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Thursday, September 10, 2020

9/10/2020 The Bombshell Game

Day in and day out we're being bombarded with incredible hyped stories of the evils of President Trump. Just a few days ago it was alleged in the Atlantic that President Trump disrespected the warriors buried in a WWI cemetery in France. The Atlantic "bombshell" cited "unnamed sources". Fully two dozen witnesses to actual event have stated on the record that the the President didn't say the things he was alleged to have said. Unnamed sources vs. two dozen on the record statements that stab the credibility of the Atlantic piece directly in the heart.

Yesterday the next "bombshell" was launched. Writer Bob Woodward released a recording of a conversation he had with President Trump in which Trump talked about his intent to downplay the virus in a manner that wouldn't incite panic (paraphrasing). The recording was made on Feb 7, which is relevant because public policy and what was known about the virus was much different than what was known two months and even just one month later. It was only in the very last days of January that the World Health Organization first started talking about possible human to human transmission. City, State, and Federal officials everywhere in the US were downplaying the virus on Feb 7th, encouraging people to eat in restaurants, shop in stores, etc. But, knowing how short our memories are, and how unlikely TV news watchers and newspaper readers are to put the comments into a contextual timeline, this was breathlessly reported far and wide last night. It still percolates and resonates with Trump detractors and opponents, some of whom understand the contextuality of the Feb 7th date.

This kind of "bombshelling" will continue to the election and beyond if Trump is reelected. It's intentional and it's intended to sway voters. Period. If you're sick of it AND you're committed to supporting Trump/Pence through thick and thin, then I suggest you can fight back by playing The Bombshell Game. Molly Hemingway, one of my favorite political analysts and pundits predicted the string of bombshells will continue on Fox News.

The Bombshell Game is a little bit like a drinking game, except instead of taking a drink every time one of these bogus bombshells is played out on TV, Internet, radio, and in print you make a donation to Bombshell Game Contributions. You decide what you can afford for Bombshell Game stakes. And bear in  mind there will be a bombshell every 2-3 days, which could mean 20 more, maybe 25, or even 30. So you may only tally $1, or $2, or $5. If you're a higher roller, then maybe $10 or $25 or $100 even.

I can't think of a better way for Joe Sixpack and all the other regular Americans for whom Donald Trump is our only and last best hope to make the bombshelling of the American electorate with bogus allegations backfire than by connecting a surge of campaign contributions to each and every bogus bombshell.

So, great Americans, will you play along? Will you play The Bombshell Game?

Trump Campaign Contributions The Bombshell Game

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