Reading a piece by John Solomon this morning, especially as it is titled: "Newly declassified evidence casts doubt on Obama intel assessment about Russia’s election intentions" got me thinking, 'Where and how does President Obama fit into all of this?' But as a primer, first, I suggest you read the piece, and then, know that I do believe that there was at least at some level, a conspiracy to impact the 2016 Presidential Election by damaging candidate Donald Trump, AND to undermine both President Elect Donald Trump and President Donald Trump, an American coup d'état. Who are the conspirators, and why hasn't anyone been indicted yet? Here's a link to the Solomon piece:
Just The News - John Solomon.
The Russians meddled in the 2016 election. Don't be a douchebag and presume that because I believe there was a coup attempt that I am in denial of that fact. They meddled. It's most likely, in my opinion, that they played it both ways, trying to help President Trump AND trying to help Hillary Clinton. Why would they try to help both? Because their goal wasn't to see either elected, their goal was to sew discord and discontent. They succeeded.
John Brennan, Obama CIA Chief might as well have been KGB | Chief. |
So who were the conspirators in the coup? I feel certain John Brennan is one of them. As head of the CIA under President Obama, consumed by his own power and deluded sense of righteousness, Brennan is a scumbag who in the past voted for the Communist Party candidate for POTUS. I believe he was the primary conspirator.
The other conspirators?: Hillary Clinton. James Clapper. James Comey. Andrew McCabe. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sallie Yates, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, and a half dozen, up to maybe a dozen more. Whether or not the conspirators ever pay for their deeds is debatable, if not highly doubtful. The swamp protects its own. These pieces of shit are the swamp's apex predators. Drunk on power and self-importance, the rest of the swamp grovels for scumbags like these people. They'll cover for them in hope of winning favor and receiving favors once these corrupt bastards return to their 'rightful' places at the seat of power.
Hillary Clinton - Paid for phony dossier: Clinton Campaign paid Perkins Coie LLP who in turn paid Fusion GPS, which hired Christopher Steele who produced the Steele Dossier |
James Clapper - Sold the Trump Russia collusion hoax on the TV news circuit. |
James Comey - Tried to blackmail Trump with phony dossier allegations. |
The media are co-conspirators, too. Select reporters, producers, and executives at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, Washington Post and others facilitated the coup by airing partisan propaganda and calling every suspicion and question about the coup d'état a conspiracy theory and calling the questioners "tin foil hat conspiracy nuts".
President Obama. |
What about President Obama? Wasn't he a conspirator? Personally, I don't think so. I think Obama was fed the same line of bullshit about Trump, Papadopoulus, Page, and the rest that the press was. Just like Bush and the WMD in Iraq controversy, and like Trump is taking advice on Coronavirus, I think Obama trusted his intel and in this case his law enforcement people, who told them they had stuff on Trump and Trump associates. But I do not believe, until I see or hear evidence otherwise, that in a smoke filled room, late at night, President Obama gave the green light to a coup d'état. Sorry, I don't. When Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Yates, and the rest told him they were investigating these guys' ties to the Russians, I think like ANY other president would have done, he said, "OK, see what you find. Keep me informed", or words to that effect.
Is the Crossfire Hurricane shit ever finally going to hit the fan? I don't know. I hope so. I ain't holding my breath. I do hope that Carter Page and George Papdopoulis win big legal settlements. I hope Lt Gen Michael Flynn is exonerated and sues the shit out of these bastards. And I hope President Trump pardons Roger Stone. I'm not sure how I feel about Paul Manafort or Michael Cohen. Frankly, I don't give a shit how their futures play out.
Of course Russia attempted to interfere. Every government in history has and will continue to do the same. Us included. Don't ever think otherwise. Meanwhile we need to take our own back, put them under a magnifying glass, kill a butt load of safeguards they, the elite, have put into place and keep everyone as honest as possible and prosecute the living hell out of any bad players.