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Friday, February 28, 2020


We postponed our May cruise in the Mediterranean out of concerns about coronavirus. I think the correct, technical name of the virus strain is 2019-nCoV. The coronavirus has hammered our retirement investments, same as it has everyone else's, too. Those things being said, despite the fact the virus has had an impact on us despite not getting sick with it, there's enough political nonsense going on with it. I just need to vent.

It's not President Trump's fault there's 2019-nCoV out there. I've seen the press and political opponents trying to turn this into a Trump issue. Stop it.

According to his Twitter, the Governor of Washington received a call from VP Pence, thanking him for his/Washington's efforts in combating a coronavirus epidemic. So did Governor Inslee say, "You're welcome"? Hell no. He tweeted that "I just received a call from VP Mike Pence, thanking Washington state for our efforts to combat the coronavirus. I told him our work would be more successful if the Trump administration stuck to the science and told the truth." The tweet is informative. Governor Inslee is an asshole and a douchebag.

It's not Speaker Pelosi or Senate Minority Leader Schumer's fault that we have 2019-nCoV concern, either. Sure, there were things the House and Senate could have been doing that would have been more productive than a totally political impeachment process in January and February. But blaming them in response to them blaming Trump? Just as stupid. Call stupid "stupid", sure. But don't imitate it!

The Communist Chinese government has a lot to answer for, it seems. Criticizing the Chinese government and restricting travel from China while this crisis still looms isn't racist or xenophobic and any of the other phobes. 2019-nCoV threatens to grow to global pandemic proportions and sometimes drastic measures must be taken. There's a lesson in it there for us, too. Don't go to work sick. Don't send your kids to school or to daycare sick. I don't mean 2019-nCoV sick, I mean sick, as in the flu, measles, mumps, chicken pox, even head lice.

There's some stuff you just shouldn't eat. I'm going to add bat meat to the list. I'll do my best not to come into contact with bat meat, with bat blood, and with bat feces, too. It makes sense to me, but apparently not. I think I'll postpone planning any trips to China, too.

Coronavirus has nothing to do with a popular Mexican beer brand. And while I'm thinking of it, wash your damned hands before you slice my lime, dammit.

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