Since 2016 I've been called a lot of names. The most recent are semi-fascist, a threat to our democracy, and a threat to the soul of our nation. Why? Because simply I'm a part of the MAGA crowd. What does MAGA mean to me, and why is it important enough to me to claim to be a part of it in the face of such direct criticism?
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A threat to our country? |
Second, MAGA means put the USA's citizens over everyone else. That doesn't mean deport, arrest, demean, vilify, or do any other bad thing to someone who's not a citizen. It means protect the interests of citizens first and primarily before we look after the welfare of non-citizens. I am especially and very specifically referring to non-citizens who are here illegally as I type this.
MAGA means not only that the government needs to get out of the way of US businesses as they try to produce, and in doing so make the livelihood of their employees and shareholders better and more financially lucrative, it means the going further than that. It means the government ought to be facilitating improved productivity and ensuring American businesses and workers are advantaged verses our foreign competition. Foreign business are our competition. It is a competition. It is us or them, a choice. I choose us.
MAGA means reducing crime by whatever and every means necessary. Non-citizens here illegally who commit violent crimes ought to be deported directly and promptly after they have finished their punishment in prison without exceptions. There should be no release onto US soil or transition back into free US society at all. Ship em home right away. Non-citizens here legally should have their US residency status reviewed and potentially face deportation depending on the crime they're convicted of. US citizens should be given every opportunity for rehabilitation, and if they're beyond rehabilitation, then separated from society permanently in a way that prevents future threats to society.
MAGA means protecting the sovereignty of the US by protecting and managing our border. Immigration is extremely important and beneficial to the USA. Illegal immigration is a total failure of the US government and an embarrassment. Fix it.
MAGA to me means opportunity and justice should be color blind. Rather than race, color, or religion factoring into which opportunities we are afforded or denied, the priorities ought to be 1) US citizens, 2) foreigners here legally, 3) otherwise law-abiding foreigners here illegally who have formally applied for legal residency status. 4) nobody else.
MAGA means ensuring that the US Constitution as written and originally intended is the supreme law of the land. It is a living document ONLY in that there is a process for amending it, NOT in that it can be interpreted differently with the passage of time because the winds of public opinion have blown in some weird or new direction.
MAGA means my rights are given by God and NOT by the US government, and that I believe the US government is prohibited by the US Constitution from trampling those rights.
MAGA means rooting out and eliminating the Deep State, the 4th branch, the un-elected bureaucrats in D.C. who wield way, way, way too much power and who proved during the Trump Presidency to believe their stature has a supremacy and supercedes that of the three branches established by the US Constitution.,
MAGA means I love the USA. I love our imperfect history, our founding documents, our flag, our way of life. I love freedom, patriotism, and I will speak out against policies, statements, or opinions that seem to me to be to the detriment of the long-term safety, security, and prosperity of the USA.
MAGA does not mean I'm a Republican. I used to be, but these days I can't stand most of them pricks. I like some of them, but not most of them. MAGA does mean I'm not a Democrat, though. In my opinion Democratic Party leaders act in ways contrary to a whole bunch of the stuff I wrote above that's important to me.
MAGA does not mean that President Donald J Trump is my deity, infallible, perfect, or anything else. I applaud him for having the guts to make putting the USA first out there in the face of so many who have so consistently sold us out. I will vote for him again if he is the nominee, but he is NOT my preference or first choice.
MAGA does not mean I hate anyone based on their race, creed, or color.
MAGA does not mean I am a fascist. The hell with the prick and his spokesperson who both said that earlier this week.
MAGA does not mean I am a threat to the very soul of our democracy. We're a Constitutional Republic, by the way, not a democracy.
MAGA does not mean I am violent or prone to violence, political or otherwise. Yes, I will take up arms to protect he USA from our enemies, foreign and domestic.
MAGA does not mean that I am an extremist. If you think any of the stuff I wrote above is extremist, fascist, racist, etc., maybe you ought to re-evaluate your own beliefs and opinions. Of maybe you should just go fuck yourself.
I am MAGA!