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Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Quick Hitters - 7/29/2024

Just a few quick hitters for a Monday night....

Joe Biden wants to reform the U.S. Supreme Court. Joe Biden's brain is a bag of jelly beans. This is nothing but a left wing political move intended to de-legitimize the court. And Joe is the puppet out front, but he ain't behind it. For what it's worth, when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hung on and on and on, I advocated for an age limit. I also supported same for Presidents, the Cabinet, Senate, and House of Reps. I guess Joe's puppeteers also want other reforms. I propose any and all reforms of SCOTUS must also apply to the Senate and House of Reps. As far as Presidential immunity goes, that's a hard no. We see what a hyper partisan Justice Department attacking an ex-President looks like. Let's not make this a new normal. No. Hell no. Fuck no, Joe.

No, my brain is NOT a bag of potato chips. Here's the deal: It's jelly beans!
 Vice President Kamala Harris is a real, dyed in the wool San Francisco far left politician. She's not right for me, not right for our country. No. Hell no. Fuck no. No go.

I will do my best to make sure nobody ever calls Joe Biden the worst President ever, and I can do it!

Big tech's leftist election interference has been in full swing since President Biden was un-volunteered by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and Harris. They're burying stories, biasing search results, and they have the full-on political activist fact checkers checking to make sure only facts unfavorable to Trump and favorable to Harris can stand on their own. Big tech's fingers are heavy on the scales of fairness. If Elon Musk hadn't have bought Twitter and X'd it out, I'm not sure where we could turn to.

Big tech is bad, and Google may be the worst of them.