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Sunday, July 3, 2022

Immigration Reform 7/3/2022

I'm trying to write a blog post about immigration reform, but I can't find nor fit the words. So lemme just say this: the vast majority, by a mile, are hardworking people looking for the opportunity to improve their lives. Yes, there is human trafficking, drug smuggling, and there are some violent criminals among them. But again, the vast majority are NOT involved in any of those things. By a mile. The majority of whom I speak are people I want to see come here and prosper. Legally.
Immigration Reform NOW!
Our politicians from both sides of the aisle are supposed to make laws. One badly needed is a reform of immigration policy and infrastructure. Why?
Our economy needs these workers. Period. A vast majority of the workers I'm referring to come from Mexico. I see such workers all the time. From my perspective, these folks work their asses off.
We need to make it possible for the workers we need to enter legally. We need to vet each and every immigrant to limit the number of undesirable people: criminals, gang people, drug runners, human traffickers. Yes they are a small minority in the big scheme of it, but we owe it to ourselves to do our best to weed out those types, even if small in number.
Why isn't it fixed? Because our politicians like divisive issues. On both sides of the aisle they're dug in. Like many other issues, they treat compromise as failure. All or none. Our way or the highway. But in this case, as in many others, Win-Lose is Lose-Lose. Special interests like the situation as it is now. We elect people to argue for our position, so we will "win", but we don't elect them to actually solve the problem.
People who come here illegally are in the wrong, even though most are coming for the right reasons. Washington is in the wrong, no matter how indignantly right they and their supporters profess them to be right.
Reform immigration now!

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