I've been away from the blog for a little over a week. Some, but not all of the reason why has been taking care of family stuff. A guy has to have priorities. It is also because I'm so deeply troubled by how I see my beloved country being run that it's been hard to decide what to write about next. So many things keep swirling around my mind.
First, lemme talk about the way the Biden Administration is savagely pursuing anyone and everyone even remotely connected to Trump, who supports Trump in his complaints about the 2020 election, and January 6th. There is no doubt that there is a political motive for all this stuff. I'm on the record as saying Jan 6th was absolutely the wrong day for a protest of the 2020 election. Yes, I share the doubts, read that as grave concern, about how the election was run, how votes were collected, and how those votes were counted. I believe there were numerous legitimate reasons to protest. Because of that I don't agree Trump didn't cause an insurrection. The crooked elected officials, Democrat election bureaucracies, and corrupt FBI officials who all put their fingers on the scale to thwart Trump re-election caused it. They cast huge shadows of doubt over the outcome. Now the DOJ and FBI are treating every and any correspondence or pursuit of their intentional 2020 election scale tipping as criminal and an "assault on democracy". Hogwash. While people have no right to violent interference in the process, and I do condemn same, they have every right in the world to question it openly and to protest peacefully. For the record, many, many, many Democrats, including Biden Spokesperson Jean-Pierre, for starters, questioned 2016 vocally. "Not my President" and "Resist" were all a part of that. They conveniently forget.
The next thing is President Biden attacking MAGA as "Semi-Fascist". I've written about it before. I'll just say I've never seen dictatorial actions like what the Biden Administration is doing before in my life. This is way too much like the McCarthy Hearings of the 1950's all over again. No. What Biden is doing and has his FBI, DOJ shock troops led by Merrick Garland doing, and what his 87,000 IRS storm troopers will do once they're off to the races is chilling. Call them a fascist and then move to squash any and all criticism of and opposition to the regime? Unbelievable. But that's what Bidenism is. Totalitarianism, thy name is Bidenism.
I totally reject what Biden and his people are doing to attack Trump and Trump supporters. But I do wish Trump would step aside and let someone else run. Florida Governonr Ron DeSantis is my choice. He has done a great job down here. But mark my words, whoever it is, no matter who represents the GOP in 2024, that person will be attacked and called a bigot, homophobe, racist, fascist, etc. This is the Democrat playbook. They have nothing else to appeal to moderates and swing voters except killing babies and attacking their opponents.
How do we respond to all this? Defend Trump? Yep. Defend his contacts, allies, and supporters? Yes, sure. But the best response when you are confronted with these allegations that you had absolutely nothing to do with and which wouldn't change your mind about Democrats anyway, is to change the subject to the real issues that matter: the economy, the border... supposedly under control per VP Kamala Harris is laughable, our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 dead, rolling blackout in California which are a prelude to implementation of green policies nationwide, murder and crime rates in Democrat controlled cities, filthy tap water in Democrat run cities, Biden's obviously failing mental health, etc. Policy after Biden policy is woke progressive bullshit that sounds good but which doesn't work and is wrong for our people's best interests and our country's future. "Trump this...." Response: "4 million illegal immigrants" "Fascist that..." Response "The FBI colluded with social media to interfere with the 2020 election." "MAGA this..." "If you think there's something wrong with American greatness, we have nothing to talk about." We can't take the bait. We have to talk about the issues.
Single issue people. So tiresome. The "Woman's right to choose" crowd. They allege that people like me want to outlaw abortions. That is simply not true. I support choice early in a pregnancy and even later in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother. I do reject discretionary abortions all the way to term, however. The response is always the same, "There are almost no discretionary, late-term abortions." Almost none? Gimme a break. If late-term birth control abortions don't happen and are NOT what you're after, then say so. Outlaw them. Don't give me your dishonest and tired rhetoric that they're hardly ever occurring. Put your stamp on it and say you don't support late-term discretionary abortions, rape, incest, and mother's physical health issues excluded. Why won't you? Because if you were being honest you'd admit that you feel it is okay, a right even, for a woman to kill a 30 or 33 week baby rather than to give birth to her? That's goddamned evil and makes you a baby killer in my book. Sorry, but late term, discretionary abortions is where me and the choice crown part company. Don't ignore the fact that they will try to swing the election for this very reason and that many, many people won't allow for this incredibly important distinction.
And lest I forget, there's Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP establishment, who would rather stay in control of the GOP and be in the minority than to join forces with the MAGA crowd and be in the majority. Rich Mitch can make his millions and complain about the Democrats till the cows come home as Minority Leader. Seems to me this is how he wants it. Have you heard him protest the way the Biden SS are going after anyone and everyone who would dare to support Trump or question 2020? I don't hear a peep. Mitch can go to hell.
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Go to hell, Mitch McConnell! |
I am not fond of Mitch, but i can't put all the blame on him. For too long, the Conservatives can't work in unison. The left certainly argues amongst themselves, but when push comes to shove, they support themselves. Maybe with the Schumer-Manchin deal we will see a split, but I won't hold my breath. Conservatives don't stick together very well at all. Maybe a leadership change in the Senate, but I don't see that happening. I feel that if we lose the House and Senate this election cycle, it's all over period. We could maybe afford to lose the House, but we can't afford the Senate, that's a must win for our Republic to continue!