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Saturday, June 27, 2020

6/27/2020 Who’s the Masked Man?

I’m not arguing against masks, and if a bullshit make debate breaks out here I’ll just delete this. I’ve been wearing surgical masks when I go places. But here’s my honest question:

I understand N95 masks filter what you breathe in, but not what you exhale, so if someone has the virus and wears one, when they exhale it isn’t filtered out, it’s expelled into the environment.

And I also read that surgical masks filter when you breathe out, not in. To keep sterile ORs sterile. So if you’re in an infected environment they may not help you as well as an N95 would. I also read that surgical masks, due to moisture we exhale, need to be swapped out every 1/2 hour or so.

And lastly, the cloth masks many of us are using don’t do much to help at all.

So what kind of mask are you using, and what do you recommend someone else who’s being cautious and considerate should use to protect themselves AND minimize transmitting the virus to someone else?

I’m not fighting the masks. I’m just confused as all get up. I don’t have a lot of faith on the masks, but I’m virtue signaling and also wearing one to avoid criticism. In truth I’ve decided staying isolated works better for me than a mask does. But that’s just me.

“Who’s that?”
“Over there! Him?”
“Yeah, him. Who’s that masked man?”

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