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Friday, January 31, 2025

Dumbass of the Week, Mr. President, Take a Bow - 1-31-2025

President Trump is the Dumbass of the Week award for the week ending 1/31/2025. I had other plans, but Trump wins for having a press conference yesterday and discussing DEI in the wake of the inflight collision of an American Eagle CRJ-700 and a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter in Washington D.C. Wednesday night.

The Dumbass of the Week is Trump.

We do not know that there is any question about anybody involved's hiring, training, or proficiency.

He oughtn't be politicizing the accident at all, especially at a time when it's likely casualty notifications aren't even done yet.

Let the NTSB and FAA talk about what happened and why. How about, "It's a tragedy and we offer our prayers and support however we can to the victims. We appreciate the great work of the first responders. The NTSB will conduct a full investigation to determine the cause of the accident."

His remarks, in the wake of a tragedy, insult and undermine every competent woman and minority aviation professional, even if unintentionally. This is a huge unforced error, unfortunately something President Trump is prone to doing on a too regular basis.

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