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Monday, February 3, 2025

In Defense of Rebecca Lobach - 2/3/2025

Her name was Rebecca Lobach. She was 28 years old, and a Captain in the U.S. Army.

Army Captain Rebecca Lobach

If you're calling her "a DEI hire", you're an asshole. You don't know shit about her, do you? Rebecca graduated the University of North Carolina in the top 20% of all ROTC Cadets nationwide.

Rebecca Lobach in happier times.
Something else I've heard a lot of, is that "She only had 500 hours!" How exactly do you expect any military pilot to amass thousands of hours? Lemme give you a little inside info. They ALL had 500 hours at some point. All of them. There isn't some remote airport in Texas or New Mexico where military pilots fly until they get some magical number of hours and then move on to operational squadrons. There are Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marine Corps pilots with less than 500 hours all around the globe RIGHT NOW operating military aircraft, both in training and in operations. I flew with many myself. They've grown up to be retired airline pilots now, most of them, anyways.

"There she is with Biden! See! I told ya!" Proves what, asshole?
I have to imagine for Capt. Lobach it was an honor to represent the U.S. Army at presidential events. I don't know shit about Ft. Belvoir, but it's right there by D.C. and putting on a dress uniform and acting as a VIP escort is probably part of the package, a part any soldier would be proud of. It doesn't make her a partisan or loyalist to any party or President. It doesn't mean she wasn't, either. Hundreds, thousands actually, have been called to such duties as these. Is it possible woman and minorities are asked to do so on a more frequent basis for appearances sake? Probably so. Is that something beneficial to their careers? If they carry themself notably and professionally, I would think so. But to disparage a Captain in the U.S. Army because President Biden is in the picture is asinine. Don't be an ass. You can't help it, can you? Sad little person that you are.

Saying she did this intentionally without proof or evidence is dark-hearted and evil.

There are people saying "She had to have done this on purpose." No. Just no. Is it possible? I guess it can't be ruled out, but without any evidence of that at all, the allegation is wildly inappropriate and absurd.

I know it isn't much, but I felt compelled this morning to stick up for Rebecca Lobach. Until I hear different, I will assume she served honorably and faithfully. You may not be willing to give a soldier the benefit of the doubt, but I am.

Fair skies and following winds, Rebecca. Godspeed.


  1. I can't recall any of our pilots going out of their way for a WA DC assignment. Who wants to fly a desk.

    1. For military officers in general, it's not what you as an individual want to do, but what the needs of your service are. There are many "admin" jobs that require an officer rank to fill. So, aviators, as well as others are taken off the line to fulfill them for one to two years at a time, sometime longer. As an aviator, being out of the cockpit to fulfill these jobs can toll on proficiency.

  2. You know how those "staff pilots" would come down and get one or two sorties a month. 450 hrs over 5 years is 90 hrs/mo. That's pretty good for a staff pilot. That could be anywhere from 4 to 18 flights a month.

    1. What kind of math is this? 90 hrs/mo for 12 months (1 year) equals 1080 hrs. 450 hrs attained during 5 years would be 450 hrs divided by 60 months or approximately 7.5 hrs/month.

  3. 450 hours of total flight time? Does this include flight school hours? which is about 100-120 hours. The real question should be, how many hours were flown in the past 30 days, and/or past week. "Staff pilots" don't fly 90 hrs/month. Their primary job is their staff job, not aviation. Everybody thinks military aviators are all Tom Cruise, Top Gun pilots. The truth is, we are like a cross section of society in any field. Yes, there are some that are sh*t hot, have all the quals, and have been to all the cool schools and training. There are the walk on water pilots, average pilots, and yes, sub par pilots to. Sub par being those that are not as technically and tactically proficient. Yes, they can all pass the yearly check rides which only test for the basics.
    The facts will eventually come out. Let the NTSB do their job.

    Military / professional flying isn't about DEI, LGBTQ+, being a mentor, inspiration, or the nice /good / cool person, or where you worked, with whom you worked, or what you did in the past, or how stellar you were. It's being able to look ahead and having an incredible sense of situational awareness in any clime and place, and making the right decisions at the right time. All this while the aircraft you are putting inputs into is trying to kill you at the same time. So, being distracted, behind the power curve, rusty at the controls, having a slow inside and outside visual scan, and just plain slow to react can, and unfortunately in this case and many others, get you and/or others killed. My condolences to all that perished.
    For context, I was an average to sub par military pilot who flew attack helicopters. I was designated a Pilot in Command and nothing more. I passed all of my check rides, barely on some. I to was relegated to a headquarters job for a year and a half. I still had a minimum 100 hour per year flight requirement to fulfill. Some months, I would fly the actual aircraft maybe 2 hours and was able to get another 8-10 in a simulator. There were months where I only got 6 hours in the sim. I think there was a year where I didn't make my 100 hours and no one said or did anything. I took the check ride and passed. Yes, I did some incredible things and some really scary things during my time. Today, I don't fly anymore because I know I'm not that good of a pilot.

    1. Sorry, I meant Helicopter Aircraft Commander (HAC), not Pilot in Command. Sorry, I was writing this at oh dark thirty in the AM.
