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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hats, Shirts, Yard Signs, and Bumper Stickers

I have never been one to advertise who it is I support politically on my person, my home, or on my my car or truck. For the longest time my reason for not doing so is that I don't want my political leanings to be the first thing someone knows about me. Secondly, if my candidate loses, I don't want to advertise that I supported a loser. Lastly, I don't want or need someone who differs in opinion to take issue with the candidate by using me as a surrogate. So I just didn't do it.


Resisters have taken reaction to Trump stuff to a whole new level. Yesterday in Jacksonville, in my new adopted home state, a group of Trump volunteers was set up doing voter registration and someone drove a van right through their tent. It's extremely lucky nobody was hurt or killed. Again and again I see video of people wearing Trump hats being harassed and assaulted, either physically or verbally. And all this going on makes me reluctant to wear Trump stuff myself. But rather than succumb to the intimidation of the asshole resistance, I'm wearing Trump 2020 hats. We either need to stand up and show our solidarity with fellow Trump voters, or we can be silent and let these shitheads think they have the upper hand.

So to the fascist resistance: thank you for bringing me out of my shell. I'm going to show my support for President Trump, his re-election, and most importantly, for my fellow Trump supporters who shouldn't ought to feel threatened in a public situation because they feel like the lone supporter wearing a Trump 2020 or MAGA hat.

"Slash Republicans Throats"

Did I mention I don't think very highly of the resistance? I don't. Assholes.

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