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Monday, June 22, 2020

6/22/2020 The Disgusting NACAR Noose *caution: profanity*

I don't know who is responsible for the Bubba Wallace noose, but fuck whoever it is. Fuck them today, tomorrow, and forever. Fuck em fuck em fuck em. If the preceding leaves you unclear or unsure how I feel about someone putting a noose in a black person's place of work or play, read it again. I don't like that shit none.

I think it will be interesting to learn how it got there. Here are my suspects and the chances each is found to be the culprit (assuming a culprit is ever found):

50% A scumbag white racist bastard put it there. Why not 100%? That'd be too easy.

20% A scumbag leftist political activist trying to perpetuate the fires of the race war currently being kindled. I believe there are evil activist bastards working hard to divide us every day and night.

10% Bubba Wallace did it himself. I don't know shit about Bubba Wallace, but Jussie Smollett. Yeah, Jussie fucking Smollett damnit is why I think that's very possible. Don't blame me for thinking that, blame Jussie.

10% The goddamned CIA or some other covert government group did it. Why? To divide divide divide us. Sooooo much easier to control us when we're at each other's throats instead of unified.

5% Someone thought they did some funny shit. Shit that ain't funny no way no how.

5% Someone I wouldn't even imagine would ever do it did it. Because sometimes it ain't what it seems.

I'm not OK with it no matter who did it or why they did it. Am I too cynical? Maybe so. But it's 2020 and I disbelieve way more of everything I hear than ever before in my life, and for good reason.


  1. Man do I love your honesty - keep it up Matty P.!

    1. I can't remember being as angry as I am about what's going on in our country.
