone to thank you for being such a wonderful President for the environment isn't very unifying, Joe. $4 to $8 dollar a gallon gas is going to cost a lot of working stiffs, Joe. Some of them don't have mass transit to get to work, to the grocery, to the doctor, etc. Will you measure all that, or will you look the other way?
Measure twice, cut once. You and President Obama were so fucking clever with Obamacare. You can keep your doctor. You can keep your insurance. Some of us, myself included, lost their doctors. Some lost their insurance. Yeah they did. For example, every UPS working spouse was forced off the rolls of UPS' insurance plan. Seemed like a good idea, but many people who were happy with what they had, and paying what they had to to get it, got screwed as a direct consequence of a plan that supposedly wasn't going to cause us to lose out. Shit, some people lost their doctor AND their insurance. I'm not saying it wasn't well-intended, I'm saying that for all the people it helped, a lot of people got screwed, too. And the payoff, that prices would go down? Nobody's fucking costs went down, Joe. So now you're coming back in and your progressives are going to be hot to trot to do this again. Well, how about you guys look at how moving further in this direction affects EVERYONE, and take care of the people who are going to get screwed?
Hey, Joe. Other than that, congratulations. I wish you all the luck in the world.