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Democrats used the Trump rally in New York yesterday to self-identify and proclaim themselves, by their words and actions, to be evil, vile, hateful scum. |
Short and sweet: Democrats used the rally in New York as a chance to call Trump Hitler again, and to liken all attendees to Nazis.
I am not going to argue that he's not or that we're not. Neither will I ague that the Earth is round. Trump isn't Hitler, we're not Nazis, and the Earth isn't flat.
If you are a Democrat or some other kind of never-Trumper, and you think Trump is Hitler, and his supporters, including me, are Nazis, I don't want you in my life. You are a fucking stupid, Trump-deranged douche bag. If this applies to you, I do not care who you are. If you think I'm a Nazi, why am I in your life, anyway? Fuck off and go away NOW. Get away from me and stay away.
If you are a Democrat or some other kind of never-Trumper, and you don't think Trump is Hitler or his supporters are Nazis, but you're ok with this kind of rhetoric, regardless of how it smears me and other decent people like me, please go fuck off with the Trump deranged lunatics I discussed in the previous paragraph.
If you are a Democrat or a never-Trumper who dislikes the "Hitler" and "Nazi" rhetoric, and you're staying quiet about the whole thing for fear of catching shit from your Trump deranged leftist friends, grow some stones, would you? It's not "just politics", ok? Half the fucking country is being scalded by fake allegations of racism and hate, and by whom? By scorched Earth, Trump-deranged, partisan hacks, assholes, and morons. Shame on you for not saying, "Hey, wait a minute..."
I'm not going to dignify the Hitler, Nazi stuff with an argument protesting the allegations. I'd rather have every single person, NO EXCEPTIONS, who believes or is ok with it GONE FROM MY LIFE. If that means you, goodbye and good riddance.
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