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Monday, September 7, 2020

9/72020 Lies I can't Get Behind

Since it's a holiday, I'm gonna try to keep this short if I can.

Some people won't like hearing this, but here's a short (?) list of the divisive racial rhetoric and lies being used to try to somehow help an extremely weak Democratic Party candidate for the U.S. Presidency to cross the finish line as the winner:

1. Police are hunting and exterminating unarmed, innocent black men. No. There have been a small handful of black men killed in confrontations with police in 2020. In every case, police were called to the scene for some seemingly legitimate reason. Every one of the high profile cases warrants a thorough and impartial investigation to determine if the shooting is or was justified, and if not, was it an error, like mistaken identity or what appeared to be a weapon was a set of keys or something like that, or was it maliciously done, as in a murder or execution. But the bullshit rhetoric (don't tell me it ain't out there, I'll find quotes and post them) has to stop. It's divisive, it's incendiary, and it is harmful to our nation and our society.

2. Donald Trump is a racist. Bullshit. What is almost always cited as evidence of this are lawsuits and complaint made against Trump in New York related to Trump's position as owner of, and therefore landlord of a large number of people, some of whom are people of color. Sorry, there's racism, then there's allegations of racism made in the process of litigating disputes as a means of applying additional pressure and gaining leverage. Many prominent black people in entertainment, sports, politics, even black activists loved Trump before he crossed into sacred ground and challenged the traditional and accepted premise that Democrats and the left have and would in the future would act in the best interests of black Americans. Thirty years of prominent black persons' interaction with Trump and sixty or more years of Democratically run cities in the USA say otherwise. I'm not calling Trump an angel in lily white, not by any means, but this describing him as a Nazi and shit like that is bullshit. Pure, unadulterated, steaming bullshit.

3. White privilege. Shove your claims of white privilege up your ass. I did what I did in my life based on merit. I had black people above me, beside me, and below me. I had Hispanic people above me, beside me, and below me. I had Native American aircraft commanders in the Marines, and flew alongside everybody the sent: black, red, yellow, brown, and white. It was about competence and attitude.

4. Picking Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates based on their race and or gender. Get out of here with that nonsense. Pick the person best suited to do the best job for America. I don't give a shit if it's a man, woman, or some kind of recently popular hybrid model. And same goes for color. Don't pick him or her because they're black, brown, yellow, red, beige, white or even green. Pick the best person.

5. Critical race theory. You can forget about EVER getting me to apologize for being white and my so-called privilege. Forget it. Take your racist indoctrination and brainwashing bullshit somewhere else. I ain't buying

6. Black Lives Matter. I hesitated to add this because I've written about it before. So, to the point, I believe black lives matter. I don't support Black Lives Matter. If you don't or won't understand the difference, you're either stupid or dishonest.

7. Mostly Peaceful. "Black Lives Matter protests are mostly peaceful." What a line of bullshit. Everything in the world is 'mostly peaceful' until it isn't.  If there are 100 protests, and 25 of them are riots with violence, arson, destruction, and harassment of innocent passers-by, don't try to sell the 75 protests as all that's worth talking about. Mostly peaceful is white-wash, no pun intended.

8. That Antifa, now aligned with Black Lives Matter are the good guys. Move to fucking Cuba or Venezuela or Communist China or something. Take Antifa and Black Lives Matter with you. They love that socialist Marxist shit, anyways. They ain't the good guys.

9. The USA is a racist country. The fuck it is. Yes, the USA was founded during a time when there was slavery in the world, and for the first 85 or 90 years, there was slavery in the USA. We fought an extremely bloody Civil War to end slavery, and the next 100 years saw incremental improvement after incremental improvement. During this time black Americans got the right to vote, as did Native Americans. This 100 years culminated in passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill. From the Civil War to 1964, many wrongs were righted. Yeah, it took a lot of pressure and there was great resistance. Which only strengthens the case I'm making. A lot of hard work, blood, sweat, and tears went into freeing the USA from the grips of slavery, something we inherited from the world as it was in which our great nation was formed. Slavery was NOT an enterprise invented here for our own private use. And while I'm thinking about it, fuck the 1619 project.

None of the above means that I don't support criminal justice reform, prison reform, police reform, ending racism (which I sadly agree does exist), etc. Because I do. But if you want to package those things in the wrapping paper of #'s 1-9 above, as Tony Soprano would have said: "Fuggedaboutit!"

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