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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Conclusions, HB and 'The Big Guy' - 7/12/2022

What happens when information is withheld, metered, tailored, and obviously distorted? Well, in my case I tend to draw my own conclusions. Sometimes it's not what you think, but usually it probably is exactly that.

Did you see the shit (yes, it is shit, that's the best word in this context) that's been released from Hunter's iCloud? It's terrible and it's disgusting. But really, who cares, right? We all already knew the guy is a scumbag, a lowlife, and a drug addicted pedophile. The content is salacious and damning, but honestly, I don't know how damning the perversion is to his father, aka 'the big guy'. But it damned sure puts HB in a bad light. We all knew all that already, at least those of us with our eyes opened knew it. What to me is more relevant to our country and more of a concern are the implications and my conclusions as they relate to his father, the Puppet In Chief, President Joe Biden.

Now, to begin with, I'm not referencing the fact that HB has JB listed as 'Pedo Pete' in his contacts. Just because we know HB is a pedo and now we learn that he has named JB 'Pedo Pete' in his contacts doesn't PROVE JB is a Pedo. I'm sure a lot of you have your dad listed in your cellphone contact list as 'Pedo ____ ', don't you? You don't? Weird.

10% for 'The Big Guy'!
No, the implications and conclusions I'm drawing from this have to do with corruption and sale of influence. It is simply this: if the drug stuff, the perversion stuff, the pedophilia stuff has all been shown to be true in words, photos, and on video, it stands to reason that other 'disputed' and denied allegations regarding the President and related to HB's electronic device content are also very likely to be true. Simply put, it is clear to me that HB sold his father's (aka 'the bug guy' and 'Pedo Pete') influence, and that JB profited from it. It would be very hard for you to convince me otherwise. And before you come at me with "not proven" or "not convicted" or whatever, I know that. But I have ears to hear and eyes to see. This avalanche of confirmation of just what a scumbag HB is makes denials of the pay for play corruption ring very shallow with me.

"That's just how it works. Been going on forever, and will always. The powerful always cash in on power and it's no big deal." Fuck that. Fuck you for saying that. Our President, the same "the big guy' who was getting his 10%, and the same President who has been an avowed enemy of US oil production, just released 50 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Oil Reserve. Bad enough he is depleting our strategic reserve instead of rallying industry to increase production, but even worse, he's releasing at least some of it to overseas interests, including China. Some of that oil going to China is being bought up by Sinopec, the company with which HB worked, you know, the job for which he had ZERO qualification, but he did have a connection to 'the big guy'. Well, now 'the big guy' is paying back the back half of the quid pro quo by selling out the US in a time of energy crunch in favor of HB's Chinese connections.

The Big Guy is taking good care of Sinopec.
Not proven you say? Well, no shit it's not proven. None of the corrupt agencies, or corrupt Congress has any interest in it. Got news for you, I don't care. Now that I can see the other HB shit was absolutely and totally true, there's nothing to prove. You've got to convince me JB isn't corrupt. I don't have to prove shit.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Today's Insanity, "Baked Goods" and "Birthing People" - 7/7/2022

Just when I had let the insanity that is Teacher's Unions slip from my mind for a bit, there come reports today that the NEA (National Education Association) is discussing replacing the word "mother" with "birthing parent" as a way of being more inclusive of LGBTQ+ people. These people are ridiculous. No kidding, they're absolutely ridiculous.

I love my mother. She is my mother. I am not going to call her my "birthing parent". I am not going to call your mother your "birthing parent". I am not going to call a gay person's mother "birthing parent". I am not going to call a trans person's mother "birthing parent". I am not going to refer to anyone as "birthing parent." If you are LGBTQ+ and for some reason the terms "mother" and "motherhood" bother you, I am sorry to hear that. That doesn't negate or invalidate motherhood. And I'm sorry if motherhood bothers you. Do you know who else may be bothered or saddened by the words mother and motherhood? People with broken hearts because their mother, their mom, their mommy, mama has passed away. I've never heard a one of them ask that we not use that hurtful term.

Imagine if a certain oatmeal cookie felt more like a cherry pie.  Didn't feel like a cookie at all, as a matter of fact. Feels like a cherry pie, 100% a cherry pie. Always identified as a cherry pie, even as they were lifted from the cookie sheet with the oatmeal cookies that identify as such. Follow along.

Cherry Pie Cookies

"Everyone calls me a cookie, but I am a pie. Call me "Cherry Pie" please."

"OK, my dear Oatmeal Cookie, oops, I mean Cherry Pie, if it will make you feel better, from now on I'll call you Cherry Pie. I'll try to get used to your new name, I promise."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Hey, Cherry Pie, now that you realize that you're not a cookie, are you still friends with Sugar Cookie and Peanut Butter Cookie?" All at once, Cherry Pie starts to cry.

"Why are you crying, Cherry Pie?"

"It hurts my feelings when you call Sugar and Peanut Putter "Cookie"."

"What, but they're still cookies, right?"

"When you call them "Cookie" it makes me feel bad, because I'm a cherry pie now."

"If I don't call them Cookie, what would you prefer I call them?"

"Baked Goods. Call them Baked Goods, that fits us all, all us CPCDMs (cookies, pies, cakes, donuts, and muffins).

"You gotta be shitting me."

"Nope, I'm serious, call us all "Baked Goods" and I'll feel better about who I am."

"Fuck off, Oatmeal Cookie, I ain't calling anyone Baked Goods."

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

"Most wack-a-doodle-doo" politician of 2022" - 7/6/2022

Tiara Mack, a Rhode Island State Senator, got my attention the last couple of days. I want to crown her "most wack-a-doodle-doo" politician of 2022. I know it's only mid-year, and I suppose someone even more wacky may come along and take the award in the second half, but right now Ms. Mack is the clear front runner.

Vote for me I'll.... (screenshot from Tiara Mack's tik-tok)

She posted the above video to her social media doing a headstand, her head in the beach sand, wearing a somewhat skimpy bikini, shaking her larger than voluptuous booty in a movement that may be a twerk, except it is upside down.

She proudly proclaimed that teaching "comprehensive, queer inclusive, pleasure based sex ed" was the highlight of her teaching experience. Does she discuss her favorite toys and and sources of gay pornography? It's pleasure based after all.

I wrote about the politicians on the extreme left and right just the other day. Well, Washington needs Tiara Mack. Someone has to make the idiots we send there to represent us seem halfway normal. Tiara Mack is perfect for it. She's so far out on the fringe, the fringe is downright moderate in comparison. And, hey. If you want someone with their ass in the air and their head in the sand, Tiara's your girl!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Matty's Lament, Washinton is Broken - 7/4/2022

It's broke and I don't know how we're ever going to fix it. Political discourse is rabid, acidic, poisonous, ugly, and has become pointless. It really has. I don't have the answers, but there are three things I want to point to.

Discourse is in the gutter.

Where do you go to get your disinformation and vitriol?

Cable news, FoxNews, CNN, MSNBC. It's bad enough that all the broadcast major networks are biased. Cable news networks, thinking back to the 90's and the Clinton era, took bias to a new level. But worse than that, they sold us arguing, bickering, and insults and called it political discourse. With each televised argument, I could feel my anger at "the other side" rise up within me. While sometimes the arguments were intolerable, often the underlying issues were of great importance. They'd talk over each other, filibuster, and toss insults back and forth. I'd find myself sucked into watching, and with every passing day I became more and more unhappy with and intolerant of the other side. I knew "my team" was just as bad, but at least they were fighting against that other nonsense. That kind of TV set discourse back, way, way back. The ugliest face of each side became the face of the whole for those on the other side of the political fence. And both sides were so ugly, it was very hard for anyone to stay on the fence for any length of time.

Twitter, where the fringes define the whole.

Social Media, especially Twitter. Anonymity. Vitriol. Yes, I use Twitter. It's the public square in 2022. But the state of discourse there is awful. Memes and insults. Mischaracterizations and untruths. >99% talk, <1% listen. On social media there is near zero listening to understand, talking to be understood. Instead it's destructive, attacking, monologues designed to gain the admiration of like thinkers, those who think differently? Be damned. It's not helpful.

Lied for years about having evidence. Re-elected anyway.

Electing and re-electing extreme lightning rod politicians who become perfect caricatures of how the opposing point of view paints the entirety of the other side (Ocasio-Cortez, Schiff, Boebert, Taylor Green). This last point I want to make is how we let lightning rods, the far extremes of each side, define the whole of it. For every outrageous thing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, there are 10 Democrats who are unheard. For whatever crazy thing Rep. Lauren Boebert might have to say, there are 10 Republicans who didn't get any mention at all on TV or social media. And as crazy as it seems, the bulk of each side seems to like the extreme whack jobs out there on the fringe. As long as Marjorie Taylor Green and Adam Schiff are making noise on the fringe, then the others feel like they've got duck and cover room to act unhindered by public attention or scrutiny.

Washington is broken.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Immigration Reform 7/3/2022

I'm trying to write a blog post about immigration reform, but I can't find nor fit the words. So lemme just say this: the vast majority, by a mile, are hardworking people looking for the opportunity to improve their lives. Yes, there is human trafficking, drug smuggling, and there are some violent criminals among them. But again, the vast majority are NOT involved in any of those things. By a mile. The majority of whom I speak are people I want to see come here and prosper. Legally.
Immigration Reform NOW!
Our politicians from both sides of the aisle are supposed to make laws. One badly needed is a reform of immigration policy and infrastructure. Why?
Our economy needs these workers. Period. A vast majority of the workers I'm referring to come from Mexico. I see such workers all the time. From my perspective, these folks work their asses off.
We need to make it possible for the workers we need to enter legally. We need to vet each and every immigrant to limit the number of undesirable people: criminals, gang people, drug runners, human traffickers. Yes they are a small minority in the big scheme of it, but we owe it to ourselves to do our best to weed out those types, even if small in number.
Why isn't it fixed? Because our politicians like divisive issues. On both sides of the aisle they're dug in. Like many other issues, they treat compromise as failure. All or none. Our way or the highway. But in this case, as in many others, Win-Lose is Lose-Lose. Special interests like the situation as it is now. We elect people to argue for our position, so we will "win", but we don't elect them to actually solve the problem.
People who come here illegally are in the wrong, even though most are coming for the right reasons. Washington is in the wrong, no matter how indignantly right they and their supporters profess them to be right.
Reform immigration now!

Monday, June 27, 2022

It's all or none - 6/27/2022


Chief Justice Roberts tried to find reasonable, middle ground. But nobody is being reasonable,.

It's hard to put into words how much the abortion issue's impact on our country is bothering me. This morning, after one of my usual middle of the night trips to the bathroom, I simply couldn't get back to sleep. I kept going over and over and over in my mind how on both sides of the issue, unbudging, absolutist, idealogues are the only voices being heard in the public world of debate. Even in my own world, attempts to find a reasonable position have failed. Choice to term and total prohibition seem to be the only options up for discussion.

In this opinion piece in today's WSJ (by an abortion/choice advocate), Chief Justice Roberts' attempt to find a reasonable, non-extreme, non-absolutist solution is detailed. I could support his idea, easily. The all or none camps on both sides, which I have to say includes some of you reading this today, friends, is a game of win/lose where there will never be an end to the game declared. He describes how the other five conservative leaning justices chose not to decide something based on viability, as they felt it would leave us no better off in terms of settling the debate one way or another than Roe did.
The thing that rankles me most in this debate is the premise that as a man I have no right to an opinion on the matter. Hogwash! The only way the argument that men have no say has any validity at all is if we stipulate that all abortions are morally acceptable. Is this not the crux of the entire debate, whether or not abortions are moral or immoral, and therefore to be legal or illegal? Many other immoral acts are illegal. I'll only cite murder as an example. Why is murder illegal? Because society sees it as morally repugnant and unacceptable. Should we state further that all men who murder can only be tried by men and only judged by all-male juries? And women who murder, likewise, only judged by female judges, prosecutors, and juries? As I've said before, and I'll say again: this business that men have no say in the matter is the least compelling argument of all. If all abortions are okay, then maybe. But if I don't accept the proposition that all abortions are morally acceptable, therefore I damned well have a right to express my opinion and to have my vote registered in elections, too.
A thought on the flawed position of left extreme, the one not examined in this WSJ piece (presumably because the author is a lefty himself): If you support abortion all the way to term, please put it under the "health of the mother" or "severe birth defects" banner. When you put those type late term abortions under the "choice" umbrella, you include the abortions that alienated me so badly that I supported a ruling striking Roe v. Wade in the first place. Why? Because even if small in number, if you are using choice as the absolute all the way to term, you're advocating birth control abortions of babies no different from healthy happy children we see in our world every single day. Can we not distinguish late term abortion as legal when necessary whereas those earlier in a pregnancy are subject to the "choice" of the mother, or is the absolute choice-to-term position which abandons my support the only way you can abide?
Yes, this has gone back to the states. Some states, as they already have, will go too far and make all abortions legal, others will go too far the other way and prohibit all abortions. Perhaps some states will find the kind of reasonable balance Chief Justice Roberts sought and by which I can abide. I really do find myself upset at the whole mess. I don't have better answers, not better answers anyone seems to care to be interested in anyway. I guess I know how the Chief Justice feels.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Politcal Snippets - What Does Matty P Think? - 6/15/2022


What does Matty P think?


I think Joe Biden is the worst President in US History. Had he governed to anywhere near his own positions that he held for most of his life, I likely wouldn't be of this opinion. But, no. Mr. Biden has allowed he's a terrible President, just terrible.

I saw a piece on Kamala Harris today that was recorded off the Tucker Carlson show last night. He had a Kamala Harris montage on there. I'm not sure she's a dunce, she made it through law school and stuff, but holy crap. She's like a space cowboy. And like Steve Miller said in the Space Cowboy, "Bet you weren't ready for that!" Nope. We are NOT ready for that.

January 6 hearings are a joke and a distraction. The Democrats are imploding in polls and at the polls across the country. November is looking worse for the Democrats than any election ever for a party in the majority in the House and the Senate. November will be brutal. But January 6th is all they've got. Why? Because if they give us more of the same incompetence that has them crashed in the polls it get worse for them, not better. So they're trying to 1) nullify Trump, and 2) change the subject from their own calamitous performance as the majority party.

Lefties: get lost on the woke bullshit. I'm sick and tired of the endless social justice stuff. I'm over it. That don't make me a bigot, a homophobe, or any phobe. It just means I really don't give a shit what color someone is or where they want to have sex and with who. Be a good person, that's all that matters to me. Stop forcing us to acknowledge shit that don't matter. Pride is fine. Now how about a little humility? Seeing a queer dude with boobs twerk in front of kids at a Pride Parade? Not just no. Fuck no. Assholes like that got plenty of pride. What they need is a little shame and humility. Show a little respect.

I don't watch network news. None: zero, zip, nada, not none, not any. I'll make an exception for a flood or a hurricane or an assassination or a war or something. But to hear a bunch of political hacks pretending to be journalists spin current events as per their silly echo chambers? Hell no.

$5.00 a gallon for gas, and pretending the choice in November 2020 had nothing to do with it? Stupidity.

I haven't seen 2000 Mules, but I know enough about it to say that the allegations fall into 3 categories: 1) stuff that has other, logical explanations than the ones D'Sousa brings forward. 2) Stuff that really happened but which the left thinks is perfectly ok but I don't. The ballot harvesting, collecting, etc. 3) Stuff that's dead wrong, mules going box to box to box stuffing them, which lefties know damned well was wrong and not only lie to say it's not wrong, but act like George Costanza on Seinfeld, feigning total perplexity and phony baffling. "Was that wrong? Really? I didn't think that was wrong? Did you? Wow. I can't believe you think someone did something wrong. It's not wrong to us, and it's been debunked, anyway."

I'm glad Roe V Wade is about to be overturned. Be reasonable in pushing for abortion rights, I might support you. Be unreasonable, which you absolutely have been, and fuggedaboutit. I'm out.

I'm glad to see RINOs and Trump impeachment "yes" voters thrown from office by an electorate that is fed up with Mitch and the rest of the establishment GOP scum.