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Thursday, August 1, 2024

When Trump Addressed NABJ and Other Stuff - 8/1/2024

ABC's Rachel Scott opened the interview by stringing every anti-Trump racial trope she could into her "question". Trump, as he is wont to do, fired back. The moral of the story is 'if you go full asshole on Trump, don't be shocked when he comes back at you just as aggressively, probably more so.'

There are several things I want to mention this morning, but first things first. I saw the entire interview Trump did yesterday with the National Association of Black Journalists. I give him credit. Considering the leftward lean of journalists in general, and the leftward lean of the Black community in our country, Trump went straight into a lion's den. Meanwhile, his opponent is using the same strategy as President Biden: teleprompters only, no Q&A from any journalists as yet, and certainly none from as hostile a group as this one was to Trump.

I'm glad that Trump didn't take any shit from her, but I do think he blew it on the "DEI hire" question. When asked if he considered Vice President Harris a DEI hire, he called her out for selling herself off as an Asian (Indian) woman, and now as a Black woman. Because she's half and half, I suppose she has the high ground on this, and I think he went all wrong in how he answered it.

President Biden seems to me to have called Vice President a DEI hire in a Memorial Day address this past May.

If I was to answer the same loaded question, I'd have said something like: "I don't know if she was a DEI hire. You'd have to ask Joe Biden that question. What I do know is that she isn't very good at her job. Her assignment to manage the border crisis has been a disaster. If we had a fair and impartial press, and she were held to the same level of scrutiny that Republicans are on the issues, especially the ones she's suddenly flip-flopping on, it would be obvious to everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear that she's not up to the job. Does that make her a DEI hire? I don't know. Only Joe Biden knows why he picked such an ineffective person as his Vice President."

Senator and Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance is in a bi-racial marriage and has bi-racial children. The trope the left is running on and on with about him is insanity. In other words, to be expected.
The second thing I want to mention is about the attacks on Trump's VP pick,  J.D. Vance. And I'm not going to waste a lot of space on it. It is simply this: The never-Trump wing of the GOP, the establishment bozos me and many others rejected which is why we have Trump in the first place were going to be dissatisfied with ANY person Trump selected is he chose someone other than one of their establishment types. Likewise, ANY GOP VP nominee is and was going to be attacked by the left.

The fact that the GOP establishment and Democrats don't like him gives me confidence he's a good pick.

A genetic male boxer, fighting in the women’s division in the Olympics, busted an Italian female boxer’s nose, leaving her crying and defeated in less than a minute.

This is far left lunacy. It can’t be defended. It can’t be explained away. And it can’t be undone. The woman who lost has had her dreams and efforts destroyed by far left lunacy. It’s asinine and stupid. I wish the victorious ‘woman’ could be put in the ring against the Olympic Italian male boxer in the same weight class and have their nose busted in the course of getting their ass handed to them.

Far left wokism. Some of you will be voting for it in November. Yeah, you will. You know you will. You’ll say you’re opposed to this stuff, but in the end you’ll vote against candidates who stand up against it and oppose it. The far left owns the whole of the left, yourselves included.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

D.C. Hearing re: Trump Assassination Attempt - 7/31/2024

On July 13th, myths and perceptions of the US Secret Service were destroyed.

I heard excerpts from the hearing yesterday, during which USSS Acting Director Ronald Rowe was grilled by U.S. Senators. This morning, just a couple of thoughts...

The way security for the rally was managed showed the superiority complex and incredible arrogance of the Secret Service. They didn't attend the 9:00 a.m. briefing with local law enforcement. They turned down local law enforcement's offer to operate a drone to assist with security. They didn't share their radio frequency with the locals, nor did they monitor the local police department's channel. They treated the locals like Barney Fife, perhaps beloved, but not to be taken seriously. If the Secret Service is so awesome, maybe they would have taken a little more ownership of the situation. You know, because it's their jobs and all.

Acting Director Rowe at one point talked about a "lack of imagination." I've seen a lot of bitching online about it being such a poor explanation. I think it's a perfect explanation, and it lays bare what is a huge issue in the 20/20 hindsight view of this USSS failure. The "lack of imagination" betrays their overwhelming and shocking complacency in providing security for Trump rallies. Yes, "rallies". I'd bet the security was awful at a lot of rallies leading up to the July 13th one in PA. Trump has done a lot of these things, and the Secret Service had gotten quite used to nothing bad happening. Complacency in the security business, just as it does in my business, aviation safety, kills.

Rowe and his predecessor are and were longtime associates, due to their USSS jobs, of the Bidens. While I know that they try to be impartial, they themselves actually believing, I'm sure, that they are and were, I can't help but think in the denials of additional security had a passive aggressive side to them. And I'm not for a minute discounting or ignoring that both Rowe and Cheatle are career swamp dwellers. We know the swamp hates Trump. The rallies require security manpower, resources, and cost a pretty penny. If Cheatle and Rowe hate Trump near as much as the rest of the swamp's amphibians do, it is no surprise to have learned extra security requests were denied.

I read that Trump is scheduled to sit down with the FBI to discuss the attempted assassination. I do not trust the FBI to look into the event. I do not trust the FBI to interview Trump, either. For over eight years the DOJ and FBI has shown extreme animus and bias against Trump. They have earned every bit of the distrust. I'm not even sure I'd talk to them if I was Trump, and if I did, I would certainly make sure I did so with a roomful of lawyers to sanitize my every answer and to be alert to every FBI attempt to entrap me. They have a track record of protecting the swamp and trying to ensnare Trump.

One closing thought. It is no surprise, not in the least, that nobody has been fired. This is, above all, what is wrong in the swamp. Jobs are permanent. Accountability and consequences are way too far removed from failure, small or large. Former Director Cheatle only went out because the outcry over her lying about the sloped roof, among other things, made the noise from outside the swamp unbearable and staying on inside it an untenable proposition.

The USSS and FBI have a lot of work to do to regain my trust and confidence. I'm not optimistic.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Quick Hitters - 7/29/2024

Just a few quick hitters for a Monday night....

Joe Biden wants to reform the U.S. Supreme Court. Joe Biden's brain is a bag of jelly beans. This is nothing but a left wing political move intended to de-legitimize the court. And Joe is the puppet out front, but he ain't behind it. For what it's worth, when Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hung on and on and on, I advocated for an age limit. I also supported same for Presidents, the Cabinet, Senate, and House of Reps. I guess Joe's puppeteers also want other reforms. I propose any and all reforms of SCOTUS must also apply to the Senate and House of Reps. As far as Presidential immunity goes, that's a hard no. We see what a hyper partisan Justice Department attacking an ex-President looks like. Let's not make this a new normal. No. Hell no. Fuck no, Joe.

No, my brain is NOT a bag of potato chips. Here's the deal: It's jelly beans!
 Vice President Kamala Harris is a real, dyed in the wool San Francisco far left politician. She's not right for me, not right for our country. No. Hell no. Fuck no. No go.

I will do my best to make sure nobody ever calls Joe Biden the worst President ever, and I can do it!

Big tech's leftist election interference has been in full swing since President Biden was un-volunteered by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and Harris. They're burying stories, biasing search results, and they have the full-on political activist fact checkers checking to make sure only facts unfavorable to Trump and favorable to Harris can stand on their own. Big tech's fingers are heavy on the scales of fairness. If Elon Musk hadn't have bought Twitter and X'd it out, I'm not sure where we could turn to.

Big tech is bad, and Google may be the worst of them.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Coup d'état to Save Democracy - 7/27/2024-2

Seymour Hersh, a famous and acclaimed reporter for 6 decades (Mi Lai Massacre), reported on the coup d'état that removed President Biden as a candidate and installed Vice President Harris as the Democratic Party's candidate. You see they had to, to protect democracy and all.... It's a joke... but not the funny kind. It goes something like this (tongue firmly in cheek)...


Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries walk into a bar. Who do they find there? Why it's Former President Barack Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris.

NP: "Fancy meeting you two here, what you up to?"

KH "Joe's going to lose the election. He's a vegetable."

BO: "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

CS: "Saint Obama, what're we gonna do? We could sic the Deep State on him like we did to Trump."

BO: "Nah, we only do that to Republicans and populists like that bastard Trump."

All: "Fuck Trump! He's a threat to Democracy!"

HJ: "Obviously, we're all on the same page."

NP: "I have a plan. Saint Obama, you call him up and tell him the Vice President has agreed to go 25th Amendment, and if he won't drop out, we'll remove him that way and destroy his legacy."

KH: "But I haven't agreed to do a 25th Amendment!"

NP: "You're going to replace him as Democratic Party Nominee."

KH: "Fuck yes! Call him Saint Obama. Call him, call him, call him! He'll listen to you! ....But what about our voters?"

BO: "Don't worry. Our voters are stupid."

KH: "Why are you saying our voters are stupid, Saint Obama?"

BO: "They're going to be so glad that our demented walking coma is out of the race, they'll vote for anybody."

NP: "Even for you, Kamala. Even for you."

KH: "Oh, what can be! I'm finally unburdened by that hair sniffing has-been!"


OK, seriously, though. I can't believe this isn't a crime. Maybe it is, but I don't know if that's blackmail or what. But regardless, at a minimum it's unethical. It's a real life coup d'état. Fuck yeah, it is. A sitting President forced to turn his back on 14,000,000 voters to save democracy. And the players who did it! I mean, holy shit!!!

All of this begs the question: If Joe is that far gone, and I do believe he is, then isn't Vice President Harris failing to uphold her constitutional duty by NOT invoking the 25th? Yeah she is. But as presumptive nominee, that's gonna look bad, ain't it?

Seymour Hersh - Sorry the substack link under here is pay protected.  Here's an excerpt:

Where We're At - 7/27/2024

One month ago today, Joe Biden's cognitive decline was laid bare in his debate with Donald Trump. In that time, an assassin attempted to kill Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania. Then the Republicans had a great convention in Milwaukee. Leading into the Convention, Trump named J.D. Vance, a young Senator from Ohio, as his running mate. Trump's speech started out great, but he started stumping like it was a rally, and I found it less and less interesting, until finally I went to bed. I think it was nearly over by then, but if I were advising him, I'd have told him to cut it off after 45 minutes.

On the other side, Joe Biden's cognitive decline created a panic. Donors threatened to stop donating, down-ballot Biden allies screamed and shrieked as they saw their political fortunes about to go up in smoke, tied to a an unfit geriatric with ever advancing dementia. The polls were looking grim. So, while calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy, the Democrats trick-fucked 14,000,000 voters with a switcheroo to VP Kamala Harris, a far left wing progressive who talks to the American people like she's a first grade teacher and it's our first day of school.

Democrats are really enthusiastic about Harris. I'll tell you what I think... (you knew I would)... I think they're elated because they knew Joe is a goddamned mushroom at this point and, "Hallelujah! We got us a candidate without a subscribe and save Depends incontinence undergarment subscription on Amazon!"

Which leads me to the main point of today's posting. Democrats and the media is gaslighting us so intensely to support Harris it's nuts. I've never seen anything like it. Before I go further, let me make it clear, the people I am criticizing here are the same people who cried "Russia, Russia, Russia" in 2016 AND who said Joe Biden was just fine right up till the debate on this past June 27th.

"Kamala Harris" Didn't raise money for bail for BLM rioters in 2020! Trump is lying."

"Kamala Harris wasn't the border czar."

"The border is secure."

"Donald Trump didn't really get shot. It was a setup!"

There is no fucking way, none, nada, zero, zip, zilch, to ever know when such accomplished and brazen liars are telling the truth. Me? I will never, ever, ever assume something I hear from Democrats is the truth. I will never, ever, ever assume anything I hear on legacy media is the truth again.

I am goddamned tired of sentences and sentence fragments being taken full out of context to portray their enemies (Republicans and conservatives) as evil and Nazi-like, and literally disappearing old stories that had been posted, published, or broadcast about VP Harris because now they hurt the cause. They have gone to great lengths to bury stories and to hide them from search engines, too.

Rated the most liberal Senator in 2019, left of Bernie Sanders, the media has bent over backwards to hide this GovTrack post.

There is so much going on, there are about 10 other things I might also write about this morning... for example the pro-Hamas terrorist supporters in D.C. this week and disparity in treatment compared to another famous group... the Biden DOJ settlement with Peter Strzok this week, which is a gift to a lyal soldier. He was very likely going to lose his case, so the corrupt Biden DOJ is settling, giving him a nice payoff for his good work attacking Trump. And speaking of Trump, he's going back to the attempted assassination site for another rally. I hope the USSS keeps their eye on the damned ball this time!

Joe Biden is the worst President in my lifetime. Kamala Harris will be worse. She's a California Progressive and she is wrong for America. Donald Trump is highly imperfect, and he was not my first choice. But he's worlds better than Clown 1 was and Clown 2 is.

By the way, who IS in charge of our country now? We know goddamned well it ain't Joe Biden.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

World Affairs - 2/20/2024

What follows has nothing to do with any politician or political party. And, with one small exception, it has has nothing to do with Trump, either.

I refuse to lose sight of how this shit started.


First, to the conflict in Gaza and Israel. I am sick and tired of all the antisemitism in our country and around the world over this conflict. I realize that some closet antisemites out there are making all manner and sort of excuse for or rationalization for what the terrorist scumbags did on October 7th. Sorry, it don't wash with me. What's the right thing to do now, some 4 months plus down the line? Shouldn't the Israelis back off now? Things are terrible in Gaza. Yeah, they are. I hope it ends soon. If Hamas surrenders unconditionally and releases their hostages it will end. Or, if Israel completely eradicates Hamas, it will end. Everything and or anything else is bullshit that will enable the next subhuman scum from. Hamas to repeat these heinous acts. Fuggedaboudit. Surrender or Israel kills them all works for me.

Bad guy, good guy? No. Bad guy, bad guy.


Then you've got Ukraine. There's no legitimate connection between addressing the invasion of the US by migrants and Ukraine. None. And to you dopes who paint anyone who questions the way we're aiding Ukraine as "Putin stooges", GFY. Just because Putin is a bad guy DOESN'T make Zelensky a good guy. Got it? That's the bottom line. Zelensky is corrupt, too. Being the enemy of our enemy isn't enough to give all this money, all these arms, and look the other way as it disappears. We should NOT, nope, none, not at all, never, no, hell no, be paying bureaucrat salaries and pensions of Ukrainian officials. It's as if they have some kind of dirt on our leaders or something. We're throwing money away in Ukraine and fat cats are getting rich, some of them here in the USA from their kickbacks and payoffs.

And while I'm on the subject of throwing money away, President Trump said something that resonated with me. He said ALL future foreign aid ought to be in the form of loans, not gifts. He's 100% right, again. Even if we never collect, these countries should and would owe us. I like it.

Here they come... and come... and come.


Our border is a disaster and it is a separate and distinct issue from anything overseas. We have human traffickers, fentanyl smugglers, and terrorists entering our country EVERY DAY. Them people in our government who PURPOSELY allowed this need to be held accountable. The answer ISN'T beefing up our infrastructure so that this level of migration can be accommodated. That's not securing our border, it's securing the door in the wide open position.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Open Letter to Trump and Trump Supporters - 1/22/2024


A recipe for a 2024 loss is written by kooky kooks, I mean cooks like Laura Loomer.

This blog today is intended for the obnoxiously vocal Trump supporters on social media. Some not so random feedback you need to hear:

First of all, I didn't somehow become less patriotic, less of an American, less of a conservative because I preferred Governor DeSantis to Donald Trump in 2024. I've been called a RINO, a Democrat, ungrateful, and disloyal. Stop it. My votes don't belong to anyone but me. I happened to have thought, and still do think, that Ron DeSantis would have made a more effective President than Donald Trump was or will be, if elected. Read this carefully: I am entitled to my opinion, even if it's different from yours.

Moving on: would you stop attacking in celebratory victory dance, waving discarded DeSantis campaign signs and flipping the bird at all us "losers" who preferred DeSantis. What should you be doing instead? How about trying to get Trump elected? Because, you know, my biggest reason to support DeSantis was my fear of how the left will come together and unify to defeat him. Well, the shit you're doing, calling everyone that wasn't with you out as an enemy, it's not going to win in November.

He better fucking win, that's all I can say. I am not sure how we fare as a Republic after four more years of this leftist shit running the show. If Trump loses, AGAIN, it is on you. I don't see Trump doing anything different to win the swing voters who hate him. I don't see anything different to stop the election fraud and gamesmanship for last time.

I'm just saying, it's time for you folks to figure out who the enemy is and rally to fight them. Fighting me and everyone like me who dared to be disloyal isn't going to help Trump in November. It will do the exact opposite.

I should close by saying that I donated more to Trump in the last 8-1/2 years than the average five Trump supporters this combined. I rallied for him here in Florida. I voted for him in 2016 and in 2020. I have been a conservative since before many of the social media influences who are making these moronic pronouncements about DeSantis supporters were out of grade school. I have voted Republican since Reagan, even when my preferred candidate wasn't the nominee, many times to vote against the other side more so than for ours.

One last thing, and this is for Trump himself: Mr. President, you may think Laura Loomer is entertaining. Well, she's an asshole and she and "influencers" and "disrupters" like her will lose you the election with swing voters and undecideds. I realize she plays well to your core voters. Well, you already have their votes. Time to campaign for the one's you don't, and Laura and her kind will not get them for you. Nope. Not even a little. I know you won't listen, because you don't. I get that. I'm just tellin' ya.