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Friday, October 4, 2024

Hurricane Schmuricane - F*ck Them Deplorable Bastids - 10/4/2024

Asheville is the epi-center of a national disaster

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the epi-center of failed leadership.

I saw all kinds of leftist bullshit double-talk today about FEMA not having enough money for hurricane relief. I also saw credible reports of FEMA blocking non-FEMA entities from entering devastated areas to provide relief.

Let's talk about the issue of FEMA not having the money. Arguments against FEMA's being broke point out DHS and FEMA moneys in the hundreds of millions has gone to sheltering and other costs of the Biden/Harris immigration disaster. Arguments in FEMA's defense either say the money came from a different bucket where it wasn't FEMA moneys used, or where it was FEMA money, that it doesn't count, because it came from a different line item in FEMA's budget.

Money is money. I have been consistent on this. The Biden/Harris immigration disaster is a national embarrassment. Maybe I could talk all about that some other time. Right now the point is we have 15 or 20 million people here either illegally or through some kabuki twisted law bending by the Biden/Harris Administration to try to hide the real magnitude of the problem from us. All these people here illegally are costing us a lot of money. Who's getting gift cards, cell phones, being put up in hotels, flown around, etc., not to mention who's in jail or been deported or whatever. Don't even try to tell me it hasn't cost us a shit-ton of real money. I don't care what bucket it was in or what line item it was on. I do not care. If the people  who are telling us they don't have the money hadn't precipitated an avalanche of illegal migrants, and winked at a deluge of other legal *wink-wink* immigrants, then all the money it cost might be available. That's it. They're here because of the Biden/Harris Administration's policies and they are costing us money we don't have to help hurricane victims. Goddamned Vice President Harris first was talking about $750 to help families affected by Helene. Now it's almost up to $900.

Secretary Pete Buttigieg has been lying about it, but the goddamned FAA and DOT have been blocking private relief flights and vehicle passage into affected areas. Even Elon Musk, who is offering to provide Starling Internet connectivity in affected areas has had his trucks turned away. Many, many reports of private entities trying to help who are being shut out. It's a grave and mortal sin, once again being committed by the Biden / Harris Administration. Three reasons come to mind why they would do this, one legit, maybe, and the others not so much. Let me start with those.

1) Money. Private interests raise their own money which then can't be awarded and controlled by the Biden / Harris government. Imagine a church helping out! OMG Noooooooo! Can't have that. Churches might not respect gender affirmation or pronouns or abortions or something. NFW. Can't have that.

2) Bad PR. All those non government types get in there, who knows what will leak out? People will surely come to criticize the ineptness and inadequacy of the Biden / Harris Administration's response a mere 30 days from a Presidential Election. Noooooo!

3) The only potentially legit reason, so that relief efforts are well coordinated and good command and control is applied to them., Well, that sounds good, but you've got incompetence at DHS, incompetence in DOT, incompetence in HHS... in the Biden / Harris Admin, there is incompetence everywhere. This points back again to #2, bad PR. Lemme add a #4.

4) The people in eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida are a bunch of white redneck pricks who are liable to vote for Trump. Do you think the Biden / Harris Administration gives two shits about them. Hell no they don't. Hey, if Biden / Harris get lucky, maybe a bunch of them redneck Trumptards won't be able to vote and Kamala will win a swing state. Why would I even think or type that? Wrong question. The right question is, "Why in the hell WOULDN'T I?"

While I'm at it, I saw a post on X by Secretary Antony Blinken this evening. He was talking about the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon and how his department was giving something around $175 million to relief aid to Hezbollah... oops, hopefully Lebanon, but honestly we all know it more likely winds up in the hands of Hezbollah.

For good measure, I heard the portable energy units that might be used to repair the power grid? Oops. Sorry, you deplorable, redneck Trumptard insurrectionist bastids, they're not available, as they're in Ukraine. Ukraine needs them they got a war and all.

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