First off, I support black lives matter. What I am talking about is the Black Lives Matter Organization here. I simply can't support that organization for a variety of reasons. But with some changes, I could easily come on board. These five (5) things changing could bring me on board as a BLM supporter:
1) Disavow and create clear separation from destruction, violence, arson, and looting. Make the protests peaceful. Easy. That also means cutting ties with Antifa, who thrive on the things listed in this section. Stop harassing innocent people eating a meal or driving down the street and treating them like an enemy. Condemn the execution of police simply for being police in unequivocal and unambiguous language. Condemn crowds chanting death to police, etc., and disgusting demonstrations of evilness like the one at the hospital where the sheriffs who were shot in Compton were being treated.
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Disgusting Sign On Overpass at BLM Rally in WA. |
2) Become un-aligned with either of our political parties and disconnect from other political movements, other than black lives mattering. In aligning with Democrats, progressives, and the entire laundry list of the leftist's agenda, it creates a "conservatives and Republicans not welcomed here" situation. Become a non-partisan (Not bi-partisan, which connotes Republicans and Democrats. Yuck!) group fully focused on improving black lives, including and especially as it pertains to interactions with the police. Pushing Marxism and calling all capitalism oppressive, etc., isn't likely to widen BLM's base of support. Not with me it ain't.
3) Develop education and training for the community in how to avoid confrontations with police, and when there is confrontation, how to comport one's self to help ensure that the confrontation doesn't become violent. This is essentially "the talk" we hear and read about black parents having with their kids being expanded to the whole of the community. In every one of the high profile cases BLM has taken interest in that I can think of in 2020, I feel 100% confident, regardless and separate from whether or not the cops were right, wrong, liable, etc., that had the victims comported themselves differently, they's still be alive. This includes, but is not limited to: not committing crimes, not resisting arrest, cooperating with police, not being so high on drugs and or alcohol so as to not have any self control at all. Don't threaten cops with a weapon and don't initiate physical violence with the cops. Don't attempt to steal the cop's weapons and don't attempt to use those weapons while fleeing. Don't be associating with career criminals / drug dealers.
4) Take an interest in all killings of black people: police, black on black murders, drug related killings, gang related executions, etc. Yes, 9-10 unarmed black men were shot by police. I am NOT advocating ignoring those, and even going so far as saying that's the centerpiece of BLM's mission. But there are way too many other black people dying violent deaths. To conservatives like myself, it seems disingenuous that the many are treated as completely irrelevant, and the few a monumental catastrophe.
5) Strive for real unity, which we will never achieve if white people are being blamed for every kind of issue and grievance just for the "crime" of being white. I will never join in with BLM protesters as long as behaviors like I saw in Pittsburgh last week. I think it was Pittsburgh. People eating in sidewalk restaurants shouldn't be harassed, screamed at, yelled out through bullhorns in their ear, bullied into raising a fist in solidarity, nor have their food and drink sampled by disgusting pieces of shit protesting under the banner of BLM. And speaking of unity, kneeling for the National Anthem, stomping on the flag, calling our country, OUR COUNTRY, not mine, not theirs, OURS, a racist country, none of that is helping to bring me on board.
Couldn't have said it better myself Matt!