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Friday, March 27, 2020

3/27/2020 Coronavirus Quick Hitters

Things have been different for us all during this pandemic. We're eating at home more. I'm checking on mom and my siblings a little more often than usual. Our social circle, like mostly everyone with a conscience and common decency, has shrunk considerably. Things will get back to normal. I'm going to keep telling myself that till they do.

My 401k and retirement investments took a beating. It's amazing, considering how much hard work and discipline went into saving for retirement, to watch it erode like the sand coming out from under you feet at the beach after a wave washes over them, then rushes back to the sea. Things will get back to normal.

Chloroquine is going to turn out to be an effective treatment for this virus. Effective treatment will be the game changer we need for things to get back to normal. Game changer.

Testing, 1,2,3. Testing 1,2,3. We were slow to get off the starting blocks with testing, but we sure are testing now. Not surprisingly, more tests are identifying more people infected with the virus. Many made valid critique of the Trump Administration's slow start in testing. They've rectified that. Yesterday I read that the tests that the Spaniards and Italians got from China are only 30% effective in identifying Coronavirus. Didn't anybody test those tests? Testing 1,2,3. Testing 1,2,3.

The news was bonkers last night. "The U.S. now has the highest number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in the world!" Well no shit. Testing 1,2,3. Testing 1,2,3. When you test more and more people, you find more and more cases. Does anyone really believe we have more cases than China does? You do? Have you been tested for stupidity? Testing 1,2,3. Testing 1,2,3.

I don't know that it will ever be proven, and it's more likely that even if it is the Chinese will deny it forever, but I believe Coronavirus was on the loose before December 2019/January 2020. Travelers to and from Wuhan transported the stuff around the world, and likely more like October or November of 2019, maybe even sooner.

The more testing we do, the lower the mortality rate will be. I'm not a scientist. I couldn't decipher the data even if I had it. But if we start wide scale, random testing, and can add testing for the Coronavirus antigens, too, meaning testing people who have an immunity, too, we will find out a lot more people had this crud than we ever thought. Yep. More Testing 1,2,3. Testing 1,2,3. We may even find out the severity of the reaction to it, closing businesses and all the rest, was overkill. But if you ask me, overkill to prevent deaths is erring on the right side of things.

I don't believe that this pandemic is the result of Chinese bio-warfare aimed at damaging our economy because we were gaining leverage and working toward an upper hand. Whether the origin was unsanitary food conditions or an escaped bio-weapon, who knows? If it was an accidental bio-weapon release, the Chinese will never admit it and we'll never prove it. But regardless, it doesn't seem plausible to me that the Chinese did this on purpose as part of their scheme of global domination. Stop thinking that.

Shame on the Congress and Senate for packing the relief package with pork. I advocate new legislation that under a national emergency any legislation to address a specific national emergency can ONLY include items specifically to address the emergency. If they want to make a deal on the side, that's one thing, but putting shit that has nothing to do with the emergency in there opportunistically? No. Stop doing that!

Nothing has happened, not one single thing, since this pandemic, that has made me wish that Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, or Michelle Obama, or anyone else, other than Trump was president right now. Nothing. Yeah, he calls the virus from China a Chinese Virus. Sure, they were quick to close the travel lanes from China, but a little slow to get the testing started. Yes, he presided over cutbacks to some of the previous federal bureaucracy that was in place. The team he assembled, and the work they are doing reassures me that those cutbacks were the right thing to do. In my wildest dreams I can't conjure up visions of Joe or Bernie briefing us on this crisis and feeling lucky they're at the helm. If you really, really do, then vote for them.

Drs. Birx and Fauci have been phenomenal in dealing with this pandemic and explaining it to us on a day to day basis. President Trump is well advised to keep them engaged and front and center. Each in their own way, I have become a huge admirer of both. I really don't give two shits if you don't like Fauci because he's a friend of Hillary Clinton. If you measure every single goddamned issue and person that way, you're no better than never-Trumpers and Resisters, a bunch of losers so blinded by partisanship that your morality, that your good vs. evil, is predicated more on who did it than what they did. Stop doing that! It makes you look stupid.

And finally, I read a letter to the editor yesterday, I think it was in the Wall Street Journal. May have been the NY Post, I'm not sure. But the letter ended with this (paraphrased): "It's time to stop fighting each other, we have this virus to fight." I get a sense that so many want to be on the winning side of a win-lose equation in which Trump is the loser, that they'll take illogical and detrimental positions just because those positions counter Trump's. Trump's rising approval numbers during this crisis show that it's not working. Trump's handling of this crisis will get him re-elected, if you ask me. We're in uncharted waters here. Irrational second-guessing predicated on your hatred of the man is largely unconvincing and ineffective.

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