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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Worst President in My Lifetime - 10/11/2022

He's awful. Really he is. President Joe Biden is the worst President in my lifetime. And that's saying something. Why is the guy so bad at his job? A few thoughts.

He's simply too old.

There's that saying, "It's like riding a bike," that presumes you can still do what you always could always do before. Well, ahem, could Joe do it before? And even if he could, does anyone honestly believe this is the same guy he was in the 1980's, 1990's, or 2000's? You do? No, you really don't. You're not even a good liar. Joe ain't what he used to be, plain and simple, and he never was much of what we needed here in the US in the first place. Seeing him at a loss for words, lost on stage, shaking hands with air, and reading teleprompter stuff not meant to be verbalized does NOT inspire confidence in me or any other honest person. Watching him bungle policy on issue after issue after issue is not so reassuring.

"At least he's not Trump" isn't good enough.

Sometimes the lesser of evils gets you less. In the case of Joe Biden, it gets you a lot less. Less? Yeah. Less than Trump. Less than what we expected. Less than what some expected is more accurate. I didn't vote for him and I had low expectations, which Biden has failed to meet. Less than what we need. Look at the economy. Energy policy. Our immigration disaster. The world on the brink of nuclear war. Mean tweets? Yes, please. Oh, God yes. Please. In a heartbeat.

He's not his own man.

Perhaps Joe's biggest weakness is that he doesn't administer his office from his own political center. Nope. He's too much a political chameleon for that. The woke, leftist, progressive coalition that controls his party controls Joe. I don't care of you're right, left, or center, if you're president, you have to administer things based on your own moral compass and your own sensibilities. Leave the coalitioning and caucusing to Congress. Joe ain't his own man. And it shows. He's a puppet. Who's the puppeteer?

He's corrupted: "10% for the Big Guy."

How much has Hunter Biden selling his father's influence sold us out? How much has it affected Joe Biden policy and diplomacy? How bad is it? I'm guessing it's bad, y'know? Is he corrupt? Compromised? Oblivious? Which of those is a good thing for a President of the United States?

He's a creep.

He's a creepy, nasty man. All the shit they talked about his predecessor, this guy showered with his daughter, sniffs women's hair, married the babysitter... "She was 12. I was 30." He's a fucking creep.

He's the worst President of my lifetime. He's got our country headed in wrong directions, every which way but right. Two more long years of ineptitude. Two more years of watching prices rise, interest rate hikes, savings decline, lost world prestige and influence, and disastrous energy, immigration, and other policies. He's a disaster. Two more years. Holy crap. I hope we can pull out of it, but I fear the wrong people are in charge. We need a change.

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