- Not producing the desired effect: synonym: futile.
- Lacking forcefulness or effectiveness; inadequate or incompetent.
- Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient; weak; useless; futile; unavailing
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President Joe Biden. |
1. He has no electoral mandate. You'd think a President with 81,000,000 votes would have a massive mandate, but Joe doesn't. Why not? The electorate voted against Trump, not for Biden or a Biden agenda. It's that simple. Very few people were enthusiastic about the man. "Who you gonna vote for?" "Anyone but Trump." Votes like that don't confer a mandate. They just don't. And lacking a mandate translates to a lack of support for his agenda. If there was a true "Biden Agenda" that America was overcome with enthusiasm for, Joe Biden would have been President a long time ago. He only won when faced with an opponent that the Democrat base and far too many independents and Republicans found unacceptable. The strategy was, "Who will beat Trump?", not "What's best for the U.S.A.?" It shows.
2. He isn’t governing from his own ideological center. Instead, President Biden, long a more moderate fixture among Democrats, has allowed the progressives to shape and push his agenda. Maybe that's what most Democrats want, I concede that may be true, but that's not who Joe is. It's hard to inspire enthusiasm and support when you're not being true to your own self, and Joe Biden is being true to the progressives he fears in his party, but not to himself. Think about how that weakens his message.
3. He has ideologues, academicians, career bureaucrats, and personnel selected on the basis of identity politics, many of than anti-business and anti capitalism, managing our economy. There is very little private sector experience from corporate America in this Administration. The people making policy simply don't understand the adverse impact on productivity their policies have. These people prioritize social justice and ecological justice over productivity. James Carville famously said, "It's the economy, stupid!" At the heart of President Biden's weakness is really bad economic policy. Productivity, which mostly, almost exclusively means private sector productivity when we talk about driving the economy, isn't what it needs to be. Why isn't it? Because the Biden team has issues like transgender rights and climate change at the top of their moral hierarchy. Not to argue against any of the Biden social or environmental priorities here, but productivity is the engine that propels our economy. The issues important to the Administration are more a steering rudder, but surely not an engine. There is very little experience or understanding within the administration from the private sector, and the economy is showing us how much is dislikes ideologues, academics, bureaucrats, and wokesters tinkering in in the engine room.
4. He’s simply too old, frail, and in decline. He lacks the stamina to put in the required long hard hours, and he clearly lacks the cognitive skills to be anything more than a puppet for the policy wonks. Don't even begin to tell me he's fine, full if vim, vigor, vitality, and intellectual prowess. No, he ain't and you know it, too. Quit pretending different. He often looks befuddled and sometimes seems to wander off into la la land. His handlers give him crib notes telling him sit and stand. He reads the teleprompter like Ron Burgundy. He's got dementia and it shows. Everyone knows it, even the liberal press is starting to talk about it, after covering it up and concealing it as best they could. They were "Anyone but Trump" accomplices, and hiding Joe's cognitive decline was a necessary piece of the puzzle to defeating Trump.
So, if you're wondering why Joe Biden has been ineffectual, wonder no more. I just told you.
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